The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,626 Why are there no bones left?

Seeing Li Ke again, Zhao Chen was in a good mood.

"I heard that your kid went to Shu and found a wife. When will you let me meet her?" Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke with a smile.

Zhao Chen still likes Li Ke very much.

Among the emperor's sons, Li Ke was the most likely to become a talented person.

However, it is a pity that Li Ke's grandfather was the former emperor of the Sui Dynasty. The position of Prince of the Tang Dynasty could not belong to Li Ke at all.

During the days when Li Ke went to Shu, this boy even got a wife.

The speed is still very fast.

"The ugly wife dare not go out. When my brother goes to my house tomorrow, I will ask her to come out to see her?" Li Ke said with cupped hands.

"That's no problem, but you have to prepare delicious food. I don't seem to have eaten at your house yet." Zhao Chen naturally would not refuse.

Li Ke was both his disciple and his friend. He was not present at his wedding, but he still had to visit him.

"That's for sure. You can't treat your brother badly..."

"What about me, I want to go too." Xiao Ping'an looked at Li Ke expectantly, with traces of eating all over his face.

Li Ke was interrupted by Xiao Ping'an. Of course he wouldn't be angry. A smile appeared on his face, "How about you call me uncle and I'll invite you to go with me?"

Zhao Chen is the eldest son and Li Ke is the fourth child. Of course it is okay to call him uncle.

But Xiaopingan's eyes were turned to Zhao Chen.

"If you don't want to scream, we can go." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"Well, here you go, I'll go tomorrow too." Xiaopingan didn't call Uncle Li Ke, but handed a candied haws to Li Ke.

Li Ke immediately understood Xiaoping's thoughts.

Good guy, I got rid of myself with a candied haws.

However, Li Ke still took the candied haws and said with a smile, "Then I'll wait for Xiaopingan to come over tomorrow."

"Why are you running on the street today?

Already? "Zhao Chen held Xiao Ping An and walked into a teahouse with Li Ke.

When Li Ke heard this, a look of distress suddenly appeared on his face.

"Brother, you may not know that there was a sudden heavy rain in the south a few days ago. The river banks burst and floods caused hundreds of thousands of people to be displaced. My father asked me to deal with this matter. I have a headache." Li Ke said He told Zhao Chen why he ran to the street to relax.

Zhao Chen just returned to the capital, so of course he didn't know about the heavy rain in the south.

"By the way, I almost forgot. The south is suffering from a disaster. As a result, Nanzhao started to cause trouble again. Taking advantage of the floods that cut off the connections between various parts of the south, they wantonly robbed the property of the people in the southern city of the Tang Dynasty and massacred many. People." Li Ke said again.

Zhao Chen knew about Nanzhao.

It was a small country located in the southwest of the Tang Dynasty, adjacent to Annan of the Tang Dynasty. Behind it was the clean and hygienic Asan Kingdom, which was Tianzhu.

Even if a flood occurred in the southern part of the Tang Dynasty and the connections between cities in various places were cut off, it was not something that a small Nanzhao would dare to provoke.

Behind this, Ah San might be supporting Nanzhao behind the scenes.

Perhaps Nanzhao was coerced by Asan.

"How is the court going to deal with this matter?" Zhao Chen asked casually.

"I haven't decided yet, but I guess I won't do anything to Nanzhao. Our army has just returned from Gaochang and needs training. It would not be a wise move to start a war against Nanzhao again."

"And if I guess correctly, if Nanzhao dares to do this, Tianzhu should be behind it." Li Ke said slowly.

Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke with some joy.

After not seeing each other for such a long time, Li Ke has made a lot of progress.

If this continues, the future will definitely be

A wise king of the Tang Dynasty.

"Then what do you think?" Zhao Chen asked again.

Knowing that Zhao Chen was testing himself, Li Ke thought for a while and then said hesitantly, "I think we should first help the people affected by the disaster in the south to avoid civil strife. When the floods pass, the court will fund the rebuilding of the people's homes. "

"As for Nanzhao, I think we can send an envoy to reprimand him first to express the Tang Dynasty's attitude, and at the same time send a general to lead the army to the south for deterrence."

"When our Tang soldiers have rested for half a year, we can send troops to Nanzhao to rectify the reputation of the Tang Dynasty."

Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke with admiration.

This kid can think of so much, and it seems that he has put in a lot of effort recently.

"You just said that Tianzhu is behind it. Once troops are used against Nanzhao, what should you do if Tianzhu sends troops to rescue?" Zhao Chen asked Li Ke.

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, he hadn't figured out how to deal with this matter yet.

Tianzhu is not a small Karami. It has an extremely vast territory and a large population. Although they don't know their true strength, they will inevitably not be a strong enemy of the Tang Dynasty.

Once Tianzhu supports Nanzhao, there is no guarantee that Datang will not suffer serious losses.

"Be prepared for a rainy day. Since you feel that Tianzhu is supporting Nanzhao behind the scenes, you can't just focus on Nanzhao. You must also send someone to find out Tianzhu's situation in advance."

"Military strength, population, land, Tianzhu's purpose of doing this, you have to investigate these clearly."

"No matter when, your eyes should look into the distance." Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke and said slowly.

Li Ke was a little ashamed. He also felt that he had grown a lot during this period, and he wanted to take this opportunity to show off in front of Zhao Chen.

But I didn't expect...

"I guess it's probably Songtsen Gampo of Tibet who ran away.

Tianzhu met King Tianzhu and convinced him, so Tianzhu dared to support Nanzhao behind his back. "

"And Nanzhao is just a small chess piece of Tianzhu, the frontier of the confrontation with the Tang Dynasty."

"The method you mentioned before is feasible, but the further focus should be on Tianzhu."

"Think about it, if the Tang Dynasty can occupy Tianzhu, half of Asia will be ours..."

"Brother, what half of Asia..."

After making an agreement with Li Ke to attend the banquet tomorrow, Zhao Chen carried Xiao Ping'an and walked home.

As soon as he arrived outside the house, he saw Fang Yizhi squatting on a small stone bench nearby. When he saw him, he hurriedly greeted him.

Walking up to Zhao Chen, Fang Yizhi bowed deeply to Zhao Chen, "Sir, I'm so sorry."

Zhao Chen didn't react for a moment. Why was this guy giving such a big gift to him?

"Sir, what my father said in the court was not directed at him. He was really just worried about the Tang Dynasty. Please don't blame him."

"The student is willing to apologize to the husband for his father." Fang Yizhi said, and knelt down to Zhao Chen.

Fang Yizhi was also upset.

He was worried that Zhao Chen would take action against his father because of his opposition.

With Zhao Chen's methods, his current prestige in the court, and his power in the military, no minister can survive in Zhao Chen's hands.

Fang Yizhi was secretly annoyed by his father's behavior, but he had to run for his father.

Fang Yizhi, who was kneeling on the ground at this moment, was ready to receive Zhao Chen's scolding.


"You were fine before, but now you have no bones. Stand up!" Zhao Chen's scolding rang in Fang Yizhi's ears.

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