The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,648 I gave you a chance

Zhao Chen smiled slightly and slowly took back the long sword in his hand.

"I believe in your military loyalty, General Han Chong." Zhao Chen said, "Now, you also know that Yan Wenzheng's crimes have reached an irreparable point, but he still acts arbitrarily and does not hesitate to kill prisoners and civilians. This is unacceptable Tolerated.”

"Yes, His Highness the King of Han." Han Chong nodded and said, "I can't tolerate this kind of behavior. What should I do now?"

"This matter needs to be kept secret. We must act quickly to attack Yan Wenzheng's forces and regain Qianzhou!" Zhao Chen said, "First, we must destroy Yan Wenzheng's intelligence center in the camp, eliminate his informants, and let him touch it blindly. elephant!"

Han Chong's expression dimmed, and he nodded, "Understood, I'll organize the manpower right away."

"Okay, let's start taking action now. Remember, there can't be any mistakes." Zhao Chen said firmly, then turned and walked out of Han Chong's room.

Han Chong looked at Zhao Chen's leaving figure, his heart filled with respect and gratitude.

He knew that accepting Zhao Chen's request was the right choice.

Although he had doubts and panic before, now, he has understood that only those who resolutely resist Yan Wenzheng are his true allies.

From now on, he will follow Zhao Chen to attack Yan Wenzheng and defend his homeland!

The next morning, Yan Wenzheng woke up from bed in a daze.

I heard a rumbling knock on the door outside.

"grown ups!"

"Sir!" The knocks on the door outside became more and more urgent, as if something big had happened.

Yan Wenzheng felt very uncomfortable.

He secretly wondered why all of his subordinates were so restless.

Taking two steps at a time, Yan Wenzheng came to the door, opened the door, and saw the boy next to him looking at him in panic.

"What happened?" Yan Wenzheng suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Sir, what's wrong, there are people beating drums outside, saying they want justice for the people who were killed and injured in the bombing."


"Which one is risking his life?" Upon hearing what the young man said, Yan Wenzheng's expression changed immediately.

Now the King of Han's team is still in Qianzhou City, and he is providing good food and drink, but he is worried that the news of the explosion will be leaked.

Even in order to hide the news, Yan Wenzheng arrested all the witnesses of the explosion.

And strictly ordered everyone not to discuss the matter.

Now there are people who dare to beat drums and complain in front of the King of Han's troops coming to Qianzhou.

It's simply courting death.

"What does the drummer look like?"

"Have there been any movement from the King of Han?" Yan Wenzheng asked two questions again.

This is also what he is most worried about now.

If the King of Han knew that someone was beating drums, there is no guarantee that he would not personally try the matter.

Once the drummer meets the King of Han, he...

Thinking of this, Yan Wenzheng broke into a cold sweat on his back.

He must hide this matter.

"There hasn't been any movement from King Han's side, our people have been monitoring it."

"It's just that the man beating the drum to complain is a young man. It seems that he is not from Qianzhou. Listening to his accent, I think he is from Chang'an." The boy told the situation outside in detail. .

Yan Wenzheng heard that the people beating drums and complaining outside were from Chang'an.

The first thing I thought about was whether the people sent by the King of Han had found something.

Fortunately, the boy said that there was no movement at all from King Han.

In this case, everything will be fine if you let the person who beats the drum and complains be captured.

"Follow me and go out for a look." Yan Wenzheng waved his hand and walked quickly outside the Governor's Mansion.

Not long after, Yan Wenzheng arrived at the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

A lot of people have gathered here at this moment.

Most of them are Yamen servants and officials of the Dudu Mansion.

They all looked at the young man in front of them in shock.

Yan Wenzheng also looked at the young man in front of him, and when he saw that he was as handsome as a man, gentle and elegant, he couldn't help but secretly sigh inwardly at his good looks.

But when he thought that this person was here to cause trouble for him, Yan Wenzheng suddenly became furious.

"It's so early in the morning, who asked you to play drums here? Come here, this person is disturbing the court, let me take him down." Yan Wenzheng said that he wanted to take down Zhao Chen regardless of the situation.

As soon as the words fell, the government officials who were watching the show immediately rushed towards Zhao Chen.

It's just that they are no match for Zhao Chen.

Within a few breaths, the government servants who rushed forward were beaten to the ground by Zhao Chen.

The other few who had not come near dared to make the slightest move towards their companions when they saw him in such a state.

He just looked at Zhao Chen in front of him with a frightened expression.

Where did this guy come from!

Yan Wenzheng was also surprised by Zhao Chen's presence behind him, and couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.

"Yan Wenzheng, I'm here to sue the official, but you don't even ask, why are you talking!" Zhao Chen spoke softly, looking at Yan Wenzheng in front of him.

"Bold, dare to call my adults by their first names!" The young man pretended to be powerful, but he didn't dare to take a step forward.

He was also afraid that Zhao Chen would kick him.

I only dare to wave the flag and shout from behind.

Yan Wenzheng felt angry when he heard that Zhao Chen didn't care about him so much.

Then he considered Zhao Chen’s identity.

Yan Wen was thinking that if the person in front of him dared to call him by his first name, he must not take him seriously.

And now the King of Han is in his governor's mansion. It is obvious that the man in front of him is relying on the mountain of King Han.

But it's a pity that he won't let him see the King of Han.

This person must die.

Yan Wenzheng immediately made up his mind.

He winked at the person behind him.

This man had a sharp look on his face and held a short blade in his hand. He obviously wanted to kill Zhao Chen openly here.

"Seeking death!" The man shouted coldly, cut off the blade in his hand and attacked Zhao Chen.

But in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Zhao Chen.

The broken blade in his hand stabbed Zhao Chen's heart mercilessly.

When Yan Wenzheng saw Zhao Chen on the other side not dodgeing, he thought he was frozen in place due to fright.

There was also a look of relief on his face.

The person next to him is a very powerful killer in the world. Even if he fights alone, the generals in the army are no match for him.

Not to mention an unsuspecting, self-righteous young man.


Just before the short blade pierced Zhao Chen's heart, the killer Yan Wenzheng sent out suddenly vomited blood and flew back.

Blood sprayed in an arc in the air.

Then everyone saw helplessly that the killer who had taken the initiative just now had suddenly turned into a cold corpse.

An arrow two fingers long pierced his throat.

"Yan Wenzheng, I gave you a chance."

"Since you don't want to live now, I won't force you."

"You all come here." Zhao Chen put away his sleeves, turned around and shouted to the side.

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