The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,650 You and I will take care of it

"Brother Emperor, aren't you worried?"

"Yan Wenzheng just said that someone wants to deal with you. Gunpowder is only available in Chang'an. I'm afraid that person is someone from Chang'an." Li Ke looked at Zhao Chen and whispered.

Zhao Chen did not answer Li Ke for a while.

For Zhao Chen, he is not worried about anyone dealing with him.

It's just that he doesn't like this kind of life. .??.??

Although Zhao Chen understands that the more dazzling he is in the court, the more jealous he will be aroused by others.

Every time something is done, there are always people who secretly slander you.

But Zhao Chen himself had no way to escape.

Thinking back to when I was just a tavern keeper, worrying about some money every day.

Although it's quite difficult, at least you don't have to guard against others' attacks at any time.

"Brother Emperor, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Zhao Chen didn't speak, Li Ke thought something had happened to him and quickly asked.

Zhao Chen shook his head, no matter who dealt with him in Chang'an, he would not let it go.

But now I have more important things to do.

The matter of the bombing has not been resolved.

The resettlement work of the people also needs to be dealt with.

After that, he could slowly trace the source of the gunpowder.

"Sir, the statistics have been completed. A total of 150 people were killed and 200 injured in the explosion. Among the injured, another 50 people starved to death while being imprisoned."

"Fifty houses collapsed, and 131 houses were affected." Han Chong came to Zhao Chen with the latest investigation results.

When talking about starving fifty injured people to death, Han Chong felt a little uneasy.

Although he was following Yan Wenzheng's order, Zhao Chen had previously promised to forgive him.

But at this time, Han Chong was still feeling uneasy.

If Zhao Chen turns around and tries to deal with him, what can he do?

Now that the Qianzhou army has been handed over to the captain of the Xuanjia Army, he is really just a mere commander.

"I know, bring everyone here." Zhao Chen waved his hand, but did not deal with him as Han Chong feared.

Han Chong did not dare to hesitate and immediately ran out to take the injured people to the square outside the Governor's Mansion.

Compared with yesterday, the complexion of these people has obviously recovered a lot.

As soon as they saw Zhao Chen standing on the steps, all the people immediately fell to their knees.

"The common people pay homage to His Highness the King of Han and thank him for saving his life."

"Greetings to His Highness the King of Han, thank you very much for your life-saving grace."

"Greetings to His Highness the King of Han, thank you very much for your life-saving grace."

The calls made the square extremely noisy.

Zhao Chen waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"I invited you here today because I want to tell you that I will take care of your affairs to the end."

"I will not let go of anyone involved in the bombing, regardless of his identity or origin."

"The Qianzhou government will arrange your accommodation and ensure your food, clothing, housing and transportation."

"If you have any other requests, feel free to come to me." Zhao Chen comforted the people in front of him.

Han Chong lowered his head, not daring to look at the people in front of him.

"Thank you, Your Highness, King of Han." The people knelt down and worshiped again, looking at Zhao Chen with gratitude in their eyes.

Everyone understands that if it were not for Zhao Chen coming to Qianzhou this time.

These people will definitely not be able to get out of the Qianzhou military camp alive.

Being able to save their lives now is their greatest comfort.

The common people were taken to the Qianzhou government office to prepare

Before the government builds houses for these people, they will live in restaurants in the city.

All expenses must be borne by Yan Wenzheng's confiscated property.

"Li Ke, come with me to the explosion site." Zhao Chen turned around and looked at Li Ke behind him.

Li Ke thought that Zhao Chen would send someone to check, but he didn't expect that he would have to go there himself. Although he was surprised, he still nodded.

The two came to the scene of the explosion.

This place had already been cleaned up by Yan Wenzheng's men before, and there were still some traces left by the explosion.

Only a huge pothole was left, as well as houses of various sizes collapsed within a hundred meters.

"Your Highness, this was the center of the explosion that day. This was originally a house. After the explosion, it was all in ruins."

"Yan Wenzheng asked the last general to lead the people to seal off the whole place, and asked the soldiers to clean up everything."

"Now it looks like this." Han Chong explained to Zhao Chen in a low voice from the side.

Looking at the devastation now, Li Ke slowly shook his head.

Gunpowder has always been in Zhao Chen's own hands, but now it has come here inexplicably and caused so much harm to the people of Qianzhou.

If he hadn't found out clearly at this time, Li Ke would have guessed that Zhao Chen wouldn't even be able to sleep well at night.

"Did you ask anything?" Zhao Chen turned back and looked at Li Ke.

Li Ke shook his head.

Those officials who were arrested either knew nothing and were just following Yan Wenzheng's orders.

Or just have a little knowledge.

What's more, he was killed in prison last night.

Obviously the person behind it is quite powerful.

Enough to scare the officers who were caught.

"Brother Emperor, we

It's better to go back to Chang'an as soon as possible. "Li Ke whispered to Zhao Chen.

He felt that only Zhao Chen was in Chang'an, and the man in Chang'an did not dare to act easily.

Otherwise, if Zhao Chen is outside now, who knows if that person will attack Zhao Chen directly?

Zhao Chen naturally understood what Li Ke meant.

It's just that Zhao Chen's ideas are different from Li Ke's.

If he returns to Chang'an, the person behind the scenes will definitely not dare to make any other moves.

This is safe for now though.

Could it be later?

Unless he never leaves Chang'an, that person will definitely attack him again.

In this case, why not take advantage of this opportunity to directly find out the person behind the scenes?

"Send people to spread the news in Chang'an, saying that I am going north, and then spread the news about Yan Wenzheng, the governor of Qianzhou, to let the people in Chang'an know."

"Let the person from Chang'an know?" Li Ke couldn't figure out Zhao Chen's intention for a while.

Letting the person from Chang'an know, isn't it just a reminder to that person to continue dealing with him?

They also deliberately spread the news that they were preparing to go north, so why didn't that person lay a lot of ambushes on the road?

Luring a snake out of its hole like this?

"Brother Imperial, it would be too dangerous to do this. If..."

"Just do as I say." Zhao Chen waved his hand, interrupting Li Ke's next words.

Li Ke opened his mouth. Although he thought Zhao Chen's approach was very dangerous, he also knew that he could not persuade Zhao Chen at all.

So he could only sigh and turn around to do what Zhao Chen wanted to do.

"Han Chong, I told you that I would let your past be forgotten and I would not touch you."

"Qianzhou is temporarily in your hands. You and I will take care of it, otherwise..." Zhao Chen's eyes fell on Han Chong who was standing aside.

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