The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1651 I said something unpleasant

How could Han Chong dare to say no, unless he didn't want to die?

What's more, Zhao Chen asked him to take care of Qianzhou, which was obviously intended to develop Han Chong into one of his own.

Being able to rely on the great mountain of the King of Han was a beautiful thing that Han Chong had never dared to think about in his lifetime.

This means that as long as he, Han Chong, does not act stupidly in the future, he will be protected by the King of Han. Will Han Chong still hesitate about this matter? ??

He quickly bowed down in front of Zhao Chen and said, "I am willing to go to pieces and obey the orders of the Emperor!"

"Your Majesty, there are rumors in Chang'an today that His Royal Highness the King of Han is in danger in Qianzhou. Yan Wenzheng, the governor of Qianzhou, got gunpowder from nowhere. The gunpowder exploded a month ago, affecting hundreds of people in Qianzhou."

"His Royal Highness the King of Han personally handled the matter and captured all the criminals including Yan Wenzheng." In the Ganlu Hall in Chang'an City, the emperor was dealing with the documents.

The eunuch on the side talked to the emperor about the rumors in Chang'an City today.

It is strange to talk about this rumor. Within one day, it spread everywhere, even the palace heard the news.

Gunpowder appeared in Qianzhou and exploded, affecting hundreds of people in Qianzhou.

These words made the emperor frown slightly, put down the pen in his hand, and looked at the eunuch on the side with a rather cold look, "If there are any other rumors, tell me all."

The little eunuch quickly lowered his head and said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, I also heard that someone leaked the gunpowder, or that someone was preparing to use gunpowder to do some shameful things."

"Some people say that if someone wasn't preparing for a big move, why would gunpowder appear in remote Qianzhou?"

"Gunpowder has always been a secret of the imperial court. Without someone who is willing, it would be impossible to obtain the method of making gunpowder."

"Some people also say that someone wants to deal with the King of Han..."


The emperor slammed the table, interrupting the young eunuch's narration.

The little eunuch quickly knelt on the ground, not daring to say a word, let alone raise his head.

\u003e The emperor was very angry.

How important was gunpowder to the Tang Dynasty?

If it weren't for the existence of gunpowder, the border of Datang would have been trampled by the Tibetan army.

Now that Tubo has been expelled, the gunpowder matter can be leaked.

You must know that Zhao Chen has always personally arranged for people to make gunpowder. Even he, the emperor, rarely has the opportunity to see the gunpowder making workshop.

But by chance, gunpowder appeared in Qianzhou and an explosion occurred.

The emperor naturally didn't believe that Zhao Chen did this.

But since it wasn't Zhao Chen who did it, the person who did it obviously didn't have an inch of good intentions.

What does this man behind the scenes want to do?

Are you going to deal with Zhao Chen, or are you going to deal with him, the Tang Dynasty?

No matter which one it was, it was not something he, the emperor, could endure.

Now that the Tang Dynasty is peaceful and the people are at peace, how could I, as the emperor, let a piece of mouse droppings spoil my whole pot of porridge?

"Let Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng come to see me immediately!" The emperor immediately issued an order for Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng to appear.

The little eunuch hurriedly exited, with cold sweat already covering his back behind him.

When Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng came to Ganlu Hall, they saw gloomy faces.

On the way they had learned the reason for the emperor's anger.

To be honest, the leakage of gunpowder made both of them extremely angry.

Such a powerful weapon of the country is actually wandering outside. If it is stolen by people from other countries, it will definitely become their weapon against the Tang Dynasty in the future.

This is extremely dangerous.

The two of them also knew that the emperor was so eager to let him

The two of them came here, and they must be preparing to let them investigate the matter.

"My ministers Xuanling and Wei Zheng pay their respects to Your Majesty." They bowed and saluted the emperor.

The emperor waved his hand, signaling the two of them to stand up.

As soon as the two stood up, they heard the emperor say, "You must also know why I summoned you. The matter of gunpowder is of great importance. I will never allow anyone to leak the gunpowder."

"You two, you must find the person who leaked the gunpowder as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty, this is inappropriate!" As soon as the emperor finished speaking, Fang Xuanling immediately objected.

This made the emperor stunned, and at the same time he felt annoyed.

"Isn't it appropriate?" The emperor suppressed his inner anger, "Why?"

"Your Majesty, the leakage of gunpowder is of great importance. If the investigation is carried out with great fanfare, I think someone will be silenced soon."

"If someone is silenced, how can we find out who is behind it?"

"I think that your Majesty should not let people investigate this matter now, but should issue a decree saying that the leak of gunpowder is false and a rumor."

"In this way, the people behind the scenes will not easily destroy the population."

"That person will also continue to make gunpowder, which gives us the opportunity to investigate the case." Fang Xuanling explained his thoughts to the emperor.

But the emperor was obviously not satisfied with this.

The emperor was a little worried. What if the person behind the scenes could not be found out for a long time?

Once the gunpowder was leaked to other countries, it would be a huge disaster for Datang.

The absolute combat power that Datang had managed to maintain would be wiped out in an instant. This was not what the emperor wanted to see.

The emperor now wanted to catch the person who leaked the gunpowder production and cut him alive with one knife.

"Your Majesty, I think what the Prime Minister said is reasonable, and this matter should not be

We should investigate it in a big way, but let the person think that we don't believe this happened. "

"Of course, he will definitely be dormant for a period of time, but he will still come out and be active later. During this time, we only need to check the people in the gunpowder workshop."

"When the person behind the scenes is exposed, that's when we take them."

"And I have to say something unpleasant, if the gunpowder had been leaked, it would have been leaked long ago. It has been a long time." Wei Zheng slowly advised the emperor.

How could the emperor himself not know this?

It was just that he had a headache from being angry.

"If I knew who leaked the gunpowder, I would definitely annihilate his three clans." The emperor said angrily.

Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng looked at each other, and both of them knew that the emperor agreed with their statement.

This made them somewhat relieved.

The two were also worried that the emperor would investigate the matter thoroughly regardless of his demands.

Once that is done, no one can guarantee that the person behind the scenes will not escape the Tang Dynasty with the method of making gunpowder.

If it really gets to that point, it is really possible for other countries to bring Datang's gunpowder production technology to other countries.

Such losses are irreparable.

In fact, both of them believed that the people behind the scenes were making gunpowder in Qianzhou not for the purpose of bringing gunpowder to other countries.

Instead, it might be to deal with someone in the court.

For example, Zhao Chen!

Zhao Chen was responsible for the gunpowder. Now that the gunpowder is missing, will he not be responsible?

If what they expected is true, there will inevitably be another quarrel at the court meeting tomorrow morning.

But neither of them knew whether the person behind the scenes was standing in the court.

Will it be easily exposed tomorrow?

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