The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,644 I would rather kill the wrong person than let him go

Two government officials and Zhao Chen faced off in a narrow alley, creating a tense atmosphere.

The two government officials held sharp daggers in their hands.

Zhao Chen took out a sharp sword in his hand and drew a majestic arc.

The people in the slums in the distance saw this place from a distance, and they hid far away and looked at this place. ??

Hold your breath.

"Boy, it looks like you are really looking for death." Seeing Zhao Chen's attitude, the government officer named Zhou immediately shouted angrily.

Before Zhao Chen could react, he swung his sword to attack.

The officer began to attack and quickly swung his sword to attack Zhao Chen.

The yamen servant obviously had some skills. His sword dance was light and flying, his movements were flexible and light, and his short sword moves in the air were accurate, but he failed to cause any harm to Zhao Chen.

After a few moves, they didn't even touch Zhao Chen's sleeves.

The two government officials were even more angry. They couldn't even hold down a boy?

The two government officials looked at each other again, thinking about seizing a certain opportunity and using their body and sword skills to find Zhao Chen's flaws.

Zhao Chen saw the opponent's intention, danced his sword lightly, and turned the attack to a more vicious method, using his quick body skills to quickly put the two government officials at a disadvantage.

The two sides alternated attacks and defenses in the alley, and the situation reached a stalemate for a while, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhao Chen was simply playing tricks on the two people in front of him.

As time passed, the physical strength of the two government officials gradually weakened, and their bodies were covered with sweat.

The two of them were panting and had no energy left to attack Zhao Chen.

"Are you coming again?" Zhao Chen's voice sounded.

The two government officials looked at Zhao Chen, but they saw that Zhao Chen didn't feel tired at all.

Their attack for so long just now did not pose any threat to the man in front of them.

This bastard!

The two government officials were furious.


After that, the two of them once again wanted to find an opportunity to attack Zhao Chen.

A government officer suddenly turned into a black shadow and charged at Zhao Chen at an alarming speed, trying to pierce Zhao Chen's heart with a sword.

But Zhao Chen just took two steps back slightly and dodged the attack.

The officer's sword pierced the air, and when he turned around, he was kicked back by Zhao Chen, and then fell heavily to the ground.

One person was kicked back, but the other did not give up.

It was a sneak attack on Zhao Chen from the other side.

Moreover, the yamen servant who had just been kicked back also stood up and came towards Zhao Chen.

They look less and less like regular government servants and more and more like villains.

The two of them swung their swords left and right, constantly using various defensive and attack techniques on him, forcing Zhao Chen to retreat step by step.

Until they discovered a loophole, a large gap appeared on the left side of Zhao Chen's body. They immediately seized the opportunity and flew towards Zhao Chen.

The two of them had ferocious smiles on their faces.

However, Zhao Chen, who was supposed to be stabbed by them in front of them, suddenly rose into the air, and before they could react, he felt as if his back had been hit hard by a bull.

The two government officials hit the ground heavily, blood spurting out of their mouths, their expressions were in pain, and their vision gradually blurred.

The weapons in their hands also fell to the ground.

"Damn it, who is that? Even the government officials in Qianzhou were beaten to death by him."

"I don't know him, I haven't seen him before, but I beat the government servant from Qianzhou, so he probably died."

"Boy, if you dare to offend us, we are the government servants of Qianzhou, you are dead."

“Boy, if you know what’s going on, let us go now, otherwise you will definitely die without a burial place.


People in the slums were talking in the distance, and two government officials nearby even threatened Zhao Chen.

Obviously they haven't clearly understood the situation in front of them.

"What did you say……"

"ah!" .??.??

After Zhao Chen finished speaking, the long sword penetrated deeply into the calf of the Yamen servant named Zhou, and blood instantly poured out.

The yamen officer surnamed Zhou was in pain and was shaking all over.

The yamen officer surnamed Li on the side also turned pale at this moment. He didn't expect this guy to be so lawless. Even the yamen servants in Qianzhou were injured at his request.

"I ask, you answer, do you understand?" Zhao Chen's voice sounded again.

His eyes fell on the face of the Yamen servant named Li.

The yamen officer surnamed Li swallowed hard and nodded with a frightened expression.

"Is the explosion real?" Zhao Chen asked.

"It's true." The yamen officer surnamed Li quickly replied.

"Where will the injured people be placed?" Zhao Chen asked again.

"In the……"


"Where Qianzhou soldiers are guarding the back streets of the Dudu Mansion, none of them can come out."

"All the people in the city have been given a silence order because Governor Yan Wenzheng knew that His Highness the King of Han was coming to Qianzhou." The government official named Li did not dare to hide anything anymore.

Just when he hesitated for a moment, his colleague Zhou Yamen had his calf pierced again.

He didn't want to be like him.

"Lord Governor, something strange happened today. The two government officials sent by my subordinates have not returned yet."

"I wonder if something happened." In the Governor's Mansion, Yan Wenzheng was just about to sit down and rest for a while when someone came to report that a government servant was missing.

Yan Wenzheng did not speak immediately, but waited for the detailed report from the person in front of him.

"Two government officials were ordered to search Zhang's mansion. Logically speaking, they should come back and report now, but there was no movement at all."

"My subordinates sent people to look for it, but they didn't say they found it."

"Sir, is this the King of Han..." The official pointed carefully in the direction where the King of Han lived.

The meaning is very clear, fearing that there are still people from the King of Han outside, they have captured the two government officials he sent to search the Zhang Mansion.

Yan Wenzheng's heart sank slightly.

Although he had never really met Zhao Chen, when he saw Zhao Chen this time, he always felt that something was wrong.

His Highness the King of Han is really too easy to deceive.

And it seems that I am really just visiting Qianzhou.

Yan Wenzheng even had some doubts that the King of Han was actually a puppet.

But he didn't have any evidence, and he didn't dare to offend a rising prince for no reason.

But the disappearance of the two government officials also made Yan Wenzheng a little worried.

If Zhao Chen really had someone behind the scenes and found out about him, what would he do?

We can't let anything happen outside.

The matter of gunpowder must be concealed no matter what.

"You continue to send people to find those two people. If you want to see them alive, you want to see their corpses."

"If they die, immediately investigate who has had contact with them, and arrest everyone who has had contact with them."

"I would rather kill the wrong person than let him go." Yan Wenzheng immediately ordered.

"Yes." The official quickly took the order and left.

Although Yan Wenzheng issued the order, he did not feel any relaxation.

He thought of the injured people he had placed in the back streets.

These people must not make any mistakes, otherwise he would not be able to hide the bombings and gunpowder.

Once Zhao Chen finds out about this, he will either die or kill Zhao Chen and others.

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