The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1597 They have hidden weapons

The scimitar flew forward against the backs of the two men.

The Tibetan cavalry behind him was about to throw weapons at Zhao Chen again, when a small arrow shot out from Zhao Chen's cuff towards the back.

In the dark night, the Tibetan soldier didn't react at all, and everyone only saw him fall straight down from his horse.

The other Tubo soldiers had no idea what happened, and they just thought that someone on their side accidentally fell down.

Others chased Zhao Chen and others without hesitation.

"Your Highness!" A Tang Dynasty cavalry shouted towards Zhao Chen.

Niu Jinda didn't know what the purpose of the Tang cavalry calling Zhao Chen was at this time. Just when he was confused, he heard Zhao Chen shout "Fight back!"

"Yes!" The Tang cavalry, who were about to be pursued, suddenly looked at the Tibetan cavalry behind them.

Niu Jinda and the Tang soldiers he brought had no idea what this meant.

Suddenly, he saw the Tang cavalry in front holding the reins with one hand and extending his other hand towards the back.

Only a whooshing sound was heard, as if something flew out of the ear.



The Tubo cavalry who were originally chasing them suddenly screamed continuously.

More breaking cavalry fell to the ground and were trampled to death by the horses from behind who had no time to rein in their reins.

what's the situation?

Niu Jinda and a group of Tang soldiers were even more stunned at this moment.

They never thought about how Zhao Chen and others defeated the Tubo cavalry who were about to catch up with them.

Why did these bumpkin cavalrymen fall off their horses and fall to the ground one after another?

This makes absolutely no sense.

"They have hidden weapons, be careful!"

"These are bastard Tang soldiers who used hidden weapons against us. I will never let them go!"


To catch them, you must not let them escape! "

The Tubo soldiers behind him also realized that Zhao Chen and others had used hidden weapons to deal with them just now.

At this moment, he was even more furious and chased Zhao Chen and others regardless.

"One more round!" Zhao Chen shouted to the Tang Dynasty cavalry without any hesitation.

Everyone turned around again, aiming their right cuffs at the chasing Tibetan cavalry from behind.

There was another rain of arrows, and dozens of Tibetan cavalry fell off their horses.

"This is a sleeve arrow!" Niu Jinda could tell at a glance.

He was just thinking about what on earth this thing was that could make the Tubo cavalry fall off their horses inexplicably.

Only now did he realize that this was the sleeve arrow that Zhao Chen had invented a long time ago.

It’s just that I haven’t used it much for a long time.

And this thing is probably not used by the army, but they didn't expect that on this occasion, they stopped the pursuit of the Tibetan cavalry behind them.

Niu Jinda looked at Zhao Chen in front of him, feeling indescribably excited.

Unexpectedly, I came here today to burn down the trebuchets of Luoxi's army, but I could still come back alive.

What made Niu Jinda even more unexpected was that not only was he still alive, but he also met Zhao Chen here.

This pleased him more than anything else.

The city walls of Gaochang Capital City can be seen in the distance ahead, and a troop is rushing towards this direction from Gaochang Capital City.

Niu Jinda knew that it was Li Jing who led the army to support them.

Their lives were saved!

"General Niu, are you okay?

"Li Jing saw a pair of cavalry running towards the capital of Gaochang from a distance.

He would naturally think that Niu Jinda had robbed someone else's war horse and fled towards the capital of Gaochang.

"I'm fine!" Niu Jinda's eyes were filled with excitement. The moment he entered the Tang Dynasty Lord's formation, Niu Jinda's whole body was trembling slightly.

"Duke Wei, all the trebuchets have been burned down!" Niu Jinda grabbed Li Jing's hand tightly.

Upon hearing that all the trebuchets were burned down, Li Jing also had a relaxed smile on his face.

The trebuchets were burned down, and the capital of Gaochang could hold on for a while longer.

When the reinforcements from the north arrive, it will be the day for their counterattack. .??.

"Just burn it down, so we can continue to hold on!" Li Jing said with emotion on his face.

Li Jing obviously didn't notice Zhao Chen helping Wu Xu down from the horse.

"Father-in-law!" Zhao Chen's voice sounded behind Li Jing.

Li Jing's whole body trembled slightly following this voice.

His eyes widened, and when he looked at Niu Jinda's eyes, they were all incredible.

There was even a little bit of doubt.

Li Jing opened his mouth and wanted to ask Niu Jinda if he heard wrong, but found that he couldn't even make a sound.

Li Jing turned around slowly, feeling that his whole body was stiff.

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, was that voice just now really the person I thought it was?


"Zhao Chen?" Li Jing's eyes finally saw the person standing in front of him.

He even suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes.

"Father-in-law!" Zhao Chen bowed slightly and saluted Li Jing.

"Zhao Chen, it's really you!" In Li Jing's eyes

He suddenly became excited and grabbed Zhao Chen's arm, fearing that the scene in front of him was just an illusion.

It wasn't until he felt that he was really holding a person in his hand that Li Jing could be sure that the person in front of him was really Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen is still alive!

"Your Majesty will be so happy to know that you are still alive!" Li Jing looked at Zhao Chen with excitement, and quickly responded, "Yes, yes, yes, hurry up and come with me to meet His Majesty!"

"Because of your matter, His Majesty came here from Chang'an. If His Majesty knows that you are still alive, he will definitely be happy to death."

Li Jing couldn't help but grabbed Zhao Chen's arm and ran forward.

It seemed that he was afraid that Zhao Chen would disappear in front of his eyes in the blink of an eye.

Niu Jinda, Wu Xu and others looked at Li Jing who was almost crazy, with understanding smiles on their faces.

Like them, Li Jing was equally excited about Zhao Chen's resurrection.

Zhao Chen is still alive, which makes them more excited than any news.

The Tubo cavalry did not dare to pursue them and could only watch as Li Jing's army slowly returned to the capital of Gaochang Kingdom with those who took back their trebuchets.

"What should I do now?"

"The trebuchet was burned and the people on the opposite side also ran away. How can the Prime Minister explain to His Majesty?"

"I thought I heard someone calling Zhao Chen just now. Isn't that Zhao Chen dead?"

"You heard it wrong, if Zhao Chen hadn't died, the Prime Minister would have been doomed!"

"Maybe I heard it wrong!" The Tubo cavalry slowly turned their horses and ran towards their camp.

Many people are also worried about whether the name of the person they just heard really shows that that person is still alive.

If that person was still alive, would they still be rivals in Tibet?

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