Seeing a sudden fire on the opposite side, Niu Jinda did not dare to act rashly at this moment, so he could only retreat to Wuxu's side with the soldiers around him.

"What's going on? Why did the opposite suddenly burst into flames?" Niu Jinda asked Wu Xu.

But how could Wu Xu know what had just happened?

He was just waiting here, waiting for Niu Jinda to attract people to the opposite side, and he was thinking of ways to burn all the trebuchets in front of him.

But before he even made a move, the trebuchet opposite had already burst into flames.

It seems that besides them, there is another group of people also hiding in this camp.

But Wu Xu couldn't figure it out. Apart from them, who would try to burn down the trebuchets of Luoxi's army?

Huge flames ignited, and the Tibetan soldiers in the camp were running towards the place where the fire was ignited.

"Quickly put out the fire!"

"It seems there's no way to put out this fire!" .??.

"What is this black thing?"

"How could something so good suddenly catch fire?"

"Have you seen any strangers?"

The crowd was instantly filled with the shouts of Tibetan soldiers.

Pairs of Tibetan soldiers chased away from the fire, pouring water on the flames, but there was no way they could do anything.

Not only did the flames not become smaller, they exploded instantly when water was poured onto the flames.

Many soldiers were even set on fire.

There was no way to extinguish the flames of the trebuchets, but the soldiers could only watch as the trebuchets were burned in front of their eyes.

"Hurry up and push the rest of the trebuchets out of the camp!" A loud shout came from the crowd.

The Tibetan soldiers who were still stunned quickly took action and quickly transported the remaining trebuchets that were not ignited to other places.

"We have to stop them." Niu Jinda's face darkened. Although he didn't know the cause of the sudden fire, at least it helped them a lot.


When the Tibetan army wanted to move the remaining trebuchets elsewhere, they must not be allowed to complete it.

Otherwise, there would be so many intact trebuchets left, and their actions today would be in vain.

"Xiao Wu, I will take people to intercept and kill them. You find a way to burn all the remaining trebuchets." Niu Jinda said to Wu Xu again.

Now that the Tibetan army has been alerted, Niu Jinda's exposure of his identity at this time is tantamount to seeking death.

But Wu Xu didn't persuade them. At this point, they had no other option except burning all the trebuchets.

"I'll try my best!" Wu Xu said this again.

Niu Jinda smiled slightly, said nothing, and led fifty soldiers to charge towards the Tibetan soldiers who were pushing the trebuchet away.

"Enemy attack!"

"It's a Tang Army soldier!"

"It's Tang Army soldiers who are attacking us!"

"Come and kill them all!"

Niu Jinda led his men to rush behind the Tibetan soldiers and killed more than ten people by one person. Only then did the Tibetan soldiers react.

While shouting, he drew his weapons and fought with the Tang soldiers.

Although the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were brave and fearless of death, facing the Tibetan soldiers who were dozens of times their size, there was no possibility of counterattack.

He was pushed into a corner step by step.

Niu Jinda's face was covered with blood at this moment, including blood from Tibetan soldiers and blood spattered when several Tang soldiers were killed.

Looking at the groups of Tibetan soldiers in front of him, Niu Jinda had a wry smile on his face.

After all, you still have to die here!

I hope Wu Xu can successfully burn it again

Part of a trebuchet.

"Come, I am General Niu Jinda of the Tang Dynasty. Who dares to fight to the death with me!" Niu Jinda wiped the blood on his face, took off his Tubo costume, wiped the sword in his hand clean with his clothes, and shouted to the soldiers who were breaking through in front. Scolded.

"Niu Jinda!"

"You're looking for death!" Luo Xi rode a horse from the crowd to the front with a cold face.

He did not expect that the generals of the Tang Dynasty would be so crazy and dare to attack his camp with only such a small number of people.

He also burned dozens of trebuchets he had built.

Luo Xi was very angry. He must cut the cow in front of him into pieces to vent his inner anger.

"Luoxi, if you dare to fight to the death with me, how can you be a hero just by hiding behind!" Niu Jinda looked at Luoxi coldly.

Although he was seriously injured on the battlefield in Goguryeo, his body bones are no longer as strong as before.

But whenever Luoxi dared to fight with him alone, Niu Jinda vowed to take a bite of Luoxi's flesh even if he lost.

Luo Xi was not a fool. Niu Jinda was at the end of his strength. There were only a dozen soldiers left around him and he couldn't hold on for more than a few breaths.

Niu Jinda thought too well of letting himself fight alone with Niu Jinda.

"Niu Jinda, do you really think I'm a fool?"

"Whoever comes, kill everyone except Niu Jinda."

"I want to kill the widowed Niu Jinda in front of Li Shimin." Luo Xi ordered, and the Tibetan soldiers around him swarmed forward. The already exhausted soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were still no match at this moment.

In less than two breaths, only Niu Jinda was left standing in the same place.

Niu Jinda's eyes were splitting with tears, he had a few more deep wounds on his body, and his sword was once again covered with the blood of Tubo soldiers.

"Kill!" Niu Jinda said

After shouting, a man holding a sword rushed towards thousands of Tibetan soldiers.

Luo Xi had a ferocious look on his face, and was about to instruct the soldiers to capture Niu Jinda, when he suddenly felt a burst of rain falling from the sky.

Luo Xi was feeling strange. When he reached out and touched it, the rain turned out to be extremely slippery, and some of the colors seemed to be black.


"It's fire!"

"The black ones are those things that couldn't be extinguished with water just now. Let's go quickly!"

"It's on fire!"

Behind Losi, the outermost soldiers suddenly burst into flames.

No matter how much they rolled on the ground, the flames did not extinguish at all.

The soldiers who were contaminated with the black liquid just now were instantly ignited by the flames.

The raging fire burned the soldiers' bodies, and the people who were originally surrounded suddenly couldn't care about anything and fled around desperately.

Before Luo Xi could react, he was rushed outside by the guards around him.

Niu Jinda looked at the sudden fire with shock on his face.

Just like before, another fire suddenly ignited, as if a god was helping him again.

But even with these two fires, Niu Jinda knew that he had no place to escape.

Looking at the Tibetan soldiers who were burned into a ball and fled everywhere, Niu Jinda showed a look of relief on his face.

"Da da da..." In the distance, the sound of horse hooves came from a distance. Niu Jinda was holding a sword and was ready to kill himself.

In order to avoid being caught by Luo Xi, it would embarrass the emperor tomorrow and damage the morale of the army in the capital of Gaochang.

The sword was placed on his neck, and when he was about to draw it forcefully, Liu Junda seemed to see the cavalry leader in the distance, which seemed to be a familiar face to him.

"Zhao Chen?" Niu Jinda's voice was almost trembling, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

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