The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,620 What happened after returning to Chang'an

"Father, why do you object to His Majesty making His Royal Highness the Prince of Han?" As soon as Fang Xuanling returned home, Fang Yizhi immediately came to ask him.

Fang Yizhi couldn't understand that his father, who was supposed to be the most supportive of Zhao Chen becoming the crown prince, actually opposed this matter alone in Tai Chi Hall.

If Zhao Chen becomes the prince of the Tang Dynasty, with the relationship their Fang family has established, their descendants will definitely be able to stand out in the Tang Dynasty.

Now if you oppose becoming this prince, aren't you opposing them to defend yourself?

Why would his father do such a meaningless thing if he is a smart man?

And based on his relationship with Zhao Chen, he should have supported Zhao Chen. Now that his father is opposed, there is no guarantee that people will not think too much about it.

In Fang Yizhi's view, his father's approach was a big mistake.

"What do you know?" Fang Xuanling glanced at Fang Yizhi impatiently and said in a deep voice.

Fang Yizhi opened his mouth, with a look of confusion on his face. Before he could ask Fang Xuanling again, he heard Fang Xuanling say, "If I don't stop His Majesty from canonizing the King of Han as the crown prince in the court today, he will On that day, the Tang Dynasty, Jiangshan and Sheji might fall into the hands of the Wu family."

"Your Majesty is too partial to the King of Han, otherwise just that prophecy would be enough for Your Majesty to kill Wu Xu a thousand times. As far as I am concerned, the safety of the Tang Dynasty is the top priority."

"If His Highness the King of Han cannot make a clean break with Wu Xu, I will never support His Highness the King of Han to become the crown prince."

"Even if this matter will offend His Majesty and the King of Han, I will not hesitate to do it for the sake of the stability of the Tang Dynasty."

"It is a small act of righteousness for you to be friends with His Highness the King of Han. It is a great righteousness for me to think about the country and the country of the Tang Dynasty. You must not be indifferent between great righteousness and small righteousness."

After Fang Xuanling finished speaking, she waved Fang Yizhi to leave.

Although he understood what his father said, Fang Yi intuitively understood that Jiangshan Sheji was the responsibility of his Fang family.

Where does the Fang family have such ability?

, his father made too much fuss.

But after all, he was his father, and Fang Yizhi couldn't ask him any more questions.

I had no choice but to push the door open and leave.

Now Fang Yizhi was also very worried. If Zhao Chen knew such news after he came back, how would he explain it to him.

The army class teacher.

Li Jing was left behind in Gaochang, and most of the other generals followed Zhao Chen back to Chang'an.

At this moment, Niu Jinda was riding a war horse, recalling the previous battle in Gaochang. While feeling heroic, he was also worried about Zhao Chen's return to Chang'an.

Although Niu Jinda is only a military commander, he is also aware of the matters in the court.

There is no good way to solve Wu Xu's matter.

Even if Zhao Chen has made great achievements this time, if he doesn't make a clear relationship with Wu Xu, don't think about being able to sit on the position of prince.

Niu Jinda knew all the officials in the court very well.

No matter what the reason was, they would never let a woman who could endanger the country and the country of Tang Dynasty stay with Zhao Chen.

Jiangshan Sheji and Wu Xu, Zhao Chen must choose one.

If he chooses Wu Xu, there is no chance that the position of prince will fall into the hands of Zhao Chen.

If he chooses Jiangshan Sheji, Wu Xu will die 90% of the time.

Niu Jinda didn't quite understand Zhao Chen's feelings for Wu Xu.

But he knew that unless it was his enemy, Zhao Chen would never kill him.

In this way, Zhao Chen may be even further away from the position of prince.

"Zhao Chen, have you ever thought about what will happen after you return to Chang'an?" Niu Jinda, riding on horseback, couldn't help but ask.

"What happened after returning to Chang'an, what is Uncle Niu referring to?" Zhao Chen turned his head and looked at Niu Jinda.

"It's about Wu Xu." Niu Jinda hesitated slightly.

"What's the matter with Wu Xu?" Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to come to his senses, "Uncle Niu is not talking about those prophecies, is he?"

Niu Jinda nodded.

"The so-called prophecy will never happen to me, so Uncle Niu doesn't have to worry about it..."

"I believe it, but others don't." Niu Jinda looked embarrassed.

Niu Jinda is naturally on Zhao Chen's side, but what about the others?

They will not speak for Zhao Chen.

Niu Jinda was even thinking that if it really got to that point, a few people would stand on Zhao Chen's side and help him speak.

Niu Jinda's guess was not wrong. After all, no one expected that even Fang Xuanling, who was supposed to be Zhao Chen's die-hard supporter, was the first to oppose the idea of ​​establishing Zhao Chen as the prince.

"Believe it or not, that's why they did it. Is it appropriate to kill a little girl for a word that has no reason?" Zhao Chen said.

In fact, I was also thinking about what to do with Wu Xu after returning to Chang'an.

Zhao Chen knew very well that if it weren't for him, Wu Xu's life trajectory would not be like this at all.

But the problem is that sooner or later, Wu Xu will bring trouble to the royal family of the Tang Dynasty and endanger the country of the Tang Dynasty.

I know this.

Zhao Chen didn't think about whether he should kill Wu Xu or not.

Niu Jinda looked at Zhao Chen and saw that he did not continue. He also knew that even Zhao Chen himself had no idea how to deal with Wu Xu at this moment.


But Niu Jinda knew that Zhao Chen would definitely not kill Wu Xu in the end.

If this happens, Zhao Chen himself will suffer.

It is estimated that after returning to Chang'an, there will be another huge whirlpool.

It's just that I, a mere general, can't do much to help Zhao Chen.

The army continued to move forward, and both Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu were extremely happy.

They haven't returned to Chang'an for a long time, and they inevitably miss their home.

Cheng Chumo, in particular, was very concerned about his boy. He was always bragging to Zhao Chen and Qin Huaiyu about his boy's future.

The further you go towards Chang'an, the more familiar the scenery along the way becomes.

This made everyone want to return to Chang'an and their respective homes as soon as possible.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and the army finally appeared fifty miles away from Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty.

Here, officials have already greeted him, and the people in the county are watching on both sides of the official road.

Everyone knows that these heroes of the Tang Dynasty are heroes who have just returned from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

If it were not for the bloody battles of the Tang soldiers, the Tang Dynasty might have been cannibalized by Goguryeo, Tubo and others one by one.

"Is that the one at the front the King of Han? I heard that this great victory in Gaochang was thanks to His Highness the King of Han's command."

"That's His Highness the King of Han. I met him last time in Chang'an City."

"That's Qin Huaiyu, the Duke of Yi State, and Cheng Chumo, the Young Duke of Lu State..."

"All of them are handsome and handsome, and they are worthy of me."

"With these young people here, our Tang Dynasty can be stable for at least fifty years."

"We live in a good era."

"Welcome back to the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty."

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