The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1654: I am the enemy of the Tang Dynasty

"General Han, take your people to support the southeast coast. I will go with you." Zhao Chen's voice sounded, making Han Chong breathe a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that Zhao Chen would not agree to lead his troops to the southeast coast.

No matter what, to lead troops out of Qianzhou, at least there must be a transfer order from the Ministry of War.

But if Zhao Chen agrees, with his energy in the court, it will be no problem to transfer orders from the Ministry of War.

"My subordinates will prepare their troops right now." Han Chong bowed his hands deeply to Zhao Chen and left quickly.

Only Zhao Chen and Li Ke were left in the yard.

Li Ke felt very strange that the ronin, who had not dared to cause trouble for six years, once again launched an attack on the southeastern coast of the Tang Dynasty.

Is there something wrong in my brain?

"Brother Emperor, why do I find this matter so strange?"

"We were preparing to investigate the gunpowder matter, and the ronin along the coast attacked the people of Tang Dynasty. Could it be someone did it on purpose?" Li Ke whispered to Zhao Chen.

Li Ke is no longer the young boy he was before.

After following Zhao Chen for such a long time, he also learned a lot.

At least, you can use your brain to think about the problem.

"Why do you say someone did it on purpose?" Zhao Chen asked Li Ke with a smile.

Li Ke frowned and shook his head, "I don't know either, but my feeling is that someone wants to use this matter to divert Gunpowder's attention."

"The Ronin attack only hurts the immediate interests. The imperial court will definitely focus all its attention on this matter."

"As for the gunpowder..."

Li Ke slowly spoke about his analysis, but he saw a look of appreciation in Zhao Chen's eyes.

This made Li Ke more confident and his voice couldn't help but become louder.

"That gunpowder will definitely be forgotten, at least until this incident on the southeast coast, no one will mention it again."

"And they probably want to take advantage of this period of time to erase the traces left behind." Li Ke


Zhao Chen nodded, "That's right. It seems that Chang'an really has great hands and eyes, and even the prodigies of Japan can use him."

"Brother, are we really going to the southeast coast?"

"Father asked us to visit various places, and we also wanted to go to the north first..."

"The southeast coast is also the land of the Tang Dynasty, so you can naturally go there." Zhao Chen interrupted Li Ke.

"Get ready. Once Han Chong has reorganized his troops, we will go to the southeast coast." Zhao Chen told Li Ke.

"From Nanzhangsai, Xuwen, and Hepu, the boat trip can take place in the fifth month, and there is Duyuan State; the boat trip can last in April, and there is Lu Moguo; the boat trip can last more than 20 days, and Zhanli country can be traveled; and the boat trip can take more than ten days. , there is the country of Fu Gandulu. It can take more than two months to sail from the country of Fu Gandulu. There is Huangzhi country, and its folk customs are similar to those of Zhuya. Its continent is vast, there are many household registrations, and there are many foreign objects. "

As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, maritime trade with other countries had already begun.

The many ports along the southeast coast were the beginning of business and trade in the Tang Dynasty.

Then it was supplemented by the land Silk Road.

At the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, maritime trade was even more prosperous due to continuous wars in the Western Regions.

Countless countries would trade with Datang from the southeast coast.

All nations came to court, and heroes gathered together.

Han Chong quickly organized his troops, and officials sent from Chang'an would soon arrive in Qianzhou.

A few days won't be a big deal.

Early the next morning, the army left Qianzhou City and headed towards the southeast coast.

At the same time, the emperor far away in Chang'an also received news of the Ronin's attack.

The gunpowder explosion case has not yet been resolved, and the Japanese rogues have begun to cause trouble again.

This made the emperor very annoyed.

"Xuancheng, I want to ban the sea!" The emperor's sudden words stunned Wei Zheng.

A large part of the reason why the Tang Dynasty enjoyed the prosperity that all nations have come to visit today is that the Tang Dynasty opened up the sea ban.

If the sea was suddenly banned, the national power of the Tang Dynasty would be greatly damaged.

It is absolutely stupid to close the sea just because of the harassment of some ronin.

But Wei Zheng is no longer the angry young man he once was, and he also knows that the emperor is now angry.

"Your Majesty, although there are some desperate rogues harassing the southeastern coast of the Tang Dynasty, if the southeastern coast is closed to sea, the national power of the Tang Dynasty will definitely decline."

"How do people on the southeast coast survive?"

"How do goods from other countries enter our Datang?"

"What's more, without normal commodity exchange, it will only breed more smuggling."

"When the time comes, it will be the people of the Tang Dynasty who will suffer, and those who will win will be the guilty ones."

"I hope your Majesty will think twice." Wei Zheng's words were already softened, but in the emperor's ears, he still felt extremely angry.

A mere Japanese prodigal dared to attack the Tang Dynasty again and again.

Even their homeland, Japan, could only survive under the majesty of the Tang Dynasty.

I really don’t know whether to live or die.

But the emperor also knew that banning the sea would not work.

Forbidden Sea is nothing more than cutting off one's own arms, and he, Li Shimin, is not that stupid yet.

But those Japanese rogues must be wiped out.

"Your Majesty, the King of Han is in Qianzhou. After receiving the news, he will definitely go to the southeast coast. Your Majesty, the King of Han is here, so don't worry." Wei Zheng comforted the emperor again.

Hearing that Zhao Chen should go to the southeast coast, the emperor's expression slowly softened obviously.

Emotions have also returned to stability.


I will never let these rogues from Japan go this time. "

"Let the Ministry of War mobilize the troops of the states along the southeast coast to support each other. Give Zhao Chen an order and appoint him as the general marshal for the suppression of Japanese invaders. All the military and administrative orders of the five states and thirteen counties on the southeast coast will be under his command."

"Anyone who disobeys will be killed," the emperor ordered.

This also made Wei Zheng really feel the emperor's anger.

The order came quickly.

At that time, Zhao Chen and others were still on their way to the southeast coast.

"Brother Imperial, these ronin are actually very cunning. They run away every time after a fight. Their boats are small and they run very fast."

"There is no trace of them in the vast sea." Li Ke rode on horseback and told Zhao Chen about the Japanese Ronin.

Zhao Chen smiled and shook his head when he heard this.

How powerful is Datang now?

To deal with a mere ronin, there is no need to do it yourself.

"Li Ke, please write a letter back to Chang'an and ask your Majesty to send you your credentials and tell the king of Japan that if you want to survive on Japan Island, send troops to attack the Ronin together with me, the Tang Dynasty."

"If you don't come, you will be an enemy of the Tang Dynasty."

"The Japanese people are naturally more experienced in dealing with ronin." Zhao Chen turned to Li Ke and said.

When Li Ke heard Zhao Chen's words, he felt enlightened.

Naturally, it would be better for the Japanese to deal with the Japanese rogues.

The Japanese knew the Japanese prodigals, and they could easily deal with them. However, Li Ke was also worried, what if the Japanese didn't try their best to deal with the prodigals?

After all, no one can supervise this matter.

"Brother Imperial, what will we do if the people of Japan don't try their best?"

"Not trying your best?"

"That's just right. I also want to visit Japan." Zhao Chen said casually.

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