The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1641 Someone must have made a false accusation

After entering the Qianzhou Governor's Mansion, Yan Wenzheng saw the King of Han slowly getting out of the carriage.

Yan Wenzheng was a little strange.

He learned from others that Han Wang Zhao Chen was a rare handsome man in the world.

But in front of me, His Highness the King of Han, although he is pretty handsome, it would be a joke to be called rare in the world.

But although he was confused, Yan Wenzheng didn't take it too seriously.

After all, a person's identity is here. Even if he is a buffoon, there will be countless people who flatter him without conscience.

Yan Wenzheng only thought that it was because of the special status of the King of Han that such a thing came out.

"Your Highness, Your Highness the King of Han, the official has prepared a welcome banquet for you. Your Highness the King of Han, please come with me." Yan Wenzheng looked at the King of Han in front of him with a smile on his face.

Li Ke walked forward, slightly cupped his hands towards the King of Han, and said, "Brother Emperor, although we are here to inspect various parts of the Tang Dynasty, in fact, our father just wants him to come out and relax. Why don't we just enjoy it?" , Besides, Governor Yan Wenzheng has prepared a welcoming banquet for the emperor’s brother.” .??.

"Yes, yes, His Highness the King of Shu is right. Your Highnesses have finally come to Qianzhou. It is indeed an honor for all of us in Qianzhou."

"Your Highness the King of Han, why don't you give me a favor and have a drink with me?" Yan Wenzheng saw Li Ke helping him to speak, so he quickly took advantage of the situation.

Where can I find such a good person?

He Yan Wenzheng was eager for the king of Han and the king of Shu to come to Qianzhou just to relax.

Thinking of this, Yan Wenzheng immediately became concerned.

He thought of Chen Bianbian, the famous leader in Qianzhou.

That woman was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, poetry, and poetry, and more importantly, she was a rare beauty in the world.

I was preparing to attack Chen Bianbian in the past two days. Now that I think about it, I'm glad I didn't make this decision.

Otherwise, you won’t know what to do next.


"Since you two said so, let's go there."

"But Governor Yan has to help me prepare a guest room first. I need a good rest after the banquet." King Han said, making Yan Wenzheng overjoyed.

Didn't someone bring a pillow to me just when I wanted to sleep?

I arranged for Chen Bianbian to come over. When the King of Han was half drunk, he saw such a beautiful woman in front of him. He couldn't help but...

When the time comes, will you hold the handle in your own hands?

"I'll let someone make arrangements now." Yan Wenzheng was filled with joy. He turned around and whispered a few words to the attendants beside him.

Passing through the porch, Li Ke walked behind King Han and saw that everything had been arranged in front of him.

A dozen young girls in cool clothes lowered their heads respectfully.

All kinds of delicious dishes abound behind you.

Li Ke could smell the fragrance from afar.

Li Ke glanced at the King of Han on the side and thought that he was taking advantage of the boy in front of him. Otherwise, Zhao Chen would have had a good meal if he had come over by himself.

"Brother Emperor, please take a seat." Li Ke reminded the King of Han in front of him.

The King of Han seemed to have come to his senses and sat on the throne.

Yan Wenzheng and others also sat down.

I originally wanted to toast the King of Han several times more wine, but the King of Han in front of me didn't seem to want to pay attention to him and the others.

On the other hand, the King of Shu, Li Ke, was extremely enthusiastic and frequently toasted with himself and others.

Although Yan Wenzheng was surprised, he could only think that the King of Han was feeling unwell and was unwilling to drink.

Although they did not drink with the King of Han, as long as they

Living in the Dudu Mansion, Yan Wenzheng was not worried at all.

In their own territory, no matter what these two highnesses want to do, it will be under their noses.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han, you have come thousands of miles away and when you arrive in Qianzhou, you have to take a good rest."

"Tomorrow, Xianguan will personally accompany His Highnesses the King of Han and the King of Shu for a walk around Qianzhou to appreciate the customs of Qianzhou?" Yan Wenzheng issued an invitation.

With the King of Han and King of Shu by their side, they had no time to investigate other matters.

Everything on the road will be arranged in advance to ensure that they will not encounter any disaster victims.

"Captain Yan, I was originally going to inspect the north, but when I was leaving Chang'an, I received a secret letter."

"Some people say that gunpowder similar to the sky-blasting cannon appeared in Qianzhou. I don't know whether it is true or not." The King of Han, who was sitting at the top, suddenly spoke, making Yan Wenzheng tense up.

The expressions of other officials around him also changed, but they soon regained their composure.

They had already wiped out Zhang Song's family, and even the general who wiped out the family died in their hands.

What can the King of Han find out?

Yan Wenzheng was just stunned for a moment, and then looked at King Han with a puzzled look, "I don't know anything about what His Highness King Han said."

"This sky-blasting cannon is a secret of the imperial court. It is not even qualified by the Ministry of War. How can gunpowder appear in Qianzhou, Xianguan?"

"Isn't this because someone framed the official?"

Yan Wenzheng was very calm and looked extremely distressed after saying this.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han clearly knows that we and other officials in Qianzhou are working hard to benefit the people of Qianzhou, but we dare not overstep our bounds in the slightest."

"Yes, Your Highness the King of Han.

Don't believe the so-called secret letter. Someone must have falsely accused us. "

After Yan Wenzheng finished speaking, other officials also spoke one after another.

Everyone had an innocent look on their faces.

Anyone would think they knew nothing about it.

"Captain Yan, the secret letter the emperor received was written by a man named Zhang Song. He is still a minor official in Qianzhou. Is he here today?" Li Ke said slowly.

When Yan Wenzheng heard this, he was secretly glad that he had someone kill Zhang Song immediately.

Otherwise, I will either die today or kill the two princes in front of me.

Yan Wenzheng had a look of regret on his face, shook his head and said, "I would like to inform you, Your Highnesses, that Mr. Zhang Song and his family encountered thieves not long ago. The whole family was killed and they were buried just two days ago."

"Xiaoguan has also been sending people to chase the murderer, but until today, we have not been able to find the bastard who killed Mr. Zhang's family."

"Dead?" Li Ke's face showed a look of surprise, and then it slowly dimmed. His eyes fell on King Han, and he cupped his hands and said, "Brother, I'm afraid this matter can't be found out."

"Zhang Song is dead. Maybe someone knew about the secret letter and killed him to silence him."

"Captain Yan, I order you to investigate this matter strictly and give Zhang Song an explanation." King Han spoke, making Yan Wenzheng's heart tighten.

Fortunately, King Han did not continue.

It seems that for this matter, it is enough to find out who killed Zhang Song.

Yan Wenzheng did not dare to look down upon him at all. Since His Highness the King of Han could reach this point, he must have a lot of tricks.

You have to be on guard against him.

"Your Majesty will conduct a strict investigation." Yan Wenzheng said with his hands raised to the King of Han.

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