The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1649: Brother Huang, aren’t you worried?

Everyone was still shocked that Zhao Chen had just killed the killers sent by Yan Wenzheng with sleeve arrows, and they didn't know what Zhao Chen meant by letting them come.

Everyone just subconsciously looked in the direction where Zhao Chen was speaking.

But what they saw was a scene that made them tremble.

Hundreds of ragged commoners, with sallow faces and thin muscles, walked slowly towards them from the side outside the Governor's Mansion.

Many people even had injuries on their bodies.

Someone recognized these people at a glance as the people affected by the bombing.

That is, those people who were arrested under Yan Wenzheng's order.

Aren't these people being watched by the Qianzhou Army?

Why are you here now?

This question came to everyone's mind.

But Yan Wenzheng was thinking further.

He asked Han Chong to keep a close eye on these people and never let anyone escape from the camp.

If there were only one or two in front of him, Yan Wenzheng would think that the soldiers guarding the people had neglected their duties and escaped.

But what is the situation now?

All the people who were arrested ran over?

This is not a dereliction of duty.

This is when the entire Qianzhou military camp rebelled against him.

But how could this happen?

Han Chong is his old subordinate for many years. Moreover, he betrayed him and the matter is revealed. Can Han Chong survive?

Yan Wenzheng couldn't figure it out, but he felt that something must have gone wrong.

"Where's Han Chong?"

"Tell Han Chong to come over here and see me!"

"Drive away all these untouchables!"

"It's just staining my eyes." Yan Wenzheng couldn't hold himself any longer.

The government officials did not dare to attack Zhao Chen, but they were merciless when dealing with these people who had been hungry for a long time.

If you rush forward, take action.

"Stop." A voice shouted from a distance.

Everyone looks at it

When I went, I saw Han Chong, a general under Yan Wenzheng's command, running towards here with hundreds of soldiers.

"The end will come later, the death penalty!" Han Chong rushed over and suddenly knelt on the steps to plead guilty.

Yan Wenzheng only thought that Han Chong was here to help him.

Although he hated Han Chong for releasing these people, this was not the time to settle accounts.

Walking quickly to Han Chong, he helped Han Chong up and said, "What crime does General Han have? Let people take down all these guys quickly."

After Yan Wenzheng finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Chen with a playful expression.

But Han Chong did not send people to capture Zhao Chen half as he thought.

Instead, he still knelt on the steps, bowed his head and remained silent.

"Han Chong, are you deaf?" Yan Wenzheng was furious.

"Han Chong, ask your people to capture Yan Wenzheng and all the officials of the Governor's Office."

"Anyone who dares to resist will be killed!" Zhao Chen said.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Han Chong stood up.

Yan Wenzheng was stunned for a while.

The officials of the Dudu Mansion on the side heard what Han Chong just said.

"Your Highness?"

"Han Chong just called him His Highness!"

"He is the King of Han."


"King of Han?"

"Isn't the King of Han in the Dudu Mansion?"

The screams were full of disbelief and inner panic.

They would never believe that the person standing in front of them at this moment was the real King of Han of the Tang Dynasty.

"Brother Emperor, you are a bit fast. I want to act with Governor Yan for two more days." Li Ke walked out of the Governor's Mansion with a smile.

Seeing Han Chong kneeling on the ground and obeying Zhao Chen's orders, Li Ke felt both natural and unbelievable.

"Meet His Highness the King of Han." The "King of Han" who was originally in the governor's palace knelt on the ground and saluted Zhao Chen.

The king of Han paid homage to the king of Han.

Everyone already knows what happened.

The real King of Han never followed them into the Dudu Mansion, but was always investigating the explosion behind the scenes.

We even found civilians injured in the bombing.

Now that these people have testified, none of the officials involved will be spared.

"Your Highness, I know I was wrong!"

"Your Highness, I was forced to do this. The bombing has nothing to do with me."

"Your Highness, please spare your life!"

All the officials, big and small, were crying and trying to get some life from Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen looked back at the officials kneeling on the ground, a cold look flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared instantly.

Zhao Chen said slowly, "Since you all say that you have nothing to do with the bombing, I can give you a chance."

"Whether you are involved or not, write down everything you know about the bombing and submit it to the king."

"For example, the origin of gunpowder and who was the mastermind behind it."

"Besides, if anyone dares to make up nonsense, don't blame me for punishing all nine of your clans."

When the last words were spoken, everyone felt a chill in their backs.

It was as if the Lord of Hell was standing behind them, staring at them fiercely.

Everyone quickly nodded in agreement.

Now that Zhao Chen gave them a chance to live, how could they dare to disobey him.

What's more, if you don't agree, you may be executed by the Nine Clan at any time.

Who wants to be the sinner of the family!

Yan Wenzheng was heartbroken at this moment.

He had always felt that something was wrong with the previous King of Han.

I didn’t even hear anything about Zhao Chen from myself.

The rumors don't match up.

It's just that although he found it strange, seeing how attentive Li Ke was to the "King of Han", he thought that the rumors were not as good as what he actually saw.

Unexpectedly, someone who was not careful would be deceived by Zhao Chen so miserably.

Now, the army in Qianzhou listened to Zhao Chen's words, and his officials were also captured. In front of them were a group of people who were eager to eat them.

His Yan Wenzheng's road has come to an end.

"King Han, King Han, you are indeed as unpredictable as the rumors say."

"I won this battle unjustly."

"But alas, you won't know anything from me."

"And these things, at some point, are enough to kill you!" Yan Wenzheng was smiling miserably, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

But for a moment, the look in his eyes had gone.

He fell hard to the ground.

Li Ke squatted down and breathed on Yan Wenzheng's body.

After a while, he stood up, shook his head and said, "It's hopeless, I bit off my tongue."

Li Ke was still thinking about what Yan Wenzheng said just now, although he couldn't figure out the specific meaning of Yan Wenzheng's words.

But we can also guess that someone must be dealing with Zhao Chen secretly.

And this person should be in Chang'an.

Otherwise, how did Yan Wenzheng obtain this gunpowder?

If this gunpowder appears here, I'm afraid someone from Chang'an wants to use it against Zhao Chen.

Thinking of this, Li Ke couldn't help but feel worried.

He raised his eyes to look at Zhao Chen, thinking that Zhao Chen would also look worried, but unexpectedly, Zhao Chen seemed to have not heard Yan Wenzheng's words.

He just waved his hand and signaled Han Chong to carry Yan Wenzheng's body away.

"Brother Emperor, aren't you worried?"

"Yan Wenzheng just said that someone wants to deal with you. Gunpowder is only available in Chang'an. I'm afraid that person is someone from Chang'an." Li Ke looked at Zhao Chen and whispered.

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