The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1,655: Open up territory for the Tang Dynasty

Li Ke felt that what Zhao Chen said made sense.

If the king of the Japanese country was ignorant and did not obey the orders of the Tang Dynasty and dealt with the ronin together, the Tang Dynasty could completely treat the Japanese country as the ronin.

A mere Japanese country could be destroyed effortlessly in front of the Tang Dynasty.

The emperor was worried that he would not be able to expand the territory of the Tang Dynasty in the future. If the Japanese country came to his door, it would be a happy event.

What Zhao Chen did not tell Li Ke was that the Japanese rogues had been suppressing them on the southeast coast for a long time, not because the rogues were so powerful.

But along the southeast coast, there will always be people who covet the wealth and cooperate with the ronin.

Even in Chang'an, there might be people who are colluding with the prodigal. ??

Zhao Chen looked at Li Ke and said with a smile, "Actually, overseas is our opportunity for Datang."

"Opportunity?" Li Ke didn't know why and looked at Zhao Chen with some doubts.

"The reason why the Ronin is so difficult to exterminate, and even dares to rush into our Datang territory again, must be supported by our Datang officials."

"They may be officials from the coast, or high officials from Chang'an, or they may be together."

"The reason why we dare to collude with the Japanese rogues is because they can make huge profits from it. So when we go here, we are not only guarding against the Japanese rogues, but also the officials on the southeastern coast of the Tang Dynasty."

"Then can we impose a sea ban?"

"Brother, look, if it is true, as the brother said, that there are officials colluding with the ronin, then they must be doing it for profit. If the imperial court orders a sea ban and there is no profit along the coast, they will naturally disperse, right?" Li Ke asked Zhao Chen .

Zhao Chen smiled.

It's not that easy to ban the sea.

Even if it is a forbidden sea, there will still be people smuggling it.

Besides, forbidden sea?

Who has no brains to say such a thing?

There are countless treasures overseas.


The vast territory can be brought under the command of the Tang Dynasty.

Standing still?

Isn't that seeking death?

"The prosperity that Datang enjoys today is inseparable from the opening up of coastal cities."

"Thirty percent of the Tang Dynasty's treasury income comes from Quanzhou Port."

"If a maritime ban is implemented, the goods of the Tang Dynasty can only be hoarded in the hands of the people. How can we be strong in the future?"

"Have you ever seen anyone who can gain knowledge just by sitting at home?"

"If a maritime ban is implemented, the price of tea, silk and other commodities in the Tang Dynasty will be higher, but who will these products be sold to?"

"Relaxing the maritime ban will make things less expensive, and it will easily lead to corruption and collusion of interests. But these can be done slowly, and part of the corruption can be exchanged for large enough benefits. This can be done." Zhao Chen slowly said Explaining to Li Ke.

Li Ke was confused when he heard this.

But he also understood that the sea ban was definitely not an option.

The one who banned the sea was the Tang Dynasty itself. You can't stop eating just because you might choke when you eat.

It's just that Li Ke is a little unclear. Overseas trade is really so profitable.

Li Ke's concept of overseas countries was nothing but the vast sea, where he often couldn't see land for months, and damned ronin and pirates.

After hearing what Zhao Chen said, Li Ke immediately said, "Is overseas business really so profitable?"

"Of course, I read in a book before that gold and gems are everywhere overseas, and all kinds of precious resources are inexhaustible."

"For example, the most precious spice in our Tang Dynasty, in their case, it is ordinary weed."


If someone can get it from overseas..."

"That would make you rich." Li Ke's eyes turned green when he heard this.

"When I was in the Ministry of Household Affairs, I saw the account books of the southeastern coastal states. They were really making money by trading with merchants from other small overseas countries. Porcelain, tea, silk cloth, etc. are very popular overseas and can be exchanged for a lot of money. Silver and gold." Zhao Chen added again.

This made Li Ke's heart beat violently.

If there are really huge profits, then...

In today's Datang, many things have changed because of Zhao Chen.

The people's productivity has also increased, and their lives have become richer.

Most people can even eat a meal of meat every half month.

Although such a wealthy life is wonderful, Li Ke believes that this is not enough. At least for him, there is still a lot to do.

No matter what the reason is, the position of Emperor of the Tang Dynasty will belong to Zhao Chen in the future.

He, Li Ke, can't stay with Zhao Chen all his life and be a little follower.

In this way, Li Ke will only be mentioned lightly in future history books.

Who doesn’t want to leave a name in history.

If he, Li Ke, could open up territory for the Tang Dynasty from the sea, he might be able to leave a lasting reputation.

Moreover, Li Ke absolutely believed that the emperor also hoped that the Tang Dynasty would become richer and richer so that the people could live a better life.

However, when doing private business, he was worried that he would not be able to control the people and would not be able to keep up with the cultivation of grain. However, using official means to trade overseas and use the money earned to benefit the people seemed pretty good!

"Brother Emperor, you said that I..." Li Ke looked at Zhao Chen expectantly.

Zhao Chen knew what Li Ke meant.

This is what Zhao Chen expected.

Li Ke

Staying with him all the time will not allow him to develop his talents as he should.

It would be better to let him lead Datang's caravan and go overseas to seek other achievements.

This can not only show the majesty of the Tang Dynasty, but also make Li Ke famous.

It can also become an important helper for the emperor in the future.

Under his own influence, Li Ke yearned more and more for overseas, and said, "Brother Huang went to the southeast coast to find out the evidence that the ronin and the officials colluded. The father will definitely steal their family property, and we will be able to see it then." No matter how rich their family fortune is, they all came back from corruption in overseas trade. This is the best proof."

"My father also knows that this overseas trade is very profitable. When the time comes..."

The fact that officials from the DPRK and the Central Government dared to take risks to conspire with the ronin showed that Datang's products had an extremely broad overseas market.

At the same time, we can bring things from overseas to Datang for sale.

If this continues, it will be difficult for Datang to become poor.

"There is no doubt that there will be someone who will take on the responsibility for overseas trade."

"The emperor is most at ease with his princes, of course. You are of the right age." Zhao Chen said with a smile, knowing in his heart that the matter was settled.

Li Ke is probably thinking about going to sea now.

But this matter has to wait until they eliminate this group of Japanese rogues.

It might take a long time.

Half a month later, the army finally arrived at Quanzhou Port on the southeast coast.

This was the most prosperous port in the Tang Dynasty, and it was also the place where Japanese rogues frequently attacked.

As soon as he arrived at the place, Zhao Chen immediately asked Han Chong to summon all the officials and generals in Quanzhou.

At this moment, they were standing on the left and right sides of the Quanzhou government office.

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