The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1663 What kind of monsters are these?

On the sea, Japanese rogues were floating in the water.

The corpses of many wanderers drifted far away along the ocean currents along with their blood.

The smell of blood easily attracts predators from the sea.

Such as swarms of sharks.

Nearly two meters of sharks surrounded the broken boat floating on the sea.

The Japanese Ronin who was still struggling in the sea also immediately noticed the changes around him.

It's not like they have never been to the sea, so they naturally know how terrifying the things around them are.

"There's a big fish, a big fish that eats people!"


The Japanese wanderers floating on the sea shouted loudly, but the Tang soldiers on the boat could not understand them.

The Japanese rogues could only swim to one side desperately, trying to escape from the shark's mouth.

But the speed of human swimming in the sea is no match for sharks.

The huge shark's dorsal fin cut through the water and suddenly appeared behind a Japanese rogue. Its bloody mouth opened with sharp and terrifying rows of teeth.

With a sudden movement, he bit the Japanese ronin's legs.

Blood instantly spread around the Japanese ronin, and the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were standing on the boat and watching also felt their feet getting cold.

They all saw clearly that the legs of the Japanese Ronin were directly eaten by the terrifying monster in the sea.

The Japanese Ronin was still struggling in the water, but unexpectedly another shark broke through the sea and bit off the Japanese Ronin's head in one bite.


Even the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, who were used to seeing life and death, couldn't help but feel their stomachs churning at this moment.

A living person was directly eaten by the strange fish in the sea!

In addition to being nauseated, it also made them feel scared.

They have never seen such monsters before. A good person becomes food in the mouths of these monsters.

r\u003e In an instant, the sea made them feel boundless fear.

Li Ke was the only one who showed excitement.

There are such powerful species in the sea, which Li Ke never dared to imagine before.

He had heard Zhao Chen say before that they all live in a huge ball.

Seventy percent of the surface of this ball is ocean.

And in this ocean, there are many creatures that they have never seen or heard of.

Today's man-eating monster is obviously one of them.

Li Ke is now more determined that he wants to go to sea in the future.

"Brother Emperor, what are these monsters?" Li Ke looked at Zhao Chen in shock.

The rest of the people also looked at each other and then their eyes fell on Zhao Chen.

They also had the same idea in their hearts, what on earth is this monster.

"These are sharks, meat eaters, and will go completely crazy when they smell blood."

"And when they appear, they often appear in groups. If you encounter them at sea, you must be careful." Zhao Chen slowly explained to everyone.

"Is this thing a shark?"

"I've heard people say before that there are man-eating fish in the sea, and there are huge numbers of them."

"This thing only exists in the sea. Ordinary lakes can't support such big, many, and powerful fish."

"No, I've also heard that some people have seen big fish dozens of meters long in the sea. When they breathe, there will be a column of water rising into the sky, and the sound is like thunder."

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true."

In the sea, the Japanese wanderers are still struggling in the water

, but the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty on the warship were talking about the huge monster in the sea.

Although the Japanese rogues struggled, there was no ship to rescue them. Even their own companions fled here by boat early.

Slowly, only blood was left here and there on the sea.


A muffled sound suddenly came from below the warship.

Everyone's originally indifferent expressions suddenly changed.

Many people looked below the warship and saw several sharks frantically hitting the warship.

If the warship is hit by a shark, they will all die here like the Japanese rogues just now.

"Your Highness!" A Xuanjia Army soldier shouted towards Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen looked down, his expression gloomy, but he never showed the slightest hint of worry.

He waved his hand and looked at the fire gun soldier who stretched out his hand: "Shoot these sharks."

"Archer, aim at the sharks in the sea and shoot them."

In an instant, musketeers and archers approached the side of the ship.

Within a moment, with the spraying of arrows and gunpowder, a large amount of blood instantly poured out of the sea.

Many sharks turned their stomachs and floated on the sea surface.

"They're all gone, the sharks are all gone!" When the Xuanjia Army soldiers saw the sharks escaping, their faces finally showed a look of relief.

They were also really afraid that the warship would be damaged by these sharks, and then they would end up with the same fate as the Japanese rogues.

"Your Highness, we have recovered a shark."

A Xuanjia Army soldier appeared in front of Zhao Chen and others carrying a two-meter-long shark.

Seeing such a huge creature for the first time, everyone had a look of fear on their faces.

Especially this shark has its mouth open, and the sharp and sharp teeth in its mouth make people feel their backs just thinking about it.

A chill.

I thought that if it had been bitten firmly, it wouldn't have been broken into two pieces.

When everyone was observing the shark, they all stayed far away. Only Li Ke was not afraid at all. He took out his knife and dug out a huge tooth from the shark's mouth in front of everyone.

"If this is made into a decoration, it should be able to sell for a lot of money." Li Ke looked excited.

"Of course, this shark looks fierce, but after all, it is no match for us."

"And these big fish in the sea are full of treasures. For example, the ambergris you have heard of is produced by something called a sperm whale."

"These things are worth tens of thousands of gold. If you can get some, you can have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life." Zhao Chen nodded.

He also instilled knowledge of sea treasures into everyone.

As soon as they heard that the treasures on the sea were worth tens of thousands of gold, many officers and soldiers of the Xuanjia Army who were originally a little scared suddenly became clear-eyed.

They can easily kill these sharks now, and even if they encounter any sperm whales in the future, they can also kill them.

In this way, wouldn’t it be an endless amount of money?

Many people have a little expectation for the sea.

"Brother Emperor, I have decided that I will go to sea after the Japanese pirates matter is settled."

"I want my Tang Dynasty warships to appear in every corner of this big ball!" Li Ke suddenly said to Zhao Chen.

"Okay, as long as you are willing." Zhao Chen nodded.

People always have something to pursue.

Otherwise, what's the difference between living and dead?

Li Ke’s pursuit is quite good.

Sailing around the world, directly leading the West for a thousand years.

By then, maybe the Tang Dynasty will directly dominate the world, and the tragic things in the future will not happen again.

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