The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,619 There is no regret medicine in the world

Queen Changsun is here.

This made Wu Xu immediately think of what Queen Changsun was doing here.

Su Wo Qinghe seemed to understand, with a smile on his face, and said, "Look, someone has come to persuade Miss Wu now."

The good Empress Changsun suddenly came here. Apart from persuading Wu Xu to leave Zhao Chen, could there be any other reason?

When Wu Xu heard that Queen Changsun was coming, a look of worry flashed across his face.

Just as Su Wo Qinghe said, Queen Changsun came here to persuade her to leave Zhao Chen.

Wu Xu did not speak, but looked at Su Wo Qinghe who was smiling at the side.

Suwo Qinghe was extremely happy.

Empress Changsun came to persuade Wu Xu. Wu Xu could not have imagined that everyone in the Tang Dynasty wanted her to separate from Zhao Chen.

But in Gaochang, Wu Xu even chose to join forces with Tubo to deal with the Tang Dynasty because of Zhao Chen.

There is a high probability that Wu Xu will agree to the suggestion he just made.

Su Wo Qinghe greeted Wu with a blessing, and then said, "Since Miss Wu has something to do, I'll leave first."

"If Miss Wu figures it out, you can contact me at any time."

After saying that, Su Wo Qinghe turned and left.

Wu Xu stood in the yard for a while, then gathered his mood and walked outside.

Queen Changsun walked into the Han Palace from the outside, and Wu Xu happened to greet her.

"Empress." Wu Xu saluted Empress Changsun, but they were no longer as intimate as before.

Nor did she call Empress Changsun her aunt.

Queen Changsun naturally heard Wu Xu's dissatisfaction with her.

But things were beyond her control.

If she had been able to make the decision, she would not have let Wu Xu marry to Gaochang in the first place, and what happened later would not have happened.

"It's been several days since you came back, and I haven't come to see you." Empress Changsun said with a smile.


"The Empress is in charge of the harem, so she is naturally very busy. How can Wu Xu, a girl, have the right to worry about the Empress?" Wu Xu said casually.

These words made Queen Changsun's heart freeze.

From this moment on, Empress Changsun already knew that Wu Xu in front of her was no longer the innocent little girl she was before.

Perhaps it was the trip to Gaochang that made her whole person become deeper.

"Empress, please come in and sit down." Just when Empress Changsun was thinking about what to say, Wu Xu suddenly invited her to come inside and sit down.

Queen Changsun actually likes Wu Xu very much.

Otherwise, he would not have thought of betrothing Wu Xu to Zhao Chen in the first place.

It's just that there is no use talking about these things now. From Wu Xu's attitude towards him just now, he knows that there is no possibility of things going back to the past.

The servant served tea to Empress Changsun, and Wu Xu sat down at the bottom, silent.

Empress Changsun took a sip of tea, and for a moment she didn't know where to start.

"Xiao Wu, you have suffered a lot this year." Queen Changsun put down her teacup and said slowly.

"This is what Wu Xu deserves." Wu Xu took over the words, but once again choked Empress Changsun.

In this year, Wu Xu changed from an innocent little girl to the thoughtful person she is now, and Empress Changsun felt extremely guilty in her heart.

If I had insisted on leaving Wu Xu in Chang'an, how could things have happened to this point.

"Today in court, His Majesty was going to confer Chen'er as the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty, but Fang Xuanling refuted it." Empress Changsun said slowly.

A flash of astonishment flashed in Wu Xu's eyes, but he did not answer immediately.

"Fang Xuanling said that Yuan Tiangang prophesied that the emperor passed down the third generation, and Li Xing was replaced by Wu. Chen'er's generation happened to be the third generation of the Tang Dynasty."

"And Xiao Wu, you just prove that Wu is among Li Xing of the Wu Dynasty. In addition, your affairs in Gaochang have made the officials in the court extremely worried."

"They even gave two choices. One is that you leave Chen'er and Chen'er becomes the prince of the Tang Dynasty."

"The other option is that the position of prince will not be passed on to Chen'er."

Queen Changsun's voice continued to sound.

Wu Xu felt a little heavy when he heard this.

Although she is unwilling to leave Zhao Chen, Zhao Chen is very likely to lose his position as the future prince because of her.

"Based on Yuan Tiangang's prophecy, you can make such a conclusion. Don't you think the Queen is a little hasty?" Wu Xu still wanted to fight for it.

"Well, Yuan Tiangang is from Si Tiantai. He is proficient in calendars and yin and yang speculations. Many of his predictions are correct. Your Majesty and all the officials believe it."

"What's more, this matter is related to the Tang Dynasty. Even if it is fake, no one dares to be cautious." Queen Changsun explained.

Although it is just a prophecy, what is behind this matter is the Tang Dynasty.

No one dares to take such a risk even if it is a one in 10,000 possibility.

There was another period of silence.

The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat solidified.

Empress Changsun sighed secretly in her heart. She knew that many things were extremely unfair to Wu Xu.

But with Jiangshan Sheji and a woman, everyone can make the right choice.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he comes or not, because neither the officials nor the emperor will change their minds.

I came here just hoping that Wu Xu could figure it out, so that he wouldn't do anything embarrassing in the future.


"Chen'er will be back in half a month. Then you and Ruoshuang will go out of the city to pick him up."

"I'm leaving first!" Queen Changsun said, then stood up and left.

Wu Xu stood up, looked at the back of Queen Changsun, and did not move for a long time.

"What did she say?" When he returned to the palace, he saw the emperor already waiting at the Li Zheng Hall.

Empress Changsun sighed, shook her head and said, "She didn't express her position. That girl is much more stubborn than we thought."

"Stubborn?" The emperor suddenly frowned. "If Mr. Chen hadn't cared, I would have killed her directly."

It is true that he is dissatisfied with Wu Xu, and it is also true that he did not take action against Wu Xu.

If Zhao Chen hadn't been caught in the middle, fearing that it would be difficult for him to do so, as the emperor, would he have allowed Wu Xu to do whatever he wanted?

Empress Changsun tried to persuade her in person, but she still couldn't persuade Wu Xu to leave?

What else does she want?

As an emperor, he goes to beg her in person?

Thinking of this, the emperor became more and more dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty, let's calm down first. Let's discuss this matter after Chen'er comes back..."

"When he comes back to discuss it, he will definitely rather not be the prince, but also want to protect Wu Xu."

"I regret now that I didn't kill her directly when we were in Gaochang that day, so as not to end up like this." The emperor immediately reprimanded.

A hint of murderous intent was revealed.

Empress Changsun sighed softly again, there was no possibility of regret in this matter.

If they had known about today's situation, none of them would have let Wu Xu stay with Zhao Chen.

Even if Wu Xu had been allowed to stay with Zhao Chen, Wu Xu would not have gone through what happened in Gaochang.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

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