The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1613: Take advantage of this opportunity

There was no movement from Hou Junji for half a month.

During this period, Zhao Chen asked his generals to take back all the city land in Gaochang that was previously occupied by Tubo.

All the cities in various places were guarded by Tang soldiers.

A few days later, reinforcements led by Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu finally arrived from Goguryeo.

Zhao Chen was very excited to see the two of them again.

"Zhao Da, you're fine!" Cheng Chumo hugged Zhao Chen tightly.

It's an idiom that comes out of my mouth.

"How dare you still say this?" Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"That is, since you left Goguryeo, I have worked hard and studied seriously."

"This is nothing that can trouble me." Cheng Chumo looked at Zhao Chen with a proud look on his face.

Qin Huaiyu looked at the two of them with a smile on his face.

"Qin San, why don't you say anything?" Zhao Chen walked up to Qin Huaiyu and took his left hand to sit next to him.

But he didn't expect to reach out and pull out nothing.

Qin Huaiyu's left arm was empty, with only one sleeve left.

Zhao Chen's face turned gloomy. Before he could speak, Qin Huaiyu smiled disapprovingly and said, "I was careless when I killed that guy Huizhen."

Zhao Chen looked at Cheng Chumo who was standing aside.

Cheng Chumo looked ugly and said slowly, "In the last battle before we come here, Yeon Gaesumun sent Hui Jin to challenge."

"Qin San said he wanted to avenge Uncle Qin alone, so..."

Cheng Chumo shook his head. He knew that Qin Huaiyu had always wanted to avenge Qin Qiong.

So he didn't go to Qin Huaiyu's side to help him in that battle, which also caused Qin Huaiyu to have one of his arms chopped off by Huizhen.

Fortunately, Qin Huaiyu chopped off Huizhen's head with a single-handed knife.

"It's okay. What's the big deal? It's just an arm. Anyone who goes to the battlefield can guarantee that nothing will happen to him."

"Compared to those soldiers who died in battle, my injuries are nothing." Qin Huaiyu smiled and waved his hand, not losing himself at all.

Keep an arm in mind.

Although what Qin Huaiyu said made sense, Zhao Chen still sighed slightly in his heart.

If the emperor did not have an order to recall him to Chang'an and he still stayed in Shacheng, Qin Huaiyu would not have such a big thing happen.

"You two are here too today. We'll stay drunk tonight." Zhao Chen didn't mention Qin Huaiyu again and pulled Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu to sit down.

Jars of wine were brought to the table one by one. Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu's faces were red and they were already half drunk.

"Zhao Da, what are you doing in Gaochang? Why is that girl Wu Xu still working with Tubo to deal with you?"

"Is there something wrong with his brain?" Cheng Chumo put down his wine glass and looked at Zhao Chen with confusion.

Cheng Chumo didn't understand why this man seemed to have changed when he arrived in Gaochang.

He even cooperated with Tubo to deal with Zhao Chen.

What's more, it was a little girl.

"He must be in need of repairs. When I return to Chang'an, I will lock him in a room and beat him for three days and three nights to see if he still has a long memory." Zhao Chen said casually.

Qin Huaiyu smiled, Zhao Chen didn't do anything to Wu Xu in Gaochang, and he certainly wouldn't do anything to him after returning to Chang'an.

This guy has now learned to play tricks on the two of them.

"Hou Junji has been silent for so long, so should you go back to Chang'an early?" Qin Huaiyu asked Zhao Chen's plan.

Cheng Chumo also looked over, and he also felt that since there was no movement in Hou Junji, the battle here would obviously not happen in a short time.

Since there is no war, it is definitely not possible for Zhao Chen, the King of Han, to stay on the front line.

It is better to go back to Chang'an as soon as possible to save unnecessary worries.

"In about half a month, I will go back when our soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have pacified the entire Gaochang and added it to our territory of the Tang Dynasty."

"Gaoshan is included in the territory of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Is this appropriate?" Qin Huaiyu's expression changed immediately after hearing Zhao Chen's words.

After all, Gaochang is Gaochang. Although Gaochang almost suffered annihilation, don't think of classifying Gaoshan as the territory of the Tang Dynasty without any scruples. It cannot be justified outside.

"If there's anything inappropriate, I think it's appropriate." .??.??

"Now the king of Gaochang is gone, and the people in the capital city of Gaochang have been almost destroyed by the Tubo disaster. If it weren't for us Tang soldiers guarding here, where would there still be Gaochang?"

"The purpose of adding Gaochuan to our territory of the Tang Dynasty is to protect them. They should be happy. If anyone is unwilling, I will drive them out of Gaochang. If not, I will drive them out of my territory of the Tang Dynasty..."

Cheng Chumo's attitude was much firmer than Qin Huaiyu's.

Why is this territory that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty fought so hard to preserve, no longer the territory of the Tang Dynasty?

According to Cheng Chumo's opinion, the people of Gaochang Kingdom should be grateful for this incident.

Otherwise, if Gaochang was occupied by Tibet, they would still be alive.

The corners of Qin Huaiyu's mouth twitched. He knew that what Cheng Chumo said was reasonable, but not everyone would think so.

Mainly because it spread to other countries and the Tang Dynasty lost face.

Isn't this just taking advantage of the situation?

"It's okay in name. Anyway, we have tens of thousands of troops here. As long as we strictly order Gaochang not to have its own army, we, the Tang Dynasty, will send officials to govern here. Does it officially say that Gaochang is the territory of our country, the capital of the Tang Dynasty?" unimportant."

"What's more, Hou Junji is still commanding the Tibetan army and is watching with eager eyes. What dare the people of Gaochang say?" Zhao Chen smiled.

He has been in Gaoshan for almost half a year and has put a lot of thought into it.

It's not his style to go back empty-handed like this.

He wants to decide the land of Gaochang.

"By the way, do any of you two want to claim the land?" Zhao Chen looked at the two people in front of him.

"Fiefdom?" Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu froze when they heard these two words.


There was talk of the Tang Dynasty having fiefdoms, but that was only for the children of the Imperial Family of the Tang Dynasty.

The most accurate thing to say is that it should be aimed at the son of the reigning emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Only those people have the possibility of receiving fief rewards.

For example, Li Ke was previously named King of Shu, and his fiefdom was in Shu.

Another example is Jin Wang Li Zhi, whose fiefdom is in Longxi.

They were both the sons of the emperor. He and Qin Huaiyu were just ordinary generals of the Tang Dynasty. What qualifications did they have for fiefdom?

"This title of emperor is given by His Majesty to a prince like you, Zhao Da. We..."

"Don't be joking here." Cheng Chumo waved his hand, thinking that Zhao Chen must have drunk too much.

"Can the rules be changed? Gaochang needs generals to guard it. I trust you two. If you are willing, I can ask your Majesty to place Gaochang under your jurisdiction."

"Not talking about the whole of Gaochang, but there will definitely be no problem if one or two of the cities are given to you two, and if you guard them here, the emperor will feel more at ease."

"What do you think?" Zhao Chen said slowly while looking at the two of them.

Both of them had excited looks in their eyes, but they were not sure whether what Zhao Chen said was true or false.

They were silent for a while before looking at each other, and then looked at Zhao Chen, "We listen to you."

Hou Junji's troops all evacuated, as if something had happened to Tubo.

After half a year of hard fighting, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty finally put down the civil strife in Gaochang. At this moment, they were also exhausted and their morale was low.

After discussing with Niu Jinda and Li Jing, Zhao Chen decided to return to the court in ten days.

At the same time, the capital of Gaochang Kingdom.

Several people dressed in Gaochang clothes sat around a room, and they had an aura that was different from that of ordinary people.

Apparently they were some nobles from Gaochang.

"Your Highness, the Tang army may be withdrawing in two days. Should we take this opportunity to kill Zhao Chen?" Another person in the room looked at the younger man standing up and said in a low voice. .

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