"Harm, don't tell me, the wine in Zuixianju is really good. The more I drink, the more addicted I am."

"No, the wine from Zuixianju is the most precious wine in Qianzhou. It can be compared with the wine from Chang'an attack to the imperial court."

"Yes, yes, come on, have another drink."


"Brother Zhou, we are drinking here now. What will we do if the Governor finds out?"

"As for the Zhang family's affairs, we must give an explanation."

"Don't worry, I already have a solution. How many times have I searched this house and found nothing? Can we find it?"

"At that time, just say that we conducted a thorough search but found nothing."

"The enemy, Brother Zhou, you still have an idea."

In the restaurant, the two people who had just gone to search the Zhang Mansion were drinking happily.

They completely didn't notice that on another table not far away, Zhao Chen was drinking wine slowly, right near them.

There were not many customers in the restaurant.

Zhao Chen was drinking here alone, somewhat out of place.

Besides, Zhao Chen's appearance was not that of Qianzhou at all, so he naturally attracted the attention of the two of them very quickly.

"Brother Li, do you see that kid behind you?"

"He is fair and clean, and wears good clothes. He is probably a rich young man from outside, not as good as us..." The yamen servant, who was called Brother Zhou, laid his eyes on Zhao Chen.

The yamen officer surnamed Li on the opposite side turned his head and looked behind him.

But he saw Zhao Chen sitting at a table alone, slowly drinking wine.

The people in Qianzhou City were panic-stricken, but this man was so calm.

Moreover, he was dressed luxuriously and had an air of nobility on his face, so he must be a wealthy young man from a wealthy family.

The two looked at each other and immediately had an idea in their minds.


In this state and county thousands of miles away from Chang'an, they have their own

own customs.

For example, in Qianzhou, these government officials are used to being arrogant and domineering.

The two of them stood up one after another, one took the wine jar, the other picked up the weapon, and slowly walked to Zhao Chen.


The wine jar was placed heavily on the table, and the wine in the jar overflowed.

"Boy, where did you come from?" the Yamen servant named Zhou said coldly, with a hint of interrogation on his face.

"Chang'an." Zhao Chen raised his head and glanced at the Yamen servant named Zhou, and then slowly uttered two words.


As soon as he heard about Chang'an, the yamen officer surnamed Zhou changed his face instantly.

Only then did they know that the kings of Han and Shu had brought people from Chang'an to Qianzhou.

The person in front of me cannot be a subordinate of the King of Han, right?


"What are you doing here?" the yamen officer surnamed Li asked quickly.

He was also worried that the person in front of him was under the command of the King of Han.

If that were the case, they wouldn't dare offend him.

So he wanted to know something about Zhao Chen from Zhao Chen's words.

"I am a businessman from Chang'an. I want to come to Qianzhou to buy some melons and fruits to sell back to Chang'an. Sir, what's wrong with me?" Zhao Chen put down his chopsticks and asked the two of them with a smile.

"Of course it's not appropriate. The people of Qianzhou don't have enough melons and fruits themselves. How can we let people buy them easily and go to Chang'an?"

"You have already committed a serious crime. Come with me." When the Yamen surnamed Zhou heard that Zhao Chen was just a businessman, he immediately felt confident.

He reached out to grab Zhao Chen's arm.

Zhao Chen stood up slightly and easily dodged the attack of the Yamen officer surnamed Zhou.

"You still dare to resist?" When the yamen officer surnamed Li saw Zhao Chen dodge, he said

He immediately drew his weapon and glared at Zhao Chen fiercely.

Zhao Chen didn't take it seriously and chuckled, "You two, I just went out to do business. I really don't need to wield a knife or a gun. I have already bought some fruits at home, but not all of them are specialties of Qianzhou. It's just that I I can’t figure out which ones are and which are not.”

"So I would like to ask you two to go with me and see how it goes?"

Of course they understood what Zhao Chen said.

And that's what they came for.

Buying some melons and fruits is a benefit to both of them.

As government officials in Qianzhou, it was naturally not the first time that the two of them had done such a thing. They patted Zhao Chen on the shoulder in a familiar manner, "Since you guys are so sensible, then naturally we will not let you down."

"Let's go!"

After that, the two of them came to the door of the restaurant one after another, stood at the door and stared at Zhao Chen with a smile.

The restaurant owner didn't dare to make any sound during the whole process.

They are just ordinary people in Qianzhou, how dare they offend the government officials in Qianzhou.

Alas, young people don't know the darkness of Qianzhou, and they are in trouble now.

Streets in Qianzhou City.

Zhao Chen walked in front, followed by two government officials.

Walking on the dilapidated streets, the ground was worn smooth and there was almost no place to stay.

Although the walls of the houses on both sides of the road were once painted with gray paint, they have now been exposed to wind, sun and rain and are covered with moss.

There are also mottled cracks in some places.

Garbage and muddy water lining the houses also make the place filthy and unsightly.

The stench wafting in the air made people close their noses.

Some hawkers and wine shop owners along the street are thriving in this environment as if nothing has happened.

There are also many beggars in shabby clothes appearing in the corners of some streets and alleys.

These people are haggard and have even lost their basic humanity, making people reluctant to approach them anymore.

This dilapidated street makes people feel sad. It is a shadow in the depths of Qianzhou and a disaster in people's lives.

However, faced with this situation, the Qianzhou government was unable to improve it, and the people could only endure the situation silently.

After walking for a while, the two government officials felt something was wrong.

The place where Zhao Chen brought them was clearly in the slums of Qianzhou City.

But what businessman would live in a slum?

"Boy, where are you taking us?" The officer surnamed Zhou drew his weapon and stood in front of Zhao Chen.

In addition, the Yamen surnamed Li blocked Zhao Chen's escape route.

The two of them were one behind the other, glaring at Zhao Chen eagerly.

"I heard that not long ago, there was an explosion in Qianzhou City, killing hundreds of people. Can you tell me about this?" Zhao Chen looked at the government official named Zhou in front of him with a calm expression.

When the two government officials heard Zhao Chen talk about the explosion in Qianzhou City, their expressions changed drastically.

That matter was a death order, and no one could say a word outside.

But the Zhao Chen in front of them actually asked the two detectives. For a moment, the two of them knew that the Zhao Chen in front of them was here to cause trouble.

The two of them immediately looked at each other and made up their minds to kill Zhao Chen.

They didn't dare to let this matter reach Yan Wenzheng's ears, otherwise they would definitely die in Yan Wenzheng's hands.

"Boy, you forced us." The officer surnamed Zhou held a long sword and slowly approached Zhao Chen step by step.

The officer surnamed Li behind him also slowly walked towards Zhao Chen, his eyes filled with ferociousness.

On the moss-covered wall, two wild cats scampered far away.

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