The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1625: Thousands of words, but a short paper is difficult to describe

When Zhao Chen returned to Prince Han's Mansion, he only saw Li Ruoshuang and Xiao Ping'an standing at the door with servants from Prince Han's Mansion to greet them.

Although he didn't see Wu Xu, Zhao Chen didn't take it seriously.

In Zhao Chen's opinion, that guy Wu Xu has a weird temper, and maybe he just doesn't want to see him at this time.

"Welcome Your Highness." Everyone stood at the door and saluted Zhao Chen.

"Excuse me, everyone has worked hard." Zhao Chen signaled to everyone with a smile on his face.

"Daddy." Xiao Ping'an threw herself into Zhao Chen's arms, holding Zhao Chen's arms tightly with both hands.

"Xiao Ping An, you seem to be heavy..."

"No way, I've been missing daddy lately. I can't even eat. I'm starving and thin."

"Dad, please make me some delicious food later. Mom said that dad's craftsmanship is very good..."

"Your father just came back, let him have a good rest." Li Ruoshuang reached out to take Xiao Ping'an away.

But he didn't expect that Xiaopingan would hold Zhao Chen's neck tightly and wouldn't let go.

"I already rested in the palace last night. It's okay. Come on, let's go in." Zhao Chen said with a smile and walked into Prince Han's Mansion with Xiao Ping'an in his arms.

Li Ruoshuang had no choice but to follow behind.

There was still a familiar scene in front of him. When he returned home again, Zhao Chen could not help but feel some love for Hong Kong in his heart.

Although I lived in the mansion for a month after returning from Goguryeo, in the end, most of this year was spent outside.

But it was spent on the battlefield.

After returning home again, Zhao Chen still felt the kindness in his heart.

I carried Xiao Ping An back to the backyard. The vegetable patch in the backyard had been abandoned, leaving only a few bamboo shelves scattered on the ground.

It's been a long time since I cleaned up these things. Zhao Chen plans to find an opportunity to clean up the ground again when he has time.

After walking around at home, Xiaopingan took Zhao Chen's finger and ran slowly beside him.

Time is not

Before I knew it, it was noon.

For lunch, Li Ruoshuang cooked a lot of delicious dishes herself, although the taste was not as good as what Zhao Chen made himself.

But no one would mind food that they don’t have to cook themselves.

"It's really strange. Xiao Wu said she didn't feel well and stopped eating in the morning. Why is it now noon and I haven't seen her come out." Li Ruoshuang sat on the stool and muttered to herself.

"Maybe she's just lazy. She'll naturally come out to eat when she's hungry." Zhao Chen said casually.

He didn't know Wu Xu's temper yet, so he couldn't treat her like a normal little girl.

Li Ruoshuang was a little worried.

She felt a little strange that Wu Xu didn't go outside the city to greet Zhao Chen yesterday.

Logically speaking, Wu Xu is the one who should go out of the city to meet Zhao Chen. If it weren't for Zhao Chen's protection, Wu Xu would not have been able to pass the test so easily.

Now that Zhao Chen is back, Wu Xu doesn't even come to see him, which is a bit strange.

"I think something is wrong. You guys eat first, and I'll go see Xiao Wu." Li Ruoshuang was still a little worried, so she put down her chopsticks and stood up to see Wu Xu.

"Let's eat." Zhao Chen didn't worry about this and gave Xiao Ping'an a piece of fish without bones.

Soon, Li Ruoshuang came back with a letter in his hand.

"Zhao Chen, Wu Xu is gone!" Li Ruoshuang handed the letter to Zhao Chen.

"Gone?" Zhao Chen didn't react for a moment. "Where did she go to trouble again?"

"She went back to Lizhou." Li Ruoshuang said slowly.

Li Ruoshuang herself didn't know how she felt about Wu Xu's return to Lizhou.

Happy or sad.

Wu Xu left Chang'an, which meant that officials could no longer oppose the emperor.

Zhao Chen was canonized as the prince.

Soon, Zhao Chen will be the Prince of the East Palace of the Tang Dynasty.

She will also become the crown princess of the Tang Dynasty.

Wu Xu was not in Chang'an, and there was no one competing with him for Zhao Chen's preference.

But Li Ruoshuang also felt uncomfortable.

She knew Wu Xu's feelings for Zhao Chen.

If he were forced to leave Zhao Chen, how much pain would he feel in his heart?

Zhao Chen didn't speak or open the letter. After a moment of silence, he continued to hold dishes for Xiao Ping An.

"Do you really want her to go back like this?" Li Ruoshuang couldn't help but ask when Zhao Chen didn't speak.

She didn't know whether she wanted Wu Xu to leave or whether she wanted Wu Xu to stay with Zhao Chen.

Her feelings for Wu Xu are real, and her feelings for Zhao Chen are also real.

"Hasn't she already gone back?" Zhao Chen pointed to the letter beside him with a calm expression.

Li Ruoshuang didn't know how to proceed.

Zhao Chen was right. Since Wu Xu left the letter and left, he had already made his decision.

Whether Zhao Chen gives in or not, there is no way to reverse this.

Li Ruoshuang was silent, picked up her chopsticks and started eating, but now she had no appetite at all for the dishes she had carefully prepared.

Zhao Chen didn't say anything. After eating, he hugged Xiao Ping An and went out for a walk.

The letter remained on the table.

Li Ruoshuang looked at the letter on the table, stood up, took it in her hand, opened it and started reading

Seeing the words is like seeing the face.

He claimed that he had been living in Zhao Mansion for three years since his father was in critical condition.

In the past three years, you have been like a brother and a father. Sister Ruoshuang has treated you with all your heart, and I am deeply grateful.

However, in life, things will go unsatisfactory nine times out of ten. In the battle of Gaochang, a big mistake was made, which endangered you and Ruoshuang.


Although Sister Ruoshuang ignored the past grudges, Xu felt that she had no face to see her again.

There are also prophecies, which are unlucky and may harm the country and even harm the family.

I should leave now and return to Lizhou, where I will never see you again.

Thousands of words, but a short paper is difficult to describe.

I only hope that the people I care about will be safe and prosperous and live a long life.

Say goodbye to tears.

"Daddy, I want to eat this."

"This, this, I like this too, but my mother just won't buy it for me."

"And this, I like eating candied haws the most."

Xiaopingan was held in his arms, with both hands filled with the food that Zhao Chen sold to her. She also pointed to the food sold by the vendors on both sides of the street and asked Zhao Chen to buy it for her.

Zhao Chen didn't refuse either. Whatever Xiao Ping An wanted, he would buy it for her.

It was also to compensate for not being able to spend more time with Xiao Ping An in the past two years.

Not even halfway through the street, Xiaopingan couldn't hold any more food in his hands.

"Brother." Zhao Chen was walking forward when he heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

Looking back, he saw Li Ke waving to him.

"It is indeed my brother. I was worried that I had seen it wrong just now." Li Ke quickly ran to Zhao Chen's side, his face full of joy.

Li Ke did not go with him during the first battle in Gaochang.

During that time, he went back to Shu, and he only came back ten days ago.

Not following Zhao Chen to Gaochang, Li Ke felt unspeakably uncomfortable in his heart. He originally thought that he could come back from Shu early so that he could catch up with the end of the battle of Gaochang.

After returning to Chang'an, I found out that the battle at Gaochang was over.

Yesterday, I was going to see Zhao Chen after the court meeting, but the emperor took Zhao Chen away.

Unexpectedly, I saw Zhao Chen on the street again today.

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