Seeing that the emperor had indeed arrived, Li Ke also had a look of surprise on his face.

He didn't quite believe what Zhao Chen said just now, but he didn't expect that the emperor actually came over.

Li Ke is now thinking about what will happen if the emperor comes to find Zhao Chen at this time.

Could it be that Zhao Chen is planning to have Zhao Chen inspect various parts of the Tang Dynasty?

If this is the case, he can leave Chang'an and have a good tour of the landscape of the Tang Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Li Ke felt a little hopeful in his heart.

The emperor sat down in front of Zhao Chen, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Obviously still worried about today's events.

Even if the old woman was punished in the most severe way, the emperor was not at ease at all.

It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people.

But it only takes a year or two for the social atmosphere to deteriorate.

The emperor did what Li Ke had guessed and wanted Zhao Chen to help him inspect various parts of the Tang Dynasty, but the emperor was worried that Zhao Chen would not be willing.

Although patrolling various places is different from fighting, who knows if this guy Zhao Chen just wants to die in Chang'an City.

"I have something to discuss with you." The emperor spoke, his eyes falling on Zhao Chen's face.

Zhao Chen didn't speak, he already guessed the emperor's purpose of coming to him.

However, compared to leading troops to fight again, Zhao Chen felt that he could barely accept the emperor's troubles with him this time.

"You have all seen what happened today. A woman dared to frame others just for a small profit."

"But I, an official of the Tang Dynasty, do not distinguish between right and wrong, and only carry out lazy administration. I am in vain as the parents of the people."

"If this continues, within two years, the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty will be completely corrupted. No matter what, this matter must be suppressed."

"I plan to let you carry my orders and patrol all parts of the Tang Dynasty on my behalf. If there is any injustice, I will give you the right to kill first and report later."

"What do you think?" After the emperor said this, he looked at Zhao Chen expectantly.


But Zhao Chen's reaction made the emperor unable to react.

Zhao Chen cupped his hands slightly, and then said, "I obey."

Zhao Chen agreed so easily that the emperor felt a little stunned.

He thought that this time Zhao Chen would reject him in every possible way like before.

The emperor even thought of several ways to persuade Zhao Chen, such as asking Empress Changsun to help lobby.

Another example is promising some benefits to Zhao Chen.

But it seems like I haven't used it myself.

Why did this kid agree?

Has this guy changed his temper?

The emperor was suspicious.

"Is there a problem?" Zhao Chen raised his head and saw that the emperor didn't speak, so he couldn't help but ask.


"No, no!" The emperor finally reacted and quickly waved to Zhao Chen.

Then the emperor cautiously asked, "Don't you have any other conditions?"

"I am a citizen of the Tang Dynasty. Isn't it my duty to share your Majesty's worries?"

"Why do we need to negotiate terms?"

Zhao Chen's words made the emperor lose his confidence.

This is nothing like what Zhao Chen said.

"I just thought it was a little unexpected." The emperor smiled awkwardly.

He even wondered if he had always misjudged this boy Zhao Chen.

"Father, I also want to go with my brother." Li Ke couldn't hold back his thoughts for a long time.

He didn't want to stay in Chang'an alone.

When the time comes, the emperor will have to test his homework from time to time. Although Li Ke is not too worried, if he stays in Chang'an, he will be tested by the emperor every day.

Reprimanding, there is nothing more comfortable than leaving Chang'an and going sightseeing with Zhao Chen.

The emperor glanced at Zhao Chen, then at Li Ke, and then nodded, "Since we want to go together, then please help more and don't let your emperor brother handle everything alone."

"My son, I know."

"Thank you, father." Li Ke looked excited.

"Are you leaving Chang'an again?" Li Ruoshuang couldn't help but feel a little unhappy when she heard that Zhao Chen had received the emperor's order to prepare to patrol various parts of the Tang Dynasty on behalf of the emperor.

Li Ruoshuang thought, Zhao Chen was not the only one in the Tang Dynasty. Why should Zhao Chen handle such things as touring various places?

If Zhao Chen had never appeared, would the Tang Dynasty be over?

Of course Zhao Chen knew Li Ruoshuang's dissatisfaction, but he really had no intention of bringing Li Ruoshuang with him this time. .??.

Xiao Ping'an is still young. Although it is said that he is patrolling various places, he will inevitably encounter dangers.

With Xiaopingan in mind, Zhao Chen is always a little worried.

So he didn't plan to bring Li Ruoshuang with him this time.

"I have to leave for a while, but I will definitely come back soon." Zhao Chen comforted Li Ruoshuang with a smile.

Li Ruoshuang said nothing.

She knew that since Zhao Chen was no longer prepared to let her follow him, he would definitely not change his mind.

And Li Ruoshuang also understood that patrolling various places was sometimes even more dangerous than the battlefield.

The enemies on the battlefield are all frontal, but when patrolling various places, there is no guarantee that someone will not stab you in the back.

"You stay at home and take good care of Xiao Ping An. I will bring you a gift then." Zhao Chen put his arms around Li Ruoshuang's waist.

Li Ruoshuang shook her head. She was not a little girl in a boudoir, so she didn't care about gifts or anything else.

"Then will you go to Lizhou this time?" Li Ruoshuang shook his head and suddenly asked


Zhao Chen was slightly stunned. He knew what Li Ruoshuang meant.

When Wu Xu left Chang'an, he must have returned to his hometown of Lizhou.

But Zhao Chen didn't know whether Li Ruoshuang wanted him to go to Lizhou to see it, or whether he didn't want him to go.

"If you go to Lizhou and meet Xiao Wu, give this to her." Li Ruoshuang took out a letter from her arms and put it in Zhao Chen's hand.

Zhao Chen took the letter. He didn't know what Li Ruoshuang said in the letter, but he didn't ask any more questions.

If you meet Wu Xu in Lizhou then, just give her the letter.

As for whether Wu Xu is willing to come back at that time, that is up to Wu Xu himself.

The emperor's edict came quickly.

He even urged Zhao Chen and others to leave Chang'an and go to other places in the Tang Dynasty.

On September 19, Zhao Chen and Li Ke left Chang'an with a hundred Xuanjia troops dressed as ordinary guards.

"Sir, there is news that the King of Han did not come to the south, but went directly to the north." A servant in a government house in Qianzhou in the south said cautiously to the middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man was a minor official in the Qianzhou government, and he looked worried at this moment.

When he learned that Zhao Chen and others did not go to the south as he suspected, but went directly to the north, the middle-aged man's face turned pale.

"How could he go north?"

"Didn't my secret message go to Chang'an?"

"Why is he going to the north?" The middle-aged man looked a little excited.

"grown ups!"

"Sir!" The servant quickly supported the middle-aged man and shouted to calm him down.

After a long time, the middle-aged man slowly settled down, but the look on his face turned out to be one of death.

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