The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1621: My mother taught me this

"Your Majesty, His Highness the King of Han's army is less than fifty miles away from Chang'an."

"I am resting in the official hall at the moment." In the Manlu Palace, the emperor was processing the memorial when he suddenly heard the eunuch's report.

Upon learning that Zhao Chen had led the army to a place less than fifty miles away from Chang'an, the emperor's face immediately showed joy.

The return of this army from Gaochang was a huge victory for the Tang Dynasty.

This welcoming thing must be done in a graceful manner.

"Immediately send an order to the King of Han to lead his troops to rest for a day. Early tomorrow morning, I will personally lead all the civil and military officials to go out of the city to greet him." The emperor immediately ordered the eunuch.

The eunuch left in a hurry, and the emperor stood there, still unable to conceal the excitement on his face.

In the battle of Gaochang, the Tang Dynasty not only severely damaged Tubo, but also conquered Gaochang. The previous Goguryeo also had a great victory.

It can be said that no one of the several forces near Datang dares to challenge Datang face to face.

The national power of the Tang Dynasty was at its peak.

The emperor thought that if he developed well for a few more years, he would be able to go out to the Western Regions and compete with the so-called empire in the Western Regions.

Let’s see who is the strongest country in the world.

After sending the eunuch to convey the order, the emperor left to find Empress Changsun, who was supervising Xiao Li Zhi's homework.

"Zhinu, what have you been doing these days? I've taught you this many times and you still haven't memorized it?" Empress Changsun's slightly dissatisfied voice came from afar.

"Mother, I heard that sister Xiao Wu came back to Chang'an. Why didn't I see her?" Xiao Li Zhi's attention was obviously not on his studies, but asked about Wu Xu's situation.

More than a year has passed, and Xiao Li Zhi has not forgotten Wu Xu at all.

When Empress Changsun heard these words, she was very unhappy.

Zhao Chen has already been attacked by hundreds of officials because of Wu Xu. How old is Xiao Li Zhi to waste all his studies for Wu Xu? \u003c


"Slave slave, your mission is to study hard. You don't have to worry about the rest. If you don't listen to your mother anymore, your mother will find someone to deal with you!" Queen Changsun's unusual tone was a bit unkind.

She was also troubled by Wu Xu's affairs. Now that Xiao Li Zhi was talking about Wu Xu again, wasn't he poking at Empress Changsun's sore spot.

Xiao Li Zhi was reprimanded by Empress Changsun and did not dare to say anything, but his eyes clearly showed dissatisfaction.

"Child slave, I was scolded by your mother again!" The emperor appeared behind Xiao Li Zhi and looked at him with a smile.

"Father." Seeing the emperor, Xiao Li Zhi suddenly smiled on his face.

The emperor held Xiao Li Zhi in his arms, spun him twice in the air, then slowly put Xiao Li Zhi down, patted Xiao Li Zhi on the head, and said with a smile, "You have to study hard, so that you can make a difference in the future."

"Are you the same as the emperor?" Xiao Li Zhi looked at the emperor.

"Yes, just like your imperial brother." The emperor nodded.

"Then I will study hard. Can my father betroth sister Xiao Wu to me?" Xiao Li Zhi looked at the emperor seriously.

The emperor and Empress Changsun’s brows knitted together instantly.

Even when Xiao Li Zhi was young, he was thinking about these things.

Even if Xiao Li Zhi reaches his age, that girl should not be Wu Xu.

They were already numb because of Wu Xu's incident, and now that Xiao Li Zhi was added to the mix, the emperor's face immediately darkened.

"Boy Chen has arrived fifty miles outside Chang'an City. Tomorrow morning, you and I will go outside the city to welcome the returning army." The emperor's tone was a little cold, not at all as intimate as before.

"Chen'er has arrived in Chang'an so soon." Queen Changsun heard this

Zhao Chen had arrived in Chang'an, and his face suddenly became excited.

It was almost half a year before Zhao Chen left Chang'an for Gaochang.

From time to time, military reports from the Tang Dynasty's border troops came, but every time, what she heard seemed to be bad news.

The worry about Zhao Chen in my heart is growing day by day.

If Zhao Chen doesn't come back to Chang'an, she won't be able to let go at all.

Now that Zhao Chen has returned to Chang'an, Queen Changsun naturally wants to see Zhao Chen as soon as possible.

Xiao Li Zhi looked at the change in Empress Changsun's face and thought that it was just as the husband said.

Everyone was extremely kind to their royal brother.

His little Jin Wang is nothing at all.

Only when the imperial brother is not in Chang'an will he have a place as Li Zhi.

Xiao Li Zhi lowered his head and looked at his toes gloomily.

The Han Palace also received news that Zhao Chen will return to Chang'an tomorrow.

As soon as Li Ruoshuang received the news, she called the servants at home to pack it up.

Xiao Ping An followed Li Ruoshuang like a little tail, holding a small broom and sweeping up the fallen leaves on the ground.

Wu Xu held a rag in his hand, wiping the table that had been wiped countless times and was as smooth as a mirror.

Her thoughts were not here at all.

Zhao Chen will be back soon, and Wu Xu also knows that his matter will come to an end soon.

Wu Xu thought about what Su Wo Qinghe said before for a long time.

She also wanted to fly away with Zhao Chen to the Japanese country.

But why would Zhao Chen leave with her?

Abandon the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and go to the unfamiliar Japanese country with yourself?

\u003e No one would do something like that.

But if Zhao Chen doesn't leave with her, then Wu Xu may never think of staying with Zhao Chen in her whole life.

Those officials in the Tang Dynasty would never tolerate him.

"Xiao Wu, what are you thinking about?" Li Ruoshuang turned around and saw that Wu Xu was still wiping the table, dumbfounded, so she asked aloud.

"It's nothing." Wu Xu came back to his senses and shook his head.

Li Ruoshuang glanced at Wu Xu, and naturally knew what Wu Xu was thinking just now.

To be honest, Li Ruoshuang had complaints about Wu Xu's previous actions in Gaochang.

But she also really regards Wu Xu as one of her own.

So until now, she has not mentioned Gao Chang again.

But now that Zhao Chen is coming back soon, many things cannot be avoided.

"Xiao Wu, things are not as bad as you think. When Zhao Chen comes back, he will definitely find a way to solve it." Li Ruoshuang comforted Wu Xu.

"Mom is right, Aunt Xiaowu, dad is the most powerful. If you have any difficulties, dad will definitely be able to find a solution."

"If Daddy doesn't help, I will go to Daddy to make trouble. Daddy loves me the most and will definitely help." Xiaopingan dragged the broom, grabbed Wu Xu's hand, and looked up at her.

Wu Xu didn't know how to answer Xiao Ping'an's words at all.

Compared with Li Ruoshuang and Xiao Ping'an's mother and son, she found that her thoughts were really vicious.

They have always regarded themselves as relatives, but what have they done?

Wu Xu squatted down and gently stroked Xiao Ping'an's head. "Xiao Ping'an, you are also very powerful. You can protect your aunt."

"That's what my mother taught me. My mother said that Aunt Xiao Wu has no relatives in Chang'an. We are Aunt Xiao Wu's family, so..."

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