The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,642 Zhang’s evidence

The reception feast lasted until evening.

Everyone was very drunk. The King of Han, who had not drunk a glass of wine, supported the drunk King of Shu, Li Ke, and led him to the room in the backyard.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a woman sitting in the room.

His bright eyes and white teeth made me feel pity for him.

"King of Shu." The King of Han called Li Ke in a low voice.

Li Ke opened his eyes slightly and saw a woman sitting in the room, and immediately woke up with a start.

"Who are you?" Li Ke asked Chen Bianbian in front of him.

"Chen Bianbian, my servant, welcomes guests to the oiran." Chen Bianbian stood up and saluted Li Ke and the other two.

Li Ke instantly understood what Chen Bianbian meant here.

This Yan Wenzheng has no good intentions.

In other words, Chen Bianbian in front of him was spying on them.

You can't let Chen Bianbian stay by your side, otherwise the fact that Zhao Chen didn't enter the Governor's Mansion will definitely be exposed.

"Get out, my royal brother doesn't like strangers here." Li Ke said coldly.

Chen Bianbian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Ke and King Han suspiciously.

"But Governor Yan..."

"If Governor Yan asks, just say it was me. If Princess Han knew that Governor Yan acted like this, she would definitely skin him." Li Ke looked cold.

The King of Han beside him was not Zhao Chen.

If a beautiful woman in front of you throws yourself into her arms, who knows if the kid next to you will tell everything.

When Yan Wenzheng knows everything, they will be in danger.

Besides, this woman was prepared for Zhao Chen.

Chen Bianbian bowed slightly, seemed to be relieved, and then quickly left the room.

"Your Highness, is there no problem with my performance?" King Han breathed a sigh of relief and stood upright next to Li Ke.

"It's okay. Remember, no matter who comes to ask you anything, don't say anything."

"In order to ensure a

All goes well, I will always be by your side, you go to bed and rest. "Li Ke instructed the King of Han in front of him.

"Your Highness, please sleep on the bed. You can just sleep on the floor." The 'King of Han' said quickly.

"No, you are the King of Han now, my imperial brother. If I sleep on the bed and you sleep on the floor, it will definitely arouse Yan Wenzheng's suspicion." Li Ke waved his hand.

Then he signaled the 'King of Han' to rest.

"Kicked people out?" Yan Wenzheng was surprised when he received the news that Chen Bianbian was kicked out.

If it wasn't to please the King of Han, he wouldn't be willing to give away the beautiful girl in front of him.

Even now when I look at Chen Bianbian in front of me, an evil fire is rising in my heart.

The King of Han didn’t like such a beautiful woman?

Could it be that he knew that he sent people to monitor them?

Thinking of this, Yan Wenzheng couldn't help but feel a little more wary.

Then he glanced at Chen Bianbian in front of him, gritted his teeth and waved his hands and said, "You will temporarily stay in the Governor's Mansion. If His Highness the King of Han needs it, you must serve His Highness the Han King well."

"If you dare not obey, I will strip you naked and throw you into a beggar's den."

When Chen Bianbian heard this, his face turned pale with fright.

But what could she do? How could she, a helpless woman, fight against the powerful Governor of Qianzhou, Yan Wenzheng?

"The slave family knows." Chen Bianbian said softly.

Yan Wenzheng looked at Chen Bianbian again before making up his mind and waved his hand to signal Chen Bianbian to leave.

Chen Bianbian left, Yan Wenzheng immediately waved, and a general ran over, "What are your orders, Governor?"

"Let people always remind the king of Han and the king of Shu, as well as the Xuanjia army they brought, that this

Wherever these people have gone and who they have met, they must report back to me verbatim. "

"In addition, the gunpowder explosion in the city must be dealt with immediately."

"Those who are still spreading rumors should be locked up tightly. If there are any stubborn ones, let them shut up forever." Yan Wenzheng ordered the generals in front of him with cold eyes.

The general bowed his hands slightly and left quickly.

Yan Wenzheng felt relieved.

Keep an eye on everyone around King Han, and lead others to accompany King Han at all times.

What else could they find out?

Inside Qianzhou City.

Zhao Chen is still wandering around the city.

After separating from Li Ke, Zhao Chen came to Zhang Mansion.

Mottled blood stains can still be seen on the gate of Zhang's residence. You don't need to think about it to know how brutal the massacre was.

Only the door of Zhang's house was sealed, and there was no one guarding it.

I found a deserted place, climbed over the fence, and came to the backyard of Zhang's house.

However, after a while, the interior of Zhang Mansion began to look dilapidated.

There are fallen leaves everywhere, scattered stools, only one door left, and windows with holes everywhere.

After walking through the yard, Zhao Chen came to the front hall. There were signs of rummaging everywhere.

Even the floorboards were pried open.

Apparently the murderer looked for something here after the murder.

I just don’t know if the stuff has been found.

Standing in the front hall, four large pillars support the beams, with a large red beam in the middle.

Looking up, Zhao Chen heard the sound of the door opening before he could move.

Then there was a conversation between the two people.

"The Governor is really looking for trouble. We have searched so many times and turned up the floor, but we still can't find what he wants.


"He's asking us to come here to look for him now. I think he just saw that we were too leisurely and climbed up the pole to let us do things." The speaker's voice was filled with dissatisfaction.

"You talk a lot, can't we do it?"

"Now that you're here, let's check again so as not to get scolded when you go back."

"Being scolded?"

"I really want to tell his ancestors that he doesn't pay his salary on time, and he also uses various tricks to torment us, which means he has some status in front of the people. Otherwise, I will definitely not do this."

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived in the front hall.

He kicked a piece of the floor and heard the man complain, "Look, there's nothing here, not even a ghost."

"You guy, you are not afraid that Zhang Song's family will come back to find you." A person next to him cursed.

"If he is really that powerful, he should go directly to Governor Yan. Why are you looking for me?"

"makes sense."

"But let's look for it. Don't waste your time. I'll treat you to a drink later, so stop cursing."

"drink wine?"

"What are you waiting for?"

"Going right now!"


Zhao Chen squatted on the beam above his head, and soon saw the two people leaving Zhang Mansion in a hurry.

Zhao Chen's eyes fell on the center of the beam in front of him, where there was something wrapped in red cloth.

That's what he's looking for today.

Zhang Song's secret letter actually contained another letter.

In the letter, Zhang Song said that he would definitely be silenced by Yan Wenzheng, but he would leave everything he knew on the beam in the front hall of his home.

I hope Zhao Chen can be found by then.

This is also the reason why Zhao Chen, Li Ke and others separated.

Being monitored by Yan Wenzheng, he had no chance to come here to take down Zhang Song's evidence.

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