The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1615: People are still very important

"What did you say you were going to do? The generals of the Tang Dynasty at the palace guard did not react for a moment."

The people from the capital city of Gaochang actually came here and told them that they wanted to become common people of the Tang Dynasty.

Generally speaking, no one is willing to abandon their homeland and become a citizen of another country.

Just like when Goguryeo ceded Shacheng to the Tang Dynasty, the people were unwilling to go to the Tang Dynasty.

Why do the people of Gaochang seem so different?

"General, we are all willing to become subjects of the Tang Dynasty. General Qiuqiu, please help us convey this message to His Highness the King of Han." The leading old man once again explained his purpose.

The eyes of other people behind him also showed expectations.

Even though he didn't know what happened, the Tang general turned around and said a few words to the soldiers guarding the city, then turned and ran towards Gaochang Palace.

"Sigh, I don't know if His Highness the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty will agree to us becoming subjects of the Tang Dynasty."

"I hope he will agree. Without Datang's protection, all of us would have no chance of survival."

"Who says it's not the case? Gaochang is located in a battleground between Tubo and Datang. Everyone wants to divide us. Even if we don't become subjects of Datang now, we will definitely be bullied by Tubo in the future. Compared with Tubo, Datang Don was a little more merciful.”

"Oh, to think that our country, Gaochang, has fallen to this point today, what a sin!"

Outside the palace, thousands of Gaochang people were waiting here, whispering about the affairs of Gaochang Kingdom, but no one was sure whether Zhao Chen would agree to them becoming subjects of the Tang Dynasty.

Gaochang Imperial Palace at this time.

Zhao Chen was talking to Niu Jinda about his next plan, when suddenly the general guarding the city hurried in.

"Your Highness, there is a large group of people outside the palace..."

"There's a big group of people around? Who are they?" The general was interrupted by Niu Jinda before he could finish his words.

"They are the people of Gaochang Kingdom. I'm afraid there must be five or six thousand people." The general continued.

"Five or six thousand people?" Niu Jinda frowned instantly.

He doesn't understand this

Why are the people of Gaochang gathering outside the palace?

Is it possible that Cheng Cheng wanted to attack the Gaochang Palace with five or six thousand people?

"What are they going to do?"

"Send people over immediately to disperse them!" Niu Jinda subconsciously thought that this was a gathering of Gaochang people looking for trouble.

Immediately, the general in front of me sent people to expel all the common people.

"General, they are not here to cause trouble. Their leader said that they want to become my subjects of the Tang Dynasty and asked the general to send a message to His Highness." The general looked at Zhao Chen and said.

Niu Jinda was stunned when he heard this.

Those Gaochang people actually wanted to become the people of the Tang Dynasty?

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he wouldn't have believed it.

In fact, everyone is the same. Who would be willing to give up his homeland and go to a strange country?

But these Gaochang people actually said with such great fanfare that they wanted to become people of the Tang Dynasty.

This is so unreasonable!

"Your Highness, I'm afraid this is not a scam. Those high-powered common people come in and say they want to become my subjects of the Tang Dynasty. This sounds very strange." Niu Jinda said to Zhao Chen immediately.

His idea was that even if Gaochang was to be returned to the territory of the Tang Dynasty, it would be impossible to easily believe these Gaochang people.

How could it be so easy to become a citizen of the Tang Dynasty?

"Okay, I understand. You go back and tell the people of Gaochang that in two days, I will send someone to deal with this matter. Just let them remember to come here." Zhao Chen said to the general in front of him.

"Yes." The general took the order and left.

Niu Jinda looked at Zhao Chen with a puzzled face.

He knew that Zhao Chen had the idea of ​​​​returning the land of Gaochang to the territory of the Tang Dynasty, but he always felt that these injured people said they wanted to become people of the Tang Dynasty so easily.

Somewhat unstable.

Can matters concerning a country's territory be resolved so easily?

Niu Jinda felt that Zhao Chen should be more cautious.

"Your Highness, would you like to send someone to check it out again? I always feel that those people have ulterior motives."

"How come you suddenly want to become my subjects of the Tang Dynasty?" Niu Jinda said to Zhao Chen.

"Didn't you kill the last prince of Gaochang this morning? You also killed every one of their high-ranking officials. This matter will definitely destroy the capital of Gaochang soon."

"The people of Gaochang will naturally realize that our Tang Dynasty is not as benevolent as they imagined. The attitude of those Gaochang officials indicates that we will take Gaochang back to the Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, why would we kill those officials?"

"We don't even spare Gaochang officials. Wouldn't those ordinary people be even more afraid?"

"Are they still unable to distinguish between the choice of life and death?"

"Your Highness, you asked me to kill those people on purpose, just to scare those guys?" Niu Jinda was a little belatedly aware.

"Sometimes killing someone is more effective than any other method, at least that seems to be the case now." Zhao Chen said slowly.

Niu Jinda looked at Zhao Chen. He believed in his own judgment. The Zhao Chen in front of him was really colder than before.

Where is the trace of kindness?

Niu Jinda even wondered if Zhao Chen would take action against the people of Gaochang if they did not take the initiative to seek refuge with the Tang Dynasty.

Although Zhao Chen is still young, his methods are much more ruthless than those two years ago.

This is both the luck and misfortune of the Tang Dynasty.

Niu Jinda is worried that Zhao Chen will one day become a ruthless judge.

"The people are still very important." Niu Jinda said this and did not continue.

Zhao Chen smiled slightly, of course he knew what Niu Jinda meant.

But he didn't argue with Niu Jinda about these things and was willing to surrender to the people of Tang Dynasty.

Those who can are counted as common people, and those who are unwilling are enemies.

Naturally, he will use all possible means to treat his enemies.

"How many people are ready to join the Tang Dynasty and become its subjects?"

"Who knows? I don't think there will be too many. I think the people on East Street have reported their names and family situations to the generals of the Tang Dynasty. I think the entire East Street will be empty."

"There is nothing we can do. Did you read today's notice? All land in Gaochang will be taken back to the government. No matter who it is, it will be redistributed."

"If the people of Gaochang are willing to surrender to the Tang Dynasty, they will be allocated land as soon as possible. As for those who are unwilling to surrender, I don't need to say more about the consequences."

"These people in the Tang Dynasty are really hateful. They use our land in Gaochang to embarrass us Gaochang people."

"It's not only abominable, but the question is, what can we do? Can we resist? Or do we dare to resist?"

"Nearly 100,000 people from the Tang Dynasty live in Gaochang. Who dares to say no? Gaochang itself is in constant civil strife. Now even the only remaining prince of Gaochang has been killed by the Tang army. Gaochang is hopeless!"

"I think it's better to just surrender to the Tang Dynasty. Anyway, the Tang Dynasty is now rich and powerful, and everyone is extremely rich. Maybe you can live a good life if you join them."


All the dissatisfaction turned into a thick sigh, and the people of Gaochang on the streets became quiet again.

In the next few days, a large number of Gaochang people came to the Datang military camp from all over to express their sincerity.

Almost all the people in the capital of Gaochang defected to the Tang Dynasty and became subjects of the Tang Dynasty.

But Gaochang is a small country after all, and even the capital of Gaochang only has 130,000 households.

But this is definitely a monumental achievement.

Everyone in this battle will be canonized after returning to Chang'an.

A few days later, stacks of rosters were stacked on carriages and prepared to be transported to Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

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