The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1598 Why aren’t you asleep yet?

Li Shimin tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

He knew that Niu Jinda led a hundred Tang Dynasty deadmen to burn Luo Xi's trebuchet.

But it's not that simple.

It reminds Ming that since he was worried that Niu Jinda could not burn down the trebuchet, he was also worried that Niu Jinda would die in the Tubo camp.

Niu Jinda was a veteran who had been with him for so many years, so it would be a pity to die here.

But Li Shimin had no choice. If the trebuchet was not burned down, the capital of Gaochang would be doomed.

At that time, they will face endless pursuit by the Tibetan army.

This is not what Li Shimin wants to see.

So he is very confused now. He is worried that Niu Jinda cannot complete the task. .??.

The sounds of military horses kept coming from outside, which made Li Shimin very anxious.

"Is there any news about Li Jing?" Li Shimin opened the door with his clothes on and smelled the guards guarding the door.

"Just now Lord Wei led his troops to respond. A fire broke out in the Luoxi camp. It must be General Niu who successfully burned down the enemy's trebuchet." The guard said to Li Shimin.

Hearing the news, Li Shimin breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

The trebuchet was burned, which was great news for him.

"Is there any news about General Niu?" Li Shimin asked about Niu Jinda again.

"I don't know yet, Mr. Wei Gong hasn't come back yet!" the guard said with his hands raised.

In fact, the guard felt that Li Shimin didn't even need to ask this question.

Niu Jinda only brought a hundred people there, and the trebuchet on the other side had been burned. How could the other side allow Niu Jinda to come back alive?

Unless a miracle happens!

But such a long time has passed, and the Tang Dynasty has been in a weak position. Where can this miracle come from?

Li Shimin was not talking, just looking at the night sky in front of him quietly.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Wei Gong has returned with General Niu!" Li Shimin, a soldier with a face full of joy, said


"General Niu is back?" Li Shimin was stunned at the time, unable to believe the authenticity of the news.

"Yes, General Niu himself and the fifty soldiers he brought out are back together!"

"Besides, I just saw King Han..."

"Wait, who did you say you saw?" Li Shimin immediately interrupted the soldier, his eyes widened, staring at the soldier in front of him.

The two fists clenched together unconsciously.

"It's His Royal Highness the King of Han, and he is bringing General Niu..."

The soldier didn't even finish his words. Li Shimin didn't even put on his shoes and ran forward with his legs open.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!" the soldier shouted from behind.

"Zhao Chen, we all thought you were already..." On the way, Li Jing was still thinking about Zhao Chen still being alive.

I came back to talk about it again.

"I never died. I was lucky. There was a river at the foot of the mountain, so I didn't fall to death!" Zhao Chen explained with a smile.

I heard that it was not the case in everyone's mind.

If it wasn't for the end of the road, how could Zhao Chen jump off the cliff?

The majestic King of Han came to the front line in person and defeated Luoxi's 100,000-strong army.

But he was forced to jump off the cliff.

If it weren't for good luck, how could I have come back alive!

Although Zhao Chen simply said good luck, everyone knew in their hearts that they really almost missed seeing Zhao Chen.

Wu Xu didn't speak. He sat on the horse and looked at the back quietly in front of him. At this moment, he felt a little uneasy. If Zhao Chen knew that he had joined forces with Tubo before, it was just to bring him back.

What kind of thoughts will I have in my heart when I stay in Gaochang?

He even put Li Ruoshuang under house arrest. Will Zhao Chen forgive himself?

Thinking of this, Wu Xu felt constantly uneasy in his heart, and his eyes were a little unnatural.

But others didn't notice anything unusual about him.

Everyone was thinking about Zhao Chen coming back alive.

Li Shimin was running quickly on the street with bare feet, and from a distance he saw Li Jing riding towards him on horseback.

And Zhao Chen was talking to Niu Jinda next to him. ??

Looking at the person he was familiar with, Li Shimin felt indescribably excited.

He has been emperor for so many years, and he has never been so out of control like today.

"Your Majesty, Li Jing, pay homage to your Majesty!" When Li Jing saw Li Shimin walking barefoot on the street, he immediately got off his horse and bowed to salute Li Shimin.

Li Shimin didn't look at Li Jing at all, but walked quickly to Zhao Chen and punched Zhao Yun hard on the chest, "You little bastard, I thought you died outside."

"It's okay, why don't you come back sooner!"

Everyone was silent.

They all knew that the emperor's feelings for Zhao Chen were real, and they had never seen the emperor love any prince like this.

"Isn't it busy? Besides, you write me letters from time to time. I don't know how to reply to you, so I just hide away for a while and be quiet!" Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"Little brat!"

"I'm just too good to you." Li Shimin laughed and scolded, but his hand tightly grasped Zhao Chen's arm, unwilling to let go at all.

"Let's go, you kid, come back with me now and tell me carefully what you have been doing these days. If you can't explain clearly, see if I can deal with you!" Li Xinmin didn't allow Zhao Chen to say anything else, and took Zhao Chen's hand and walked towards him. Walk behind the palace


Neither Li Jing nor Niu Jinda followed. The emperor must have a lot to say to Zhao Chen now. There was no need for them to follow him.

Li Ruoshuang had just fallen asleep when Xiao Ping'an fell asleep, and Wu Xu came over to tell him that Zhao Chen was back.

When she saw Wu Xu, Li Ruoshuang's face was full of disbelief.

Because he knew that if he went to Losi Camp to burn back the trebuchet, it would be impossible to come back alive.

Now that Wu Xu has not only come back, but also said that Zhao Chen has come back, how could Li Ruoshuang believe it.

He originally planned to go to the Luoxi Military Camp with Wu Xu, but Li Jing found out and was imprisoned in the Gaochang Palace.

Li Ruoshuang even thought that the Wu Xu in front of her was a figment of her imagination.

"Sister Ruoshuang, Zhao Chen is really back, and he is talking to the emperor now!" Wu Xu didn't know how to explain to Li Ruoshuang for a while, so he could only forcefully pull Li Ruoshuang's arm and walk outside.

Li Ruoshuang was sure that Wu Xu in front of him was not a ghost, but Li Ruoshuang didn't quite believe the news that Zhao Chen was still alive.

Zhao Chen is still alive, why has there been no news for so long?

Doesn't he know that there are still people worried about him?

Uneasily, he followed Wu Xu to the emperor's temporary palace. Before Li Ruoshuang could speak, a familiar voice came from inside.

"Old Li Tou, don't go too far. If you hadn't asked me to come to the front line, I would be holding my wife and children at home. I wouldn't feel comfortable!"

"This is all my fault. I didn't want to go home early, so I tried my best to defeat the Losi army..."

"Zhao Chen!" Hearing that familiar voice, Li Ruoshuang couldn't help it anymore, pushed open the door of the hall and rushed in.

"Ruoshuang, it's so late, why aren't you sleeping yet?" Zhao Chen turned around and asked Li Ruoshuang with a smile.

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