The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,627 Luo Tong’s letter

"Sir, I..." Fang Yizhi, who was scolded by Zhao Chen, was completely at a loss at this moment.

He looked at Zhao Chen eagerly, neither standing nor kneeling.

"Stand up." Zhao Chen looked at Fang Yizhi coldly.

At this time, Fang Yizhi slowly stood up, his face full of guilt, and he did not dare to look at Zhao Chen.

"Come in with me." Zhao Chen walked outside the house and turned back to Fang Yizhi and said.

Fang Yizhi nodded, lowered his head and followed Zhao Chen into the Han Palace.

When they came to the yard, Xiaopingan went to find Li Ruoshuang, leaving only Zhao Chen and Fang Yizhi.

"Sir..." Fang Yizhi was a little nervous, and even more guilty.

Zhao Chen came back from the front line, but he hasn't been of much help.

On the contrary, his father was completely opposed to the canonization of Zhao Chen as the prince.

This made Fang Yizhi always worried.

"You don't believe me?" Zhao Chen's sudden words left Fang Yizhi completely confused.

He couldn't figure out what Zhao Chen meant by saying this.

What do you mean you don't believe him?

Where do you start talking about this?

"What do you mean by this, sir? The student didn't understand." Fang Yizhi boldly asked Zhao Chen.

It's so good, why did he say this suddenly?

"You came here today, aren't you just worried that I will be angry with your father because of his opposition?"

"I have known you Fang Yizhi for such a long time. When will I attack the family members of my friends?" Zhao Chen said slowly.

Fang Yi's face turned red with one sentence.

Didn't he come here just because he was worried that Zhao Chen would anger his father because of that?

Now that Zhao Chen had exposed his thoughts, Fang Yizhi didn't know how to explain himself.

"Actually, you don't have to worry at all. I'm not interested in the position of the prince at the moment, so I don't care if you

Whether my father objects to that matter, I won't take it to heart. "

"You don't have to kneel with me outside because of that." Zhao Chen continued.

"Student knows his mistake." Fang Yizhi quickly bowed to Zhao Chen.

Knowing that Zhao Chen was not angry with his father because of that incident, Fang Yizhi immediately relaxed a lot.

And thinking that he was so suspicious of Zhao Chen, Fang Yizhi felt even more regretful.

Zhao Chen waved his hand and motioned for Fang Yizhi to sit down. He still had something to ask Fang Yizhi.

Fang Yi sat on the stone bench, looking away.

"I have something to ask you." Zhao Chen said, and Fang Yizhi immediately looked over.

"Excuse me, sir."

"Li Ke said that there were floods in the south and that Nanzhao was plundering the people of Tang Dynasty. Does the imperial court have any plans?" Zhao Chen asked Fang Yizhi.

Originally, Zhao Chen didn't want to ask about this.

But he was worried that if the court had no way to solve the matter, the emperor would not think of blaming the matter on himself again.

Although there are many capable people in the Tang Dynasty, who knows whether the emperor will stare at his sheep and pry it hard.

If that was the case, Zhao Chen decided to leave Chang'an early so that he would have sufficient reasons to avoid the matter.

This is also the main reason why Zhao Chen asked Fang Yizhi about this matter.

"The imperial court only received this news a few days ago. The Ministry of Public Affairs is discussing methods, but it seems that there are no specific ideas."

"I guess we will renegotiate it in the court then, and I may have to trouble you again, sir." Fang Yizhi was originally a flattery, but it made Zhao Chen alert.

I just came back to Chang'an. If I want to go south again, I won't do it.

"Don't have a rough idea?" Zhao Chen asked casually.

"Not yet, but Prime Minister Wei and my father discussed it once. The most likely possibility is to send troops to shock, but the leader has not thought about it yet."

"My father mentioned you, sir, but Prime Minister Wei vetoed it." Fang Yizhi said in a low voice.

He didn't know what Zhao Chen was thinking.

So I was a little worried when I said this.

If Zhao Chen didn't want to go to the south, wouldn't his father's idea offend people again?

When Zhao Chen heard that Fang Xuanling wanted him to go to the south, his expression changed.

"There are many generals in the army, why are you always staring at me?" Zhao Chen smiled faintly.

Although Zhao Chen was smiling, Fang Yizhi could see that he was unhappy.

As expected, Zhao Chen was unwilling to lead the army to the south.

"What you are saying is that you have been through the battlefield for a long time and you have just come back. How can you go to the south again? It's time for you to have a good rest."

"After I return, the student union will immediately persuade my father." Fang Yizhi said quickly.

Zhao Chen was very satisfied with Fang Yizhi's attitude.

This is the effect he wants.

Fang Yizhi is a smart person and can understand what he means instantly.

"Did the King of Han really tell you this?" Fang Xuanling was surprised when he learned what Zhao Chen meant.

In Fang Xuanling's view, with Zhao Chen's current prestige in the Tang Dynasty, if he could lead the army to the south, Nanzhao would definitely be frightened by the news.

The South must be.

But Zhao Chen obviously didn't want to go, could he still force him to go?

Although Zhao Chen did not pursue the matter of objecting to the canonization of Zhao Chen as the prince, if he kept staring at Zhao Chen, Zhao Chen would not react at all.

He was doing it for the Tang Dynasty, not to target Zhao Chen.

But if Zhao Chen doesn't go to the south, who should lead the army?

"It's like this. My husband didn't want to go to the south, so he told his father through the child's mouth."

"Father, you are already a little angry about what happened before, and you have made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty. Whether you want to go to the south or not, you should not keep an eye on him."

"Father and Prime Minister Wei can consider other candidates." Fang Yizhi was afraid that Fang Xuanling would completely offend Zhao Chen, so he quickly persuaded him in a low voice.

Of course Fang Xuanling would not provoke Zhao Chen.

It's just that he hasn't decided yet who can handle the affairs in the south.

Zhao Chen was originally the best candidate based on his ability and reputation.

But Zhao Chen doesn't want to go, so how can we solve the problem in the south?

"It's a pity that the King of Han is very talented, but he is too lazy."

"If he is really willing to contribute to the Tang Dynasty, I will be the first to support him to become the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty." Fang Xuanling sighed.

Days passed by, and in the blink of an eye it had been one month since Zhao Chen returned to Chang'an.

Naturally, someone will go to deal with the affairs in the south.

Zhao Chen took care of the wasteland at his house. In more than a month, the wasteland was already green.

On this day, Zhao Chen was cleaning the newly grown grass in the yard, when Cheng Chumo walked into the yard with a letter.

The look on his face was somewhat worried.

"Zhao Da, there is a letter." Cheng Chumo stood behind Zhao Chen and handed out the letter in his hand.

Zhao Chen did not pick it up, and continued to dig up the ground with his hoe. He asked without raising his head, "Whose letter is it?"

"Luo Tong." Cheng Chumo spit out a name.

"Luo Tong?" Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment before accepting the letter handed over by Cheng Chumo with a look of surprise.

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