The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,639 If you don’t die, I will be too dangerous

At the same time, the Qianzhou official back hall.

Yan Wenzheng, the governor of Guizhou Province, had a cold expression on his face at this moment, holding a letter in his hand.

Standing in front of him with a bow was a general in a mess, with an unstoppable look of exhaustion in his eyes.

I think I just traveled a long way.

"Thankfully His Highness the King of Han did not come to the south, otherwise we would have been killed by that bitch Zhang Song." Yan Wenzheng said coldly. ??

"Sir, have all the matters in the city been dealt with?"

"Although the King of Han went to the north, if he received the news and went to the north in order to deceive others, but actually came to us, then..." the general said softly.

Yan Wenzheng nodded gently.

Although he has never met Zhao Chen in person, Zhao Chen's name is not unfamiliar to him at all.

There is no guarantee that His Highness the King of Han, who was strategizing on the battlefield, would not openly go to the north and actually give himself a carbine.

If he really found something here, he would be dead.

Yan Wenzheng didn't know if Zhang Song's letter had been obtained by Zhao Chen, but he still had to make preparations now.

"Is that guy Zhang Song still in your house?" Yan Wen asked the attendant next to him with a cold face.

"Reporting to your lord, Zhang Song is still in his own residence. Our people have surrounded the entire Zhang residence and will never let him escape." The attendant on the side quickly replied.

Upon hearing this, the expression on Yan Wenzheng's face softened slightly.

After a moment of silence, Yan Wenzheng's eyes fell on the general in front of him again, and he said, "At this point, we can only handle this matter in the safest way."

"You take people to Zhang Song's house tonight and be sure to kill everyone, leaving no one alive."


"You will finally understand."

That night, a group of criminal thieves suddenly broke into the house of Zhang Song, a minor official in the Qianzhou government.

each of them

They all covered their faces and rushed into Zhang's mansion without saying a word.

Kill everyone on sight.

Early the next morning, when the government officials arrived, they saw only the corpses of Zhang family members everywhere.

From the elderly to young children, all died tragically without exception.

The people who were watching couldn't help but shook their heads when they saw the corpses being carried out one by one from Zhang's mansion.

"Sir, everything has been taken care of." When the general returned to Yan Wenzheng again, his eyes were still blood-red.

He led people into Zhang Mansion last night and killed everyone.

After returning, he poisoned the wine of the people he brought with him, and now he was the only one who committed the crime.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yan Wenzheng nodded with a smile.

Just as the general was about to stand up, a sharp arrow shot towards him.

The general was so panicked that he could only dodge.

The arrow grazed his arm, leaving a deep bloody mark.

"My lord, why is this happening?" The general had not yet figured out why he was being assassinated.

"Everyone is dead. If you don't die, I will be in too much danger." Yan Wenzheng looked at the general in front of him with a smile.

Although he was smiling, there was no smile at all on his face.

He stared at the general in front of him as if he were looking at a dead person.

The general was frightened and wanted to escape from here, but he didn't want more arrows flying towards him like raindrops from behind.

In a moment, the general's body was like a hedgehog, covered with arrows.

The general looked back at Yan Wenzheng with blood in his mouth and unwilling eyes, and then died outside the hall.

Yan Wenzheng waved his hand, and someone immediately carried the general's body out.

Looking at the fresh food left on the ground

Blood, Yan Wenzheng let out a long breath.

Half a month later.

The second street north of Qianzhou Government Office. ??

Everywhere was crowded with people.

In addition to the people, there was also a large army blocking everyone.

Last night, a loud noise broke the peace here.

All the houses within a fifty-meter radius were blown to pieces by this explosion.

The streets are full of ruins.

The corpses of a large number of people were carried out from the ruins, and they looked horrible.

"Why did everything look so good suddenly explode?"

"What exactly exploded? Why didn't I find anything before?"

"I heard some gunpowder exploded."


"It's the gunpowder invented by His Highness the King of Han before, the sky-blasting cannon, the one that can blow up a large group of people at once."

"Invented by His Highness the King of Han?"

"Then why did you end up living here?"

"Then who knows."

"His Royal Highness the King of Han is not doing this here, right?"

"If that's really the case, then..."

There was a lot of gossip among the people.

Yan Wenzheng came here with his army. When he saw the corpses on the ground, his eyelids twitched hard.

He didn't expect that such a big explosion would happen here.

When such an explosion occurs, he is worried that there will be no way to deliver the goods.

If this news spreads to Qianzhou, he will be finished.

"The order goes down. No one is allowed to talk about the explosion. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed." After thinking for a moment, Yan Wenzheng could only come up with this last resort.

No matter what, the news must be kept in Qianzhou first.

But we can't let the news reach us

To Chang'an.

"What to do with these corpses?"

"There are still injured people. How will they be accommodated?" a general asked Yan Wenzheng.

Yan Wenzheng waved his hands impatiently and said, "The dead ones will be buried directly, and the surviving ones will be placed in the back streets of the government office, and people will be sent to guard them closely."

"In addition, spies are sent out on the street. Anyone who talks about this matter will be jailed."

"Yes!" The general took the order and left.

Yanwen was looking at the ruins in front of him, clenching his fists bitterly.

"Shopkeeper, what happened here?"

"Why don't everyone say anything?" A few days later, Zhao Chen and Li Ke walked into a tavern in Qianzhou.

While eating, the two found that none of the diners in the tavern spoke.

Even when he spoke, it was in a whisper.

He looked like he was afraid of being overheard.

The shopkeeper looked embarrassed, but he just gave Li Ke a silent expression, and then no longer showed any expression.

Li Ke looked at Zhao Chen in confusion. He couldn't understand why no one was talking while eating in this tavern.

It's impossible not to talk in the tavern. It's the custom in Qianzhou.

Zhao Chen didn't speak, but just signaled to Li Ke to eat quietly.

During this tour of the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Chen originally planned to go to various places in the north first.

But before setting off, he received a secret letter from Qianzhou.

The letter said that someone in Qianzhou had secretly obtained the method of making gunpowder and was secretly developing something similar to the sky-blasting cannon.

The sky-blasting cannon was a great weapon for the Tang Dynasty.

This thing is safest only if it is in the hands of the emperor.

But now someone in Qianzhou has obtained the method of making gunpowder, which makes Zhao Chen a little worried.

So he transferred to Qianzhou.

I just didn't expect that Qianzhou seemed a little unusual.

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