The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1631: I performed pretty well today, right?

Hearing that there was going to be another pull, everyone felt that Zhao Chen really couldn't think of a way.

That's why I keep using this useless method.

The governor of Jingzhao shook his head secretly.

He had also heard about Zhao Chen's conclusion of the case in Wannian County before, and the news about it was so miraculous.

He thought Zhao Chen was really omnipotent.

But what he saw today really disappointed him.

No one said anything, everyone watched expressionlessly as the yamen officer placed the child in the middle of the circle again.

The women again took the children's arms with their hands.

"Pull." Following Zhao Chen's command, the two of them once again grabbed the child's arms tightly and pulled him towards them.

"Wow!" The child cried bitterly again.

However, the plump woman and the thin woman refused to let go. The child was rolling on the ground in pain. Seeing this, the onlookers closed their eyes and couldn't bear it.

"Mom, it hurts!" The child suddenly cried and said.

The thin woman suddenly fell to the ground, and the child was pulled to her side by the plump woman.

"Sir, I don't want it anymore. The child is innocent and I don't want it anymore." The thin woman slowly got up from the ground, her face full of tears and pleading.

"She doesn't want it anymore?"

"Then she must be a fake. Only a fake would not want her own child."

Someone immediately pointed out the thin woman's mistake.

The plump woman held the child in her arms and carefully soothed the child. Her head was lowered, and her expression could not be seen.

"No, she is not the biological mother of the child, she is fake." Li Ke seemed to suddenly wake up, pointing at the plump woman and saying that she was not the biological mother of the child.

This scene shocked everyone.

It was obvious that the thin woman had said that she did not want the child and that she was not the child's biological mother. Why did the people around the magistrate say that the thin woman was the child's biological mother?

"Sir, I won, my child naturally

It was mine, so why did it become something other than mine? "

"My lord, are you talking nonsense?" The plump woman was stunned, and then immediately asked Zhao Chen.

The rest of the people also looked at Zhao Chen with suspicion.

Although the words just now were not spoken by Zhao Chen, the person who spoke was someone close to the county magistrate.

How dare he say this without the permission of the county magistrate?

Zhao Chen looked back at Li Ke. Li Ke, who was questioned by everyone, was also confused at this time.

Did he really guess wrong?

"Since you said the child is not Cai Li's, then tell me why." Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke with a calm expression.

"I...I..." Li Ke hesitated and hesitated.

He was worried that if he said something wrong, wouldn't he also lose Zhao Chen's face?

"My thoughts are the same as yours." Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke and said with a smile.

Li Ke opened his mouth. He thought he had made a mistake, but he didn't expect Zhao Chen to have the same idea.

At that time, I suddenly felt confident.

"When I pulled the child for the first time, I noticed that Ms. Cai Li held on to the child the whole time and did not let go. When Ms. Zhang Li on the side saw the child crying, she couldn't help but let go."

"That's why, because Ms. Cai Li doesn't care about her children at all. What she cares about is the money in her children's hands."

"Ms. Zhang Li let go because the child is hers, and she doesn't want to see any problems with him no matter what."

"And in the second round, Mrs. Cai Li was even gritted when she heard the county magistrate said that this was her last chance. When Ms. Zhang Li let go, she still held on to the child and didn't even check on the child. Are you not injured?"

"A normal

Mother, would you care so little about your child's safety? "Li Ke said slowly.

The plump woman's face changed several times.

Finally, he stared at Li Ke with an angry face and shouted, "If I were not the mother of the child, how could the child keep crawling into my arms?"

"Why doesn't he go to Mrs. Zhang Li's arms?"

"Yes, why did you get into Mrs. Cai Li's arms?"

"That's right. Mrs. Cai Li must be the biological mother of the child."

The people are still supporting the plump woman.

Li Ke smiled slightly, looked at Cai Li, and continued, "The child is three years old. Although he has some brain problems, he still knows how to eat, drink, and defecate." .??.

"You have half a roast chicken hidden in your arms. The child is young and has a greedy mouth, so he will naturally crawl into your arms."

"You're talking nonsense..." Cai Li was shocked and angry.

"Nonsense, how about I have someone take off your clothes?" Li Ke said confidently.

Mrs. Cai Li's face changed drastically, and she was about to speak, but she didn't want the child to reach out and take out half a roast chicken from her arms.

Without hesitation, he just stuffed it into his mouth.

"Damn it, it's really half a roast chicken."

"It turns out that Mrs. Zhang Li is the child's biological mother."

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, how could you believe it?"

"This Mrs. Cai Li is really vicious. She even dared to go to court for her child's money."

"Thankfully, the county magistrate has some ideas, otherwise Cai Li would have been deceived."

"The people around the county magistrate are also talented people, and we didn't even notice."

The people's opinions suddenly changed, and Mrs. Cai Li also became a criminal who stole the son of a man.

Mrs. Zhang Li hugged the child tightly and kept kowtowing to Zhao Chen and Li Ke.

Li Ke felt very happy, especially when he saw Zhao Chen looking at him with admiration.

r\u003e I was so excited that I almost couldn’t shout out in excitement.

"Brother Emperor, I performed pretty well today." In the afternoon, Li Ke came to talk to Zhao Chen after dinner.

Zhao Chen is handling the affairs of the county government office.

Listening to what Li Ke said, he also knew that this boy was going to show off and brag in front of him again.

Li Ke's performance today was pretty good, and Zhao Chen was also very satisfied.

But this kid is too frivolous and expresses emotions, which is not good for him.

I happened to get a case in my hand and handed it to Li Ke, "There was a murder case in Pingkangfang three days ago. A man was found dead in a fire."

"Take someone to see it."

Li Ke took the case record, glanced around, and immediately said, "Isn't this exactly the same as the case we handled in Wannian County before?"

"And there was smoke in the deceased's throat. He must have been suffocated in the fire."

"There's no need to investigate now, just close the case."

After Li Ke finished speaking, he was about to sit down and drink tea, but he didn't know that Zhao Chen's eyes were staring at him.

Li Ke's back felt hairy when he saw it.

"Emperor...Brother Emperor, what's wrong?" Li Ke's voice was trembling, thinking what did he say wrong just now?

"Have you carefully read the case records?" Zhao Chen said in a deep voice.

Li Ke hurriedly took another look, and then nodded heavily.

"Then you can see that the smoke in the deceased's throat is in the form of dry foam." Zhao Chen asked again.

"Is there anything strange about this?" Li Ke was confused and asked subconsciously.

"What do you think?" Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke with a displeased face.

Li Ke felt a sudden surge in his heart, but he really didn't know what he had missed.

So what if the smoke is in the form of dry foam?

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