The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,616: Make the King of Han the Crown Prince? I object


Tai Chi Hall.

It has been two or three days since Li Shimin returned here. Fortunately, Fang Xuanling was there and nothing major happened in the court.

Today is Li Shimin's first morning court after returning to the court.

The ministers and officials gathered in the Tai Chi Hall, with smiles on their faces unconsciously.

They had just received news last night that the Tang army had won a complete victory in Gaochang.

Hundreds of thousands of Gaochang people were willing to take the initiative to become citizens of the Tang Dynasty.

The grace and power of the Tang Dynasty spread all over the world, and its momentum was like a rainbow.

As subjects of the Tang Dynasty, they naturally couldn't hide their excitement.

The Tai Chi Hall was filled with light and flowers, and two rows of majestic Qianniu Guards stood upright.

Everyone's face also showed pride.

If this news were not true, how could they dare to believe that Gaochang, as an important passage from the Tang Dynasty to the Western Regions, had now become the land of their Tang Dynasty.

You must know that not only the current emperor, but also the previous emperors, and even the pre-Sui Dynasty, have always been obsessed with the area where Gaochang is located.

It's just that due to various reasons, they couldn't take action against Gaochang.

But now...

The people of Gaochang Kingdom voluntarily became subjects of the Tang Dynasty, and Gaochang Kingdom was naturally also the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but admire His Highness the King of Han who was far away on the front line again.

What has not been accomplished by generations of people in the Central Plains has now been realized in Zhao Chen's hands.

And this has only been a few months.

His Royal Highness the King of Han is truly a great talent!

If our Tang Dynasty had a few more capable people like His Highness the King of Han, who else in the world would dare to go against our Tang Dynasty.

How did His Highness the King of Han become so powerful?

It would be really awesome if I could be as good as him.

I have always heard of His Highness the King of Han before, but I have never seen him. I hope I can see him in person this time.

It's a pity that His Highness the King of Han does not accept disciples now, otherwise I would have to work hard to get His Highness the King of Han to accept me as a disciple. \u003c


All the young courtiers and guards of the Taiji Palace sighed inwardly, their eyes fixed on the Emperor Li Shimin above.

Li Shimin also felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

He did not expect that Gaochang would be willing to surrender to the Tang Dynasty so quickly. With Gaochang, the Tang army could rush out of the Western Regions at any time in the future.

He, Li Shimin, had heard that there was a huge empire in the northwest of Gaochang, which was no less powerful than the Tang Dynasty.

If this is the case, Li Shimin would really like to compete with the empire to the west to see who is stronger.

"My dear friends, everyone has heard about Gaochang. Now that the Tang Dynasty has won a great victory, the people of Gaochang are willing to join us. This is a great joy. I will pass on my will and amnesty to the world for all minor crimes. , forgive all those who commit great crimes, and allow them to go home and be reunited for three months."

"The people in the Tang Dynasty will be exempted from taxation in one city and reduced from one month of corvee service."

"The order is passed down. On the day when the army is reorganized, officials of the seventh rank and above in Chang'an must go out twenty miles from the city to greet them. If they dare not come without special reasons, they will be dismissed from their posts and demoted."

Li Shimin's voice sounded faintly in the hall, and no one from the civil and military officials objected.

Light corvees and small taxes, releasing prisoners are all benevolent policies.

Normally all the officials would like the emperor to do this, but now who would object to the emperor issuing such an order.

"I obey the order!" All civil and military officials responded in unison.

The emperor nodded with satisfaction and looked at Wei Zheng aside.

Wei Zheng also looked at the emperor, then slowly walked out of the team, bowed his hands and saluted the emperor, and then slowly said: "Your Majesty, the battle of Gaochang involves the safety of our Tang Dynasty. The Tibetan troops are pressing down, not just to capture Gaochang, but to use Gaochang as a Springboard, trying to attack our country, the Tang Dynasty."

"The battle in Gaochang was very dangerous, but our soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were not afraid of sacrifice and dared to sacrifice. Only in this way were we able to repel the Tibetan army."

"Those who have meritorious services will be rewarded. I sincerely request your Majesty to pay large sums of money to those soldiers."

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty ensured the livelihood of their wives, daughters and parents. The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were killed in battle carved stones to commemorate their merits to show His Majesty's kindness. "

Wei Zheng's words caused many ministers to nod.

Of course they knew that this battle would only have resulted in such a victory if the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty had not sacrificed their lives for righteousness and were not afraid of sacrifice.

Compensation and praise for these sacrificed soldiers are naturally deserved.

"Xiang Wei is right. Our Tang Dynasty governs the army strictly. Merits must be rewarded and demerits must be punished. Those soldiers who died fought for the country. Naturally, our Tang Dynasty cannot forget them."

"I second the proposal!"

"I also second the proposal!"

All the officials said in unison.

"My dear friends, don't worry about this. I will send someone to take charge of this matter. Do you have anything else to do?" The emperor waved his hand as if he was about to leave.

Wei Zheng quickly called to the emperor, "Your Majesty, I still have something to say."

Li Shimin slowly sat down again and looked at Wei Zheng in front of him.

"Your Majesty, our Tang Dynasty can achieve a great victory in the battle of Gaochang, and His Highness the King of Han deserves the most credit."

"His Royal Highness the King of Han is your Majesty's own son, and he is also the eldest son of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. His military and political talents are unprecedented. Your Majesty, Wei Zheng, sincerely requests that Your Majesty make His Highness the King of Han the crown prince to show his virtue."

After Wei Zheng said these words, Tai Chi Hall immediately became quiet.

The faces of all the officials changed again and again.

Some people were happy, some frowned, and some even felt unhappy.


"I have never considered making the King of Han the crown prince. What do you all think?" Li Shimin looked surprised.

Let everyone think that he really never thought about this matter.

Fang Xuanling secretly guessed that Wei Zheng suddenly said that he wanted the emperor to make Zhao Chen the prince. It was probably not Wei Zheng's own idea. It was the emperor's instruction to Wei Zheng to say so.

If the emperor doesn't open his mouth, who will immediately appoint the crown prince?

What happened between the two princes before is still fresh in my mind.

r\u003e Ninety-nine percent of the time, it was the emperor himself who wanted to confer Zhao Chen as the crown prince.

It just requires one person to pull the strings.

"Your Majesty, I think what Xiang Wei said is reasonable. His Royal Highness the King of Han has outstanding merits. He is also your Majesty's eldest son. He has excellent talent, learning and character. He is regarded as the only candidate for the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty. I think this matter is feasible." Dali on the side. Dai Zhou, the young minister of the temple, raised his hands to the emperor and said.

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!" Many officials also agreed to appoint Zhao Chen as the crown prince.

The emperor was very satisfied with everyone's attitude. Although Wei Zheng mentioned it at this time, it was his emperor who gave Wei Zheng the instruction.

After returning from Gaochang, Li Shimin thought about making Zhao Chen the prince.

This can also better comfort Zhao Chen.

If anything happens in the future, I can let Zhao Chen take care of it, and I will have peace of mind in the future.

"Your Majesty, I object." Li Shimin was just thinking about settling the matter immediately, but he didn't expect someone to suddenly stand up and object.

"Why do you object?" You looked at Fang Xuanling in front of you expressionlessly.

Indeed, it was Fang Xuanling who opposed the emperor's canonization as a prince.

This was unexpected by everyone.

Fang Xuanling's son Fang Yizhi had a master-disciple relationship with Zhao Chen. Fang Xuanling's objection to the emperor's canonization of Zhao Chen as prince made no sense at all.

He should support it, why is he the one who opposes it?

No one in Taiji Hall expected this.

Even Wei Zheng looked stunned at this moment. He felt that after the battle in Gaochang, it was the best time for Zhao Chen to be crowned prince.

Zhao Chen was canonized as the crown prince, and the Tang Dynasty also had a crown prince.

Coupled with Zhao Chen's ability, the Tang Dynasty can continue to be strong in the future, even more powerful than it is now.

No matter what, Fang Xuanling should not object to the canonization of Zhao Chen as the crown prince.


All eyes turned to Fang Xuanling, waiting for his explanation.

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