The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1617: If Wu Xu doesn’t die, he won’t establish a prince

The emperor himself had not figured out why Fang Xuanling objected to his canonization of Zhao Chen as crown prince.

Fang Xuanling's son Fang Yizhi and Zhao Chen were teachers and students, and Fang Xuanling herself had a very good relationship with Zhao Chen.

According to all logic, Fang Xuanling, like Wei Zheng, should have supported Zhao Chen as the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty without hesitation.

But why now, so many ministers did not speak out against it, but it was Fang Xuanling who spoke out?

Li Shimin couldn't figure it out, so he looked at Fang Xuanling standing in front of him.

The officials were also puzzled. They thought the same as the emperor. Fang Xuanling should not be the one who opposed Zhao Chen's appointment as prince.

Could it be that Fang Xuanling, who was on good terms with Zhao Chen on the surface, was actually the one who was most opposed to Zhao Chen becoming the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty?

Fang Xuanling really didn't notice it.

If it weren't for this situation, we all thought that Fang Xuanling had a very good relationship with His Highness the King of Han.

Know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts.

Unexpectedly, His Highness the King of Han fell into the hands of Fang Xuanling at this time.

The officials discussed in low voices.

Fang Xuanling didn't seem to hear it, but his son Fang Yizhi was also in the court today. At this moment, when he heard the discussions of the officials and his father's objection to Zhao Chen being crowned prince, he didn't know what was going on. taste.

Fang Yi intuitively felt that Zhao Chen was very kind to his father and son. How could his father do such a thing of repaying kindness with enmity?

He lowered his head, not daring to look into Baiguan's eyes.

But there is no way to leave from here.

Wei Zheng was also staring at Fang Xuanling at this moment. He didn't know what the old man next to him had done today.

The emperor already wanted to canonize Zhao Chen as the prince.

Although some of the officials were reluctant, no one spoke out against it.

But this old guy suddenly got sick today?

Things to know

Dao, in the battle of Gaochang, if Zhao Chen had not taken the lead, he first raided the granary of Luoxi army and defeated 100,000 Luoxi army.

Later, they burned the trebuchets of Luoxi's army and saved the capital of Gaochang from fire and water.

Now let alone a great victory, the Tubo army might have already entered the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Where did the matter of subduing the people of Gaochang and declaring Gaochang Kingdom as the territory of the Tang Dynasty come from?

How many people in the past and present can compare with such achievements?

In addition, Zhao Chen has devoted so much effort and thought to the Tang Dynasty over the years.

Fang Xuanling should be seen no matter what.

With so many people, he is the only one who objects to the remoteness?

"Your Majesty, there is a reason why I object to His Highness the King of Han being granted the title of Crown Prince." Fang Xuanling ignored the looks of others and slowly said to the emperor.

Li Shimin did not answer, but looked at Fang Xuanling expressionlessly, waiting for his next answer.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the King of Han has made outstanding achievements. This is beyond doubt by all of us."

"But I have something to report to Your Majesty. The Emperor passed on to the third generation, and Li Xing was the Wu Dynasty!" Fang Xuanling said suddenly.

When Li Shimin heard this, his heart suddenly jumped again.

Since returning to Datang from Gaochang, Li Shimin has almost forgotten about this prophecy.

Wu Xu returned to the Han Palace, but there was no movement.

There seems to be no trace of the prophecy of Li Xing in the Wu Dynasty who passed down the emperor's biography for three generations.

But now that Fang Xuanling said this, Li Shimin's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Emperor Chuan III, Wu Dynasty Li Xing.

He doesn't care about anything except the country of the Tang Dynasty Li family, he Li Shimin

We cannot remain indifferent.

Wu Xu had already shown enough skill in Gaochang. Even though Gaochang was a good place, the country seemed to have been destroyed by Wu Xu's methods.

Wu Xu even once united with Tubo to prepare to deal with him in the Tang Dynasty.

If it weren't for the hard work of Zhao Chen and the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, I don't know what would have happened now.

Wu Xu is not an ordinary woman, even though she is not very old.

Li Shimin really wanted to kill Wu Xu and eliminate this trouble, but this was just a rumor.

He killed a woman for a rumor, and she was also the daughter of a hero. How could he, Li Shimin, do this? .??.

Moreover, Zhao Chen was caught in the middle. If he, the emperor, really killed Wu Xu, what would Zhao Chen think of him?

Li Shimin was in a dilemma.

But fortunately, after all the previous matters were settled, Wu Xu returned to Chang'an and behaved himself.

Li Shimin himself had almost forgotten about it.

As a result, Fang Xuanling brought it up again, and said it directly in front of so many people.

"What kind of emperor passed down the third generation, and Wu Dai Li Xing?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of it before!"

"In the third generation of the emperor, Wu succeeded Li Xing. It should be said that after the emperor's throne is passed to the third generation, someone named Wu will replace the Li family and take charge of the country!"


Someone among the officials immediately guessed the meaning of Fang Xuanling's words.

"The surname is Wu?"

"There don't seem to be many people named Wu in the world, but the person next to His Highness the King of Han seems to be named Wu."

"And that person was the Queen of Gaochang before. It was because of her that Gaochang was destroyed."

"If His Highness the King of Han is granted the title of Crown Prince, the person named Wu will definitely use the power of the King of Han to cause trouble, such as

With this, the emperor will pass on to the third generation, and Li Xing will be replaced by Wu..."

"Your Majesty, I object to the canonization of His Highness the King of Han as Crown Prince!"

"I also object to it!"

"Your Majesty, unless I kill the woman named Wu, I will not agree to be the crown prince to His Highness the King of Han even if I die!"

All the officials understood immediately and knelt on the ground one after another, begging the emperor to withdraw his decree to confer Zhao Chen as the crown prince.

"Your Majesty, although it is just a prophecy, the Tang Dynasty cannot be treated as child's play. All hidden dangers should be nipped in the cradle." Fang Xuanling also knelt on the ground at this moment and asked the emperor again.

Li Shimin clenched his fists.

He was not angry because of the officials' objection, but because he had not thought of an excellent solution in this matter.

"Retreat!" The emperor unclenched his fists, turned around and left.

"Your Majesty!" the officials shouted one after another.

"What's wrong with your majesty today? Are you so sulky?" Empress Changsun originally wanted to ask when Zhao Chen would come back to Chang'an, but she saw the emperor's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

As if someone owed him money.

"Guanyin Maid..." Li Shimin looked at Empress Changsun, pulled her to sit next to him, and slowly told Empress Changsun what happened at today's court meeting.

"Mr. Guanyin, I have no idea now. Based on my understanding of that boy Zhao Chen, he will definitely not kill Wu Xu."

"But if Wu Xu doesn't die, the crown prince's position may not be passed on to Zhao Chen." The emperor looked at Empress Changsun and slowly expressed his worries.

Zhao Chen is good at everything, but he values ​​friendship too much.

The emperor had no doubt that Zhao Chen would rather lose his position as prince than save Wu Xu's life.

But for him, Li Shimin, this was not what he wanted to see.

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