Li Ke has always been on Zhao Chen's side.

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, Li Ke always safeguarded the rights of the royal family. Zhao Chen, as the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty now, may be the prince of the Tang Dynasty or even the emperor in the future.

Qin Huaiyu treated Zhao Chen like this today, which certainly made Li Ke feel a little uncomfortable.

Anyone can figure this out, except Qin Huaiyu himself.

Who doesn't know that Zhao Chen let Hou Junji go in order to save more people's lives.

If we really want to fight Hou Junji to the death, no one will be able to gain any benefits. ??

But even so, Qin Huaiyu still felt that Zhao Chen was sorry for him.

Li Ke felt a little unworthy of Zhao Chen.

He has been following Zhao Chen for a long time. Qin Huaiyu also sees how Zhao Chen treats the people around him.

In comparison, Qin Huaiyu himself really didn't pay much to Zhao Chen.

Blaming Zhao Chen is the most inappropriate thing to do.

"Qin San has always been worried about Uncle Qin's death. Suddenly he heard that Hou Junji had escaped. I can understand that it was difficult for him to accept it."

"And I did not inform Qin San of this matter in advance, otherwise he would not have done this." Zhao Chen and Li Ke said.

"Brother Emperor, if you still speak for him, I guess that guy still doesn't know what to say about you behind your back?" Li Ke shook his head.

He just thought about it from the perspective of a normal person.

If it were him, he would definitely speak ill of Zhao Chen behind his back.

Zhao Chen just smiled slightly.

It is normal to have emotions when facing such things. If you encounter something difficult and unacceptable, you will definitely lose your temper.

"Although Hou Junji ran away, we have now won a round. As long as Hou Junji is still alive in this world, we will have a chance to find him and take revenge." Zhao Chen continued to talk to Li Ke.

Li Ke nodded, and then sighed: "Anyway, I can't defeat the emperor brother, no."

But I will always be on your side, Brother Huang. It would be best if Qin San can figure it out on his own. If he can't figure it out, I, Li Ke, will not let him bully Brother Huang! "

Zhao Chen did not answer Li Ke's words. At this moment, the soldiers' voices suddenly came from outside.

It was said that Qin Huaiyu and Cheng Chumo came to pay their respects.

"Are you looking for a helper to come over?" When Li Ke heard that Cheng Chumo had also come over, he immediately thought that Qin Huaiyu had asked Cheng Chumo to come over as a lobbyist.

The expression on his face fell instantly.

"Brother, you have seen it now. I mean, Qin Huaiyu has a small belly and chicken intestines. You helped him like that, and he still feels that he is not wrong."

"Look, look, that guy now..."

Li Ke was full of resentment and was about to talk to Zhao Chen about his dissatisfaction with Qin Huaiyu.

But Zhao Chen looked over with a somewhat displeased expression.

So he immediately cut off what he was about to say.

"Li Ke, do you know what you look like now?" Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke and asked expressionlessly.

"What's it like?" Although Li Ke felt a little guilty, he still asked.

"Like a slanderer!"

"What if Qin San doesn't necessarily come here, so you draw a conclusion for him first?"

"Are you a tapeworm in a person's stomach or something like that? Do you know what he is thinking?" Zhao Chen glared at Li Ke, his tone somewhat dissatisfied.

Li Ke felt somewhat aggrieved when he saw Zhao Chen talking about him like this.

I was obviously helping him, why did the emperor still blame me?

What did Li Ke do wrong again?

"What, you're not convinced?" Zhao Chen asked Li Ke when he saw that he looked a little unconvinced.

"No?" Li Ke replied in a sullen voice.

"Why don't we make a bet? If you think the two of them will come in and ask me for an explanation, you'd better come and apologize to me!"

"If I lose, I can promise you one thing."

"But if you lose, don't say these negative words in the future." Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke and said.

Of course Li Ke didn't believe that Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu came over to apologize to Zhao Chen.

After all, Qin Huaiyu didn't give Zhao Chen face today, and Cheng Chumo was standing by and didn't say anything to help.

Obviously Cheng Chumo was somewhat dissatisfied with Zhao Chen's actions.

Now Zhao Chen said that the two of them came to apologize to him, and Li Ke felt that this matter was very suspenseful.

"Then, brother, let's make an agreement like this. If the two of them are not here to apologize, you have to promise me something." Li Ke nodded, agreeing to the bet.

"Let the two of them come in!" Zhao Chen shouted outside the door.

Qin Huaiyu stood at the door, waiting for the soldiers to pass the news, but he was still a little worried.

He didn't have any confidence in his heart, and he didn't know if Zhao Chen was angry too.

Thinking of how he treated Zhao Chen today, Qin Huaiyu couldn't help but regret it.

Now standing here, Qin Huaiyu just wants to slap himself twice.

Cheng Chumo saw that Qin Huaiyu was a little restless and understood what he was thinking.

He comforted him and said, "Don't worry, Zhao Da, don't you understand? He won't be the same as us."

"You admit your mistake to him later, and he won't say anything!"

Qin Huaiyu did not feel any relieved because of Cheng Chumo's words.

When the soldiers heard Zhao Chen's words, they

Let two people go inside.

Qin Huaiyu took a deep breath and was the first to walk into the house.

Standing in the hall, Qin Huaiyu lowered his head, not daring to look at Zhao Chen's face.

Cheng Chumo stood aside and opened his mouth several times to break the awkward atmosphere, but he really didn't know what to say.

Li Ke stared at Qin Huaiyu in front of him, his expression a little ugly.

He thought that if Qin Huaiyu came to trouble his brother again, he would definitely vent his anger on him.

Since the emperor's brother lost the bet, he couldn't take advantage of it in vain.

"Have you been drinking?" Zhao Chen raised his head and looked at Qin Huaiyu in front of him.

"Drink a little!" Qin Huaiyu nodded slightly, his eyes falling on his feet.

"Drinking is prohibited in the military, you forgot!" Zhao Chen said again.

"Zhao Da, Qin San is in a bad mood, don't blame him." Cheng Chumo quickly persuaded Zhao Chen.

He was also afraid that Zhao Chen would really get angry and fall in love with Qin Huaiyu.

It would be bad if they broke up and broke up.

"Remember, the general will make mistakes and be willing to accept punishment." Qin Huaiyu knelt on the ground and admitted his mistake to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen glanced at Qin Huaiyu who was lying on the ground, and then walked over from above.

He supported Qin Huaiyu with both hands and said with a smile: "I have returned from a great victory with outstanding achievements. I haven't told your majesty about the reward yet. It's just a drink. It's such a big deal."

Seeing that Zhao Chen had no intention of punishing Qin Huaiyu, Cheng Chumo also had a smile on his face.

Then he smiled and said: "That's right, Qin San has made great achievements in capturing Huizhen this time. Zhao Da, you have to tell your majesty about Qin San's contribution."

"When the time comes, Your Majesty will be happy, maybe I, Old Cheng, can also be promoted!"

"You're so lucky, go home and give birth to a son!" Zhao Chen scolded with a smile.

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