The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,633 You have to make the decision for the old woman

Zhang San’s father, Mrs. Zhang, and Wang Er are indeed father and son.

After Zhang San learned about this from Wang Er, he immediately went to inquire with Mrs. Zhang, and finally received a positive answer from Mrs. Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang told Zhang San to keep this secret. As for Wang Er, he was guaranteed to have the most basic life.

Zhang San also kept it in mind.

Soon after, Mrs. Zhang passed away. Wang Er only had a small amount of money to live on at first, but later he became a moth.

Wang Er knew that Zhang San did not dare to publicize the matter about his identity, and was also afraid that he would leak the news.

Wang Er has Zhang San's handle.

The money he asks for every month is getting more and more, including eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. The money he asks for every month has increased from two to five dans. Last month, he even asked for ten dans.

Although Zhang San's family has quite a lot of wealth, they absolutely can't stand Wang Er's demands.

It happened that there was a problem with the Zhang family's business this month. Zhang San went to see Wang Er and asked him to ask for less money.

As a result, Wang Er did not agree, but instead threatened Zhang San not to pay the money and expose the matter himself.

This made Zhang San very angry.

So he agreed to send money over the next night.

That night, Zhang San brought the money and drank with Wang Er.

Wang Er was drunk, so Zhang San covered Wang Er with a quilt and faked a fire accident.

"Zhang San, what else do you have to say?" Li Ke looked at Zhang San with some pride.

Although Li Ke made a mistake at the beginning of this case, until now, he has found it out with his own hands.

This achievement made Li Ke feel a little proud.

"I have nothing to say."

"I just think Wang Er deserves to die. Why can he not do his job properly and just reach out to me to ask for money?"

"Why should I give it to him?"

"Why does he keep threatening me?"


br\u003e “I told him that the situation at home is not good recently, he wants a little less, and I will replenish it for him later, but why doesn’t he agree?”

"He deserves to die, he really deserves to die!" Zhang San suddenly shouted loudly, and suddenly fell heavily to the ground.

"Master!" The thug behind him shouted loudly, and quickly went up to help Zhang San.

When I helped Zhang San up, I found that Zhang San was bleeding from all his orifices and was not breathing.

"I..." When Li Ke saw Zhang San's sudden death, the look on his face immediately froze.

Everyone in the audience also sighed.

Zhang San is dead and the case is solved, but why doesn't this make people happy at all?

Zhao Chen happened to encounter the emperor's carriage on his way back to the county office with his people.

But now there's something wrong with the emperor's carriage.

In front of the carriage, an elderly woman was lying on the ground, babbling and screaming.

From the looks of it, he must have been knocked to the ground.

The emperor stood in front of the old woman with an angry look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Chen came up with Li Ke and the government officials.

As soon as she saw Zhao Chen and the government servants, the old woman seemed to have seen a savior, and stumbled over to Zhao Chen.

"My lord, my lord, you have to make the decision for the old woman." The old woman shouted to Zhao Chen with tears in her eyes.

Both hands were holding Zhao Chen's thighs tightly.

"Old man, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Chen winked at Li Ke, and Li Ke immediately pulled the old woman's hand away, allowing Zhao Chen to escape triumphantly.

"Sir, he hit me, he hit me." The old woman

The person turned around and pointed at the emperor, saying that the emperor had hit her.

Zhao Chen and others looked at the emperor, whose face was as gloomy as black ink.

He came here originally to look for Zhao Chen, but as soon as the carriage arrived, he saw an old woman lying on the ground.

The emperor thought that the old woman must have fallen at such an old age, and it was getting late, so he asked someone to stop the carriage and come down to help the old woman himself. ??

Unexpectedly, the old woman immediately hugged the emperor tightly, and kept muttering that it was he, the emperor, who had hit him.

If it had been anyone else, the emperor would have taken a swipe at him, but the guy in front of him was an old woman.

The emperor still suppressed his inner anger.

I happened to meet Zhao Chen and others who had returned from Liuye Village.

Seeing the emperor's expression of wanting to kill someone, Zhao Chen knew that the old woman in front of him was cheating.

Touching porcelain happens all the time.

But this was the first time Zhao Chen saw him here.

"Old man, what evidence do you have that he hit you?" Zhao Chen knew that this matter was a tricky job, but no matter what, he had to ask clearly, even if it was a collision.

As soon as the old woman heard that Zhao Chen wanted evidence, she immediately covered her head, pretending to have a headache, and shook her head vigorously, "Evidence? I don't know. I just knew that I was walking well here, and suddenly someone was behind me." I hit it and my head fell to the ground, the pain was unbearable.”

"Sir, ask him to compensate me ten, no, one hundred strings..."

When talking about compensation, the old woman looked the emperor up and down. Perhaps she saw that he was quite well-dressed. She originally wanted to say ten gaol, but suddenly it became a hundred gaol.

When he heard that the old woman would be compensated one hundred guan, the emperor immediately clenched his fists.

How can I help someone so well?

Did he hit it on his own?

Do you still want to pay a hundred dollars in compensation?

An ordinary person would never make so much money in his lifetime.

When this old guy touches his upper and lower lips, it's like a hundred sticks?

When Li Ke heard the old woman asking the emperor to compensate the emperor for a hundred guan, he understood in his heart that the guy in front of him was cheating.

"Sir, this person is an old porcelain expert. Two months ago, before your Excellency came here, this old woman had an experience with porcelain."

"The man was passing by and saw her lying on the ground. He helped her up out of kindness, but this guy turned to the man and said it was his donkey cart that hit her."

"When the matter reached the Yamen, the county magistrate at the time said, 'You didn't hit me, so why did you help me?'"

"I just made everyone speechless." A yamen servant recognized the old woman in front of him and hurriedly explained her origins beside Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen's eyelids jumped when he heard this.

What he was thinking about now was not to deal with the woman in front of him, but to deal with the official who judged the case.

You didn't hit me, why did you help me?

Zhao Chen now wanted to give the official who judged the case a few hard blows.

"Where is the county magistrate?" Zhao Chen turned back to look at the Yamen servant, and an inexplicable coldness enveloped the Yamen servant.

The yamen servant felt scared for a while, shook his head cautiously and said, "Before the Lord came, I had been promoted, and now I seem to be working in Dali Temple."

"Gaosheng?" Zhao Chen clenched his fists.

Can such a person be promoted?

There is no reason for this.

"Sir?" The old woman's voice brought Zhao Chen back to his senses.

Zhao Chen looked at the old woman, then said with a smile, "I am the new magistrate of Chang'an County. I will ask you to take you to the hospital to have a look. I will personally hear the matter in court tomorrow."

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