The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1668 You have to think clearly

The next morning, Watanabe Kumaji woke up from his sleep with satisfaction.

But before he climbed onto the tower, he heard news from outside that the Tang army was mobilizing troops outside the city and seemed to be preparing to attack the city.

This news made Watanabe Kumaji panic.

But he quickly calmed down. The Tang army attacked the city?

When the time comes, I will push the people of Yuanfu City onto the tower. Will I be afraid that the leading generals outside will not withdraw their troops?

"Let people continue to escort the people in the city to the city wall and use them as human shields to see if the Tang army outside the city dares to attack!" Watanabe Xiongji sneered.

"Hai!" The Japanese ronin under him immediately rushed out to convey Watanabe Kumaji's order.

Seeing that his men were gone, Watanabe Kumaji took another sip of water, picked up a piece of mutton that he had brought from the people's homes in the city yesterday, stuffed it into his mouth, ate it, and let him go up the tower.

At this moment, the tower of Yuanfu City looks exactly like yesterday.

Fu Dashan and a group of people were detained on the city tower, and the Qianzhou army was outside the city.

Han Chong looked at the people of Yuanfu City on the tower, and he still had no idea why Zhao Chen issued such an order yesterday.

Does he really not care about the life and death of these people?

"General Han, the emperor just gave an order to attack the city in a quarter of an hour!" Li Ke came to Han Chong expressionlessly and conveyed Zhao Chen's order.

Han Chong thought Zhao Chen would change his mind.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting for him was the news for him to attack.

"His Royal Highness the King of Shu and His Highness the King of Han really don't think about it anymore. These are innocent people..."

"Your soldiers, should they die?" Li Ke interrupted Han Chong.

Han Chong obviously didn't understand what Li Ke meant.

Attacking the city or not has nothing to do with the soldiers under his command.

Moreover, if he does not attack the city, his soldiers will be fine.


Brother said, if you attack the city, the people on the city tower will die. If you don't attack the city, the people in the entire city will die at the hands of the Japanese prodigals. "

"And if you don't attack the city, the emperor will punish you for disobedience and disrespect. At that time, not only you, but also the soldiers under you will also be punished."

"You have to think clearly!" Li Ke said slowly.

The seriousness in his expression meant that he was obviously not telling lies.

Han Chong was stunned.

He was originally just worried about Zhao Chen, but he didn't expect that instead of receiving gratitude, he would be in this situation.

Although he also understood that the sooner he attacked the city, the sooner he could deal with the people who were besieged in the city.

There is no good person among the Japanese ronin.

After the city is captured, the people in the city are the ones who suffer the most.

However, these people on the tower must be sacrificed...

"Your Highness, King of Shu, can I inform the people on the tower?" Han Chong asked.

"As you wish!" Li Ke waved his hand and walked away.

Li Ke didn't want to sacrifice the people on the city tower, but if he didn't sacrifice them, all the people in the city would be bullied by the Japanese rogues every day.

If you want to blame, you can only blame them for their bad fate!

On the tower.

Watanabe Kumaji slowly came to the tower and glanced at the Qianzhou Army outside the city.

Didn't show any concern.

He believed that the Tang army did not dare to attack the city.

"Just watch. They don't dare to attack the city today. Later, I will send some of your heads over and tell them that if they don't withdraw, I will send a few of them every day."

"Let's see how long they can hold on!"

"Besides, there is a lot of food, a lot of consumer goods, and a lot of women in this city. Last night..." Watanabe Kumaji looked at Fudaishan who was tied up with a proud look on his face.

Fu Dashan sat on the ground in despair.

He couldn't understand why His Highness the King of Han outside the city didn't order an attack on the city.

He had long heard that the King of Han was decisive in killing, and he also thought that the army outside the city would attack the city as soon as possible.

In this way, only these people will die here, and other people in the city will not suffer.

But now...

Fu Dashan stared at Watanabe Kumaji. He could not think of any way to deal with Watanabe Kumaji now.

He only lamented his own powerlessness and wished he could eat Watanabe Kumaji's flesh. ??

"So you won't talk anymore?"

"I do..."

"People on the tower, listen, I am Han Chong, the general of the Qianzhou Army, and I have an order from His Highness the King of Han."

"Attack the city in a quarter of an hour."

"I advise the Japanese rogues on the city tower to surrender as soon as possible, otherwise I will cut you to death with a thousand swords to vent my anger."

Before Watanabe Kumaji finished speaking, Han Chong's shouting came from outside the city.

Watanabe Xiongji frowned. He did not believe that the Tang army should really attack the city.


"If you dare to attack the city, you will die!" Watanabe Kumaji cursed at Han Chong outside the city.

He grabbed a tied up Yuanfu City citizen with one hand and threw him off the tower.

The people fell solidly to the ground, twitched twice on the ground, and then stopped making any movement.

There was a commotion among the other people on the city tower, and Fu Dashan's eyes were about to burst.

Han Chong clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, he finally understood that besides attacking the city,

Otherwise, the Japanese rogues in front of them will always threaten themselves with the common people.

Sure enough, only by sacrificing some people can more people be saved.

As for those who died, we can only blame them for their bad fate.

"Everyone, prepare to attack the city!" Han Chong returned to the formation and issued the order to attack the city to his soldiers.

"Drink!" The officers and soldiers of the Qianzhou Army shouted in unison, and the military formation of more than a thousand people slowly advanced towards the tower of Yuanfu City.

The shield soldiers were in front, the pikemen followed, and the archers at the rear.

The Japanese Ronin had never fought a defensive battle, let alone defense, and were not even prepared for defense.

Except for the detained people of Yuanfu City, there were no defensive measures on the city tower.

Watanabe Kumaji obviously did not expect that the Tang army on the opposite side would dare to attack them.

Do these people not care about the life and death of the people?

"Haha, have you seen it? I'm going to say that our Highness, the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty, will not be threatened by you guys."

"You guys, just wait to die!" Fu Dashan saw the Qianzhou Army attacking the city and couldn't help laughing at Watanabe Xiongji.

"Baga!" Watanabe Kumaji was furious at this moment.

He grabbed Fu Dashan by the collar and stared into Fu Dashan's eyes: "If you want to die, you must die first!"

"So many of the brothers guarding the city have died. I just happened to go down to accompany them when I died, but it's not a loss for me to take you bastards away with me!" Blood flowed from the corner of Fu Dashan's mouth. After being tortured for a day, his body He is also very weak now.

Outside the city, the Qianzhou Army was already close at hand.

The arrows defended by the Japanese rogues all landed on the shield soldiers' shields, causing no damage at all.

Ichiro Watanabe was worried.

He knew that if this continued, the city would definitely not be able to be defended, and he needed to find a way to block the Tang army's attack.

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