Li Ke thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what was wrong with the dry foam-like smoke in the mouth of the deceased.

What he remembers clearly is that when Zhao Chen tried a similar case in Wannian County, he also judged the smoke in the mouth of the deceased and found out that the deceased was beaten to death and then set on fire.

At that time, he also helped check the corpse's throat.

Zhao Chen also said that people who were burned to death by fire would have smoke and dust in their throats, and the person he saw today had a lot of smoke and dust in his throat.

Why is it wrong now?

Li Ke didn't understand what he had done wrong at all.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" Seeing that Li Ke remained silent and frowned, Zhao Chen asked.

Li Ke shook his head with a confused face.

He had no idea what was wrong with him.

"It is good that there is smoke in the mouth and throat of the deceased, but the case records say that the smoke is in the form of powder. Under the fire, the smoke outside is of course powder, but it is in the throat of the corpse. When the person is burned to death , will struggle, and the smoke inhaled in the throat will produce saliva, so naturally it cannot be in the form of powder."

"So, this is definitely a murder." After Zhao Chen said that, his eyes fell on Li Ke's face again.

Li Ke was stunned at the time.

He always thought that this case was the same as the previous trial with Zhao Chen in Wannian County.

Unexpectedly, although they were both major fire cases, the results turned out to be completely different.

Today's case, I thought it was an ordinary fire case, but to my surprise, it turned out to be another murder case.

"Brother Emperor, do you know this too?" Li Ke opened his mouth, his face full of disbelief.

"Who is the person who reported the crime? Did the deceased have any enemies? Let's investigate all the neighbors around the deceased." Zhao Chen ignored Li Ke's surprise and told him how to deal with it next.

Li Ke heavily

He nodded, then raised his hands to salute Zhao Chen, and then quickly threw him out of the Yamen.

Two days later, it was already mid-afternoon when the emperor finished working on the last book of the day.

In the past two days, he also heard about Zhao Chen's affairs in Chang'an County.

The emperor was not surprised at all by Zhao Chen's easy handling of the Chang'an County case.

If Zhao Chen couldn't handle these trivial matters, wouldn't he think highly of him?

Thinking that nothing would happen next, the emperor also changed into casual clothes and went outside the palace alone.

After sitting in a carriage, it took a while to arrive at the Chang'an County Government Office.

After asking the government officials, I found out that Chang'an County Magistrate Zhao Chen was not at the government office today. Instead, he went to a village outside the city to deal with an arson and murder case.

The emperor also heard about the arson and murder case that had reached his ears in the past two days.

I didn't expect that this guy Zhao Chen would be so dedicated to his duties.

My mood suddenly improved a lot, and I was driven to the village outside the city in a carriage.

Willow Leaf Village.

Because the terrain is shaped like a willow leaf, it has this name.

At the entrance of the village, Zhao Chen, Li Ke and a dozen Chang'an County government officials stood in an open space.

Standing in front was a middle-aged man with a big belly. Behind the man stood dozens of thugs armed with sticks.

He stared at Zhao Chen and others with eager eyes.

"Mr. Zhao, what evidence do you have to prove that I killed him? Wang Er was obviously burned to death by the fire. People from your yamen have also done an autopsy. There are no wounds on Wang Er's body. Where could he be killed by someone else?" ?”

"Although I, Zhang San, have a relationship with Wang Er,

It’s a festival, but I’m rich and powerful, why would I get myself into trouble for the sake of a bastard with no hair? "The middle-aged man said to Zhao Chen with disdain.

"Yes, our master wants to take action against Wang Er's thing?"

"Does Wang Er deserve it?"

"He is just a lazy man from Willow Leaf Village. He will die when he dies. How can he depend on our master?" ??

"Master Zhao, do you think our adults are easy to bully?"

After Zhang San finished speaking, the thugs behind him glared angrily at Zhao Chen and others and threatened them verbally.

The Chang'an County government officials who came with them couldn't help but feel a little scared when they saw such a large number of people on the other side.

He glanced at Zhao Chen with some fear.

Although their county magistrate is the world-famous His Highness the King of Han, no matter what his status is, he cannot indiscriminately convict people.

Besides, the Zhang San in front of him still has some power.

If we really fight with them here, these dozen of them may not be able to get any benefits.

"Sir, did we make a mistake?" a government official asked in a low voice.

Zhao Chen turned around, glanced coldly at the government servant behind him, then slowly turned back to look at Zhang San in front of him, and finally smiled, "Although Wang Er has no money and is still a lazy man, he and you are brothers."


"What brother?"

As soon as Zhao Chen finished speaking, the people of Liuye Village who were watching were stunned.

Are Wang Er and Zhang San brothers?

How can this be?

No one ever said anything about this.

Moreover, Wang Er and Zhang San never interacted with each other in the village. If they were brothers, how could the people in the village not know about it?

But Zhang San heard Zhao Chen say that he was following Wang

When the two were brothers, a trace of inexplicable anger flashed in their eyes.

But then it quickly disappeared.

"Master Zhao, although I, Zhang San, am incompetent, I am not a brother of Wang Er."

"If Mr. Zhao can't find any evidence, let Wang Er set himself on fire and die. We won't go out and say anything nonsense." Zhang San looked at Zhao Chen coldly, his tone extremely dissatisfied.

Zhao Chen waved to Li Ke who was on the side.

Li Ke immediately took three steps forward, looked at Zhang San in front of him, and said loudly, "Twenty years ago, Wang Er moved to Liuye Village from other places and was placed at the east end of Liuye Village by the old man of the Zhang family."

"The old man of the Zhang family cares very much about Wang Er. Every festival, he will go to Wang Er's house to send some things, and he often drinks at Wang Er's house."

"One day, after the old man of the Zhang family got drunk, he told Wang Er a secret."

"Wang Er is actually the illegitimate son of the old man of the Zhang family, but because he has a fierce wife at home, the old man of the Zhang family dare not take Wang Er home."

"When Wang Er heard the news, he took it as a threat and asked you, Zhang San, to give him a sum of money every month."

"At first, this money was only two ounces per month. Later, Wang Er was lazy and asked for more and more. Zhang San, you ordered someone to beat Wang Er."

"Originally, Zhang San, you thought this matter would end here, but you didn't expect that Wang Er didn't give up and even told the matter to the shopkeeper of the tavern."

"The shopkeeper's."

Li Ke shouted behind him.

A shopkeeper hurriedly ran over with his body down, looking at Zhang San with a panicked look in his eyes.

Zhang San's face was the color of pig liver at the moment, and his hands were squeezed together tightly.

He didn't expect that his elaborate murder plan would be discovered so quickly.

He even found out exactly why he killed someone.

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