The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1662 Let them stay in this sea

Seeing that these Japanese rogues were determined to be evil, the Xuanjia Army officers and soldiers shot at them with all their might with the bows and arrows in their hands.

It’s just that these Japanese rogues are not fools.

Seeing the arrows coming from the Xuanjia Army officers, they immediately hid behind the wood.

After going back and forth, the arrows in the hands of the Xuanjia Army soldiers were almost all shot.

These Japanese rogues threw flying tiger hooks again and swarmed towards Zhao Chen's main battleship.

"Brother Imperial, the Japanese rogues are ready to board the ship." Li Ke held a long sword in his hand and shouted to Zhao Chen from a distance.

As Li Ke thought, there was no trace of panic on Zhao Chen's face.

"Fire gun soldiers, go out to fight." Zhao Chen gave an order, and the forty officers and soldiers of the Xuanjia Army who had not been assigned combat tasks suddenly ran towards the sides of the ships on both sides.

In each of their hands, they held a long black object.

Li Ke can guarantee that he has never seen such a thing in his life.

"jijigi!" The shouts of the Japanese Ronin have clearly reached my ears.

Li Ke was thinking about asking Zhao Chen to leave quickly and lead his people to block the Japanese rogues. Suddenly, he heard a burst of thunder from the sides of the ship on the left and right sides.




The huge roar made Li Ke couldn't help but look in the direction of the source of the sound.

I saw bursts of green smoke rising from the black objects in the hands of the forty Xuanjia soldiers, and huge flames also emerged from the top of the strip.

"What is that?" Li Ke asked, quickly approaching a Xuanjia Army soldier.

I happened to see a Japanese rogue climbing up the rope to the middle of the two boats.

The Xuanjia Army soldiers around him aimed at the body of the Japanese Ronin, and a bang exploded in Li Ke's ears.

Fire erupted, accompanied by a puff of green smoke, and half of the Japanese Ronin's arm was blown off.

The Japanese wanderers themselves also fell into the sea.

The blood floated far away along the sea water.

Li Ke was stunned.

He had seen the sky-blasting cannon before, but nothing like this.

And Hong Tian Pao is completely different from the thing in front of you.

This thing also uses a long stick and can also aim at the opposite side.



Continuous roars rang in Li Ke's ears.

Japanese rogues continued to fall from ropes into the sea.

The Japanese ronin was also full of fear at this moment.

When had they ever seen such a powerful weapon from the Tang Dynasty?

If they had known that this fire-breathing thing was so powerful, they would not have dared to attack the Tang warship even if they had ten thousand courages.

Dozens of Japanese rogues died on the spot in front of them.

Those who were not killed by the explosion all jumped into the seawater. I don’t know how miserable they were.

Seeing this scene, the remaining Japanese rogues were so frightened that their legs weakened.

When did the Tang Dynasty actually have such a terrifying weapon? It was even more terrifying than the sky-blasting cannon they had heard of before.

They never knew!

The legs of the Japanese rogues were weak and their whole bodies were shaking with fear.

But no matter how scared they were, their will to survive was still strong. They sped up and fled, trying to escape no matter what.

However, if they want to go back now, it's not that easy.

The hook was still caught on the side of the Tang warship, and they couldn't cut the rope at once.


The Tang warships were much larger than their ships.

"Run over." Zhao Chen ordered.

"Knock over their boat." Li Ke came to his senses at this time and immediately shouted to the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army.

The warship set sail again, its sails gathered strength and followed the strong wind, crushing them sideways among the warships of the Japanese rogues.

The Japanese Ronin, who was lucky enough not to fall into the sea, felt a huge black shadow covering him behind him as soon as he returned to his warship.

Looking back, they saw that the bow of the Tang Dynasty warship was running directly towards them.

Many people were so frightened that they sat on the ground, and the pants between their legs were wet.

The Japanese ronin who survived were immediately frightened to death.

Before they could jump off the ship and escape, the Tang warship rolled over them sideways.

The first Japanese ship to bear the brunt was directly crushed and sunk in the sea.

The ferocious seawater instantly swallowed up the Japanese ronin who managed to survive on the boat.

The Japanese wanderers fell into the water and swam out desperately.

But the huge black shadow above their heads completely covered them, and all the Japanese ronin who fell into the water were instantly photographed to a depth of more than ten meters.

The blood floated on the sea water, slowly drifting away into the distance.

The Japanese ronin on other warships saw their companions being bullied in this way by the Tang warship on the opposite side.

Not only did he not come forward to help, but he turned the bow of the ship and fled madly in the direction of the Tang Dynasty warship.

They didn't expect that there would be such terrifying weapons on the Tang Dynasty warships.

Their people were about to board the Tang warship, but they were beaten to pieces by a series of fire-breathing things.

Those were their battle-experienced companions, and they fell down one after another without even touching the other side.


They also wanted to fire arrows to fight back, but it was of no use.

Could they take the other side without boarding the ship?

But if they board the ship, they will die under that terrifying weapon.

I went out today without reading the almanac. If I had known that the warships of the Tang Dynasty were so powerful, they would never have come here.

"Continue to pursue." Zhao Chen's order came from the Tang warship.

Now that the Japanese rogues are running away, their first instinct is to flee to their home base.

If you keep chasing, you will definitely find the lair of the Japanese Ronin.


However, not long after the pursuit, the Tang warship was blocked by the wreckage of four or five Japanese warships underneath.

The wreckage of the Japanese warship lies in front of the Tang warship.

There was no way to escape for a while.

Looking at the ships of the Japanese wanderers escaping in the distance, Zhao Chen knew that there was no way to catch up with them today.

Since we can't catch up, let's deal with the Japanese ronin who are still floating on the sea first.

Many Japanese rogues fell into the sea just now and were not directly crushed to death by the Tang Dynasty warships. Instead, many people hugged the wreckage of the Japanese rogue warships and drifted with the current.

The Tang warship stopped, and Zhao Chen's eyes fell on the Japanese rogues on the sea who were on the line of life and death.

"Brother Emperor, kill them or save them?" Li Ke looked at Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chenke would never show mercy to the Japanese rogues.

Without thinking, he waved his hand and said: "Let them stay in this sea."

But Li Ke did not immediately convey Zhao Chen's order, but looked at the desperate Japanese robbers in the sea with a look of gloating.

Zhao Chen felt strange and followed Li Ke's gaze.

Then a smile appeared on his face.

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