The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1595 Death is also a kind of relief

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Niu Jinda would have thought that his eyes were hallucinating.

Zhao Chen was obviously dead, but now he appeared in front of him again.

Niu Jinda's first feeling was that his eyes were blurred, otherwise such a strange thing would never have happened.

"What are you still doing?" It wasn't until Zhao Chen said this that Niu Jinda suddenly came back to his senses from the shock.

It turned out to be Zhao Chen, and Zhao Chen was still alive!

Niu Jinda instantly felt that his whole body was full of strength, and the sword that was about to kill himself also instantly slashed at the enemy in front.

"Boy Chen, it's really you!" Niu Jinda still couldn't believe it, even though it was Zhao Chen who he missed day and night.

He still thought he was dreaming.

There has been no news about Zhao Chen for a month, and everyone thought that Zhao Chen was dead.

There is absolutely no news of survival.

Both the emperor and Niu Jinda thought so.

But now?

Not only is Zhao Chen still alive, he also saved himself in the Luoxi camp.

Niu Jinda's first feeling was that it was incredible. He wanted to ask where Zhao Chen had been these days.

Why hasn't there been any news for so long?

Everyone thought Zhao Chen was dead, but why did he suddenly appear here again.

Niu Jinda had a thousand words in his heart, but after all, something seemed to be choking his throat.

Zhao Chen was dying, but he was still alive. This was what he cared about most.

"Uncle Niu, what's your expression? Watch it!" Zhao Chen felt that Niu Jinda was looking at him a little strangely, but at the moment the Luoxi army in front was running around, avoiding the fire rain.

Zhao Chen had no way to ask Niu Jinda in detail what he was thinking at this moment. He could only ask him to hold on tight and try to

To avoid being knocked off the horse's back.

Niu Jinda grabbed Zhao Chen's shoulders tightly, and suddenly thought of something, and quickly shouted, "Don't rush out yet, that girl Wu Xu is here too!"

"What?" Zhao Chen was stunned.

Wu Xu came to Luoxi camp?

What's the point?

"Hurry up and take Wu Xu back with me. We'll talk about other things later." Niu Jinda said quickly.

Now that Zhao Chen is back alive, many things have been solved.

Niu Jinda also didn't want to see a girl like Wu Xu die in this messy Luoxi camp.

No matter what Wu Xu had done before, Niu Jinda still felt that it would be safer for Zhao Chen to handle this matter by himself.

"Which direction?" Zhao Chen frowned. He didn't know what the emperor was thinking, but he actually asked Wu Xu, a teenage girl, to come to the Luoxi camp.

If he hadn't happened to destroy Luo Xi's trebuchet here, would Wu Xu and Niu Jinda be able to go back alive today?

"Northwest, he is in the northwest!" Niu Jinda pointed to the northwest with an urgent tone.

Now that the fire has spread, the entire back camp is in a mess.

There were only fifty soldiers around Wu Xu. If he was discovered by the Tibetan soldiers, there would be absolutely no hope of survival.

Niu Jinda was extremely nervous. Now that Zhao Chen was back alive, he also hoped that others could also save their lives.

"Come to the northwest, rush with me!" Zhao Chen shouted loudly. Behind him, more than 40 Tang cavalry guards who had been following him were on Zhao Chen's left and right, and they rushed toward the northwest together.

Losey finally escaped the danger of the fire and saw a group of cavalry running towards the northwest of his camp.

Luo Xi concluded at that time that these people must be cavalry from the Tang Dynasty and wanted to escape from the northwest.

The hundred trebuchets that he finally had people build were burned down by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty without even leaving the camp.

How could he fight this battle without a trebuchet.

They couldn't even break through the towers of the capital city of Gaochang.

After suffering such a loss, if Songtsan cadres knew about it, they would still let him go.

Now unless he catches the perpetrator Niu Jinda, Songtsen Gampo will definitely chop him alive.

"Deploy troops immediately to capture those cavalry, especially Niu Jinda. We must not let him go." .??.

"Even if it's just his body, leave it to me!" Losi shouted loudly at the general in front of him.

He still doesn't know that the cavalry that just rushed over were led by Zhao Chen, who he always thought died in his hands.

Otherwise, he would never just send people to catch the cattle.

It must be that all the hundreds of thousands of troops are dispersed, and Zhao Chen is bound to be captured.

The entire Luoxi camp was extremely noisy, with torches standing everywhere and Tubo soldiers running around everywhere.

Wu Xu led fifty soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. He was still thinking about what he should do to pull out the remaining trebuchets and burn them all.

Unexpectedly, before he could come up with a solution, the fire began to spread toward him.

Wu Xu didn't even know what happened, so he was pulled away from where he was by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty behind him.

When he looked back, he saw that the trebuchet in front of him was instantly swallowed up by the fire, and the rope was only in a short time.

It was destroyed by the fire, and the trebuchet instantly fell into pieces, and half of it hit the place where they had just been.

"Why did it suddenly catch on fire?" Wu Xu was still thinking of asking the Tang soldiers behind him.

But they were also astonished and had no idea what was happening in the camp.

"Miss Wu, stay here while we go find General Niu!" a Tang soldier said to Wu Xu.

"Such a big fire general, Niu, must be gone. It's useless for you to look for him." Wu Xu took it for granted that Niu Jinda thought of a way to put out the fire.

Since it was Niu Jinda who set the fire, and there were only fifty soldiers around him, how could he possibly escape from the heavily surrounded Luoxi army.

Running in to find Niu Jinda now would be a life-threatening act.

Wu Xu didn't want to see the Tang soldiers dying here in vain.

"We came here with General Niu, and we had no intention of going back alive."

"We will attract each other's attention later. Miss Wu, when you see the Tubo soldiers surrounding us, quickly find a way to escape." The leading Tang soldier still wanted to let Wu Xu escape.

In everyone's eyes, it was a great courage for a girl named Wu Xu to accompany them to the enemy's camp.

As a man, as a soldier of the Tang Dynasty, he would find a way to let women escape no matter what.

Wu Xu said nothing. Like these soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, he came here with no intention of going back.

He pulled out a dagger from his waist and said to the Tang soldiers in front of him with a smile, "Since we came together, let's go back together. I will go with you to find General Niu."


"There's nothing wrong with it. When things have developed to this point, I can't escape the blame. Death is also a kind of relief for me."

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