The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1614: Want to become a citizen of the Tang Dynasty

"Yes, find a way to kill that Zhao Chen."

"It's because of him that the female devil came to our Gaochang, otherwise our King would not have died, and the country of Gaochang would not have become like this."

"And I also heard that Datang wants to completely occupy our Gaochang and classify our Gaochang as the territory of Datang, they bastards."

"Now that our Gaochang is controlled by the Tang Dynasty's army, how can we deal with this bad breath if we don't kill this Zhao Chen?"

Everyone in the room was talking about wanting to kill Zhao Chen. .??.

And in the middle of them is a young Gaochang man.

He is the prince of Gaochang who narrowly escaped from Wu Xu.

Hearing the chattering of the people around him, Prince Gaochang waved his hand impatiently, "That's enough. What's the use of saying these words? Can Zhao Chen be killed by saying these words?"

"Think of a solution quickly. That Zhao Chen will return to Chang'an soon. If we don't kill him, we will have no chance in the future."

As soon as he asked everyone to find a solution, everyone immediately stopped.

What solutions can they think of?

Zhao Chen must be surrounded by soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. They couldn't even get close, let alone assassinate him.

Arranging archers is even more nonsense. With such a long distance, who can guarantee that a hit will hit.

If they couldn't kill Zhao Chen and were caught now, it would be their death.

"Speak, you are mute, weren't you able to speak just now?" Prince Gaochang looked sullen and glanced at everyone.

No one answered, and everyone had a look of embarrassment on their faces.

"Your Highness, I have a solution here. I don't know if it is possible." A middle-aged man suddenly said.

Everyone looked at this middle-aged man.

"Tell me about it." Prince Gaochang nodded slightly.

"I have a kind of poison on my hands. It is extremely poisonous. As long as I eat it, no trace of it will come out.

He will be poisoned and die within a quarter of an hour. "

"Unless the antidote is taken within this quarter of an hour, and only one is left, if His Highness really wants to kill Zhao Chen, he can try to make him take this medicine in the hotel on the day he leaves. A pill, His Highness the Prince can take the antidote in advance..."

"What's the use of taking the antidote? I'll poison him myself. How can they let me go if Zhao Chen dies?" Prince Gaochang felt that the guy in front of him clearly wanted to kill him.

He went to a banquet with Zhao Chen, poisoned the banquet, and took the antidote himself.

Don't even think about coming back then.

If he kills Zhao Chen, will those people let him go?

What this guy said is simply nonsense.

"Then you can let others go..."

"How about I let you go?" Prince Gaochang said, staring at the man who spoke.

"I..." The middle-aged man was speechless for a moment.

He didn't want to die, and besides, he felt there was nothing wrong with this method.

He killed Zhao Chen and still thought that he would not be implicated. How could that be possible?

Is there anything in the world that you can get without giving up?

All the benefits were taken away by one person?

You can't even dream of doing this.

"His Royal Highness, don't you want to kill Zhao Chen? This method will definitely kill Zhao Chen."

"It should be impossible to think that after killing Zhao Chen, he can still leave safely."

"Then who is Zhao Chen? The King of Han of the Tang Dynasty. If he dies, I'm afraid our entire Gaochang will have to be buried with him."

"Since His Highness the Prince is going to take action, you shouldn't care about personal life gain or loss." The middle-aged man said slowly.

When the others heard this, their expressions changed.

They did not dare to see Prince Gaochang, for fear that Prince Gaochang would make this decision impulsively.

That would be really bad.

"Are you so afraid of death?" Prince Gaochang looked angry. ??

No one said anything, and many people were thinking, "Prince Gaochang, are you not afraid of death?"

Then why didn't you just agree to do it that way?

"Your Highness, you are the only one of my descendants from the Gaochang royal family. I think it's better not to take such a risk."

"Save your life so that the Gaochang royal family can be revived."

"What's the use of killing Zhao Chen? Will the Gaochang territory be returned?" Someone else said.

"Presumptuous!" Prince Gaochang was furious when he heard this.

What I wanted to do was to find a way to kill Zhao Chen and teach Datang a lesson. But now, these guys can't think of a way, and instead they badmouth themselves.

As ministers of Gaochang, is this how they treat their motherland?

"Your Highness, His Highness the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty returned to Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty this time. My subordinates decided to follow him and went to Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty together. I will bid farewell to His Highness today." The middle-aged man who had said that he had poisoned Zhao Chen stood up and said With.

He bowed to Prince Gaochang, then turned and left.

Prince Gaochang is all numb.

This guy who had just told himself that he was going to poison Zhao Chen turned around and said he would go to Chang'an with Zhao Chen.

Is this guy a traitor?

The expressions on the other people's faces changed drastically as they listened.

"What are you doing!"

"You bastard, you actually want to follow that Zhao Chen back to Chang'an..."


"Do not move!"

Before everyone's scolding ended, the door to the room was kicked open.

Dozens of heavily armed soldiers from the Tang Dynasty rushed into the room, and before Prince Gaochang and others could react, they kicked them all to the ground.

The leader is Niu Jinda.

"I originally wanted to let the remnants of your Gaochang royal family live, but I didn't expect that you would also want to murder me, His Highness the King of Han Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty."

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Niu Jinda said coldly, pulled out the sword in his hand, and stabbed Prince Gaochang's neck fiercely.

Blood spurted out, and Prince Gaochang fell to the ground softly without making a sound.

The rest of the people had long been frightened.

Seeing Prince Gaochang die in front of him, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat.

"General Niu, spare your life, spare your life!"

"We don't know anything!"

"General Niu, let us go, let us go!"

"General Niu..."

"Pull them all outside the city and kill them. Anyone who dares to misbehave with His Highness the King of Han will not be tolerated!" Niu Jinda wiped the blood from the sword with Prince Gaochang's clothes.

With a wave of his hand, everyone was taken away.

What happened in the inn room quickly spread to the street.

Looking at the menacing Tang Dynasty soldiers, every Gaochang people showed fear on their faces.

Even the prince of Gaochang kills at will, so ordinary people like them, their life and death are not always in the hands of the Tang soldiers.

Early the next morning, countless Gaochang people came outside the Gaochang Palace.

"General, please help us send a message to His Highness the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty. We want to become common people of the Tang Dynasty. Please allow His Highness the King of Han!" In the crowd, an old man in his eighties tremblingly said to the Tang Dynasty who was guarding the city. said the general.

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