The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1669 The life and death of a mere county magistrate

"You all stop it!"

"Otherwise I will kill him."

"He is an official of your Tang Dynasty and the magistrate of Yuanfu City. If I kill him because you attack the city, all of you will commit a serious crime!" Watanabe Kumaji shouted loudly outside the city.

They Japanese rogues had no experience in defending a city.

Moreover, the Tang troops on the opposite side did not act according to common sense. How could anyone completely care about the life and death of the people in the city.

Just ordered the siege directly? .??.

This frightened Kumaji Watanabe!

If he doesn't want to find a way to stop the siege army in front of him, he, Watanabe Kumaji, and a group of Japanese ronin will all have to answer here!

Watanabe Kumaji thought again, since these people didn't care about the lives of ordinary people, then if he pushed the magistrate of Tofu City out, these people should stop.

After all, based on Watanabe Kumaji's understanding of the Tang Dynasty, everyone in the Tang Dynasty is for one, and I am for everyone.

They are all in this together.

No one will break the tacit rules.

Otherwise, no one will help the person who broke the rules first.

Sure enough, when Watanabe Xiongji shouted, the Tang army that was attacking the city slowly stopped.

Everyone's eyes fell on Fu Dashan, the magistrate of Yuan Fucheng, who was pressed on the battlement with a look of embarrassment on his face.

At this moment, Fu Dashan could not speak a word. His mouth was stuffed with a rag. When he saw the Qianzhou Army stopping their attack on the city, he was filled with sorrow and anger.

"Let the people and officials of Yuanfu City go free, and I can guarantee you a happy death." Han Chong immediately shouted to Watanabe Kumaji on the city tower fifty meters outside the city.

Watanabe Kumaji looked at Han Chong in the distance. The distance of fifty meters was enough for his Japanese Ronin archers to kill him with one strike.

Waving to the Japanese ronin archers on the side without showing any trace, Watanabe Kumaji had a calm expression on his face and shouted to Han Chong: "Big

What kind of joke is General Tang talking about? If we let people go, we will die, so why should we let people go? "

"I'll go back and discuss with that Zhao Chen to see if he wants our lives or the lives of the people in this city."

"If he agrees to withdraw his troops now, I can guarantee their lives."

Han Chong didn't dare to make this decision.

But the attack just now had already killed many people in Yuanfucheng. At this moment, the magistrate of Yuanfucheng was escorted to the tower again.

He was not sure whether to continue the attack or wait for orders.

This is what Watanabe Kumaji wants.

As long as the Tang troops on the opposite side did not dare to attack, he would have time to think of ways to deal with them.

"Uh huh!" On the city tower, Fu Dashan struggled desperately. Many people had died in the attack just now.

But now they have stopped attacking. Why?

But his struggle was of no use, and he was dragged back to the rear.

The city tower was full of corpses, including those of common people and those of Japanese rogues.

Han Chong was standing outside the city with a deep look in his eyes. He was about to go back and report the news to Zhao Chen, when suddenly an arrow shot towards his face.

Han Chong was shocked and had only time to dodge.

He himself was not hit by the arrow, but the horse underneath him fell to the ground with the sound of the arrow driving into the horse's neck.

Blood also flowed out along the arrow.

Han Chong didn't have time to think too much and immediately ran to the rear.

Arrows came like rain from behind, and Han Chong was lucky and was not hit by an arrow. By the time the Japanese rogues tried to take action again, Han Chong had already been caught up.

Protected by the Qianzhou Army.

Han Chong looked back at the war horse lying on the ground, and stared angrily at the smiling Watanabe Kumaji on the tower.

He clenched his fists, turned around and ran towards the camp behind him.

"Did you see that, this is your Tang Dynasty general."

"They don't take it seriously when you threaten the lives of ordinary people, but it's different when you threaten the lives of officials like you!"

"It's a pity that I couldn't kill him with one arrow just now."

"However, with you in hand, there is nothing they can do!"

On the tower, Watanabe Kumaji proudly said to Toyama.

Fu Dashan didn't say a word, he just looked at Watanabe Kumaji in front of him bitterly, and secretly blamed Han Chong outside the city.

Watanabe Kumaji didn't care about Fu Dashan's eyes at all. Looking at the retreating Datang army, he began to think in his mind that he had to leave Fu Dashan as soon as possible.

Yuanfu City has been captured, and there are Tang troops outside the city. There is no way to take away the wealth in the city.

So he decided to burn Yuanfucheng to the ground.

This can be regarded as revenge for those companions who died in the sea, and it also lets the officials of the Tang Dynasty know that they Japanese rogues are not so easy to deal with.

If you offend the Japanese rogues, you must be prepared for revenge.

Killing a city in the Tang Dynasty is the most direct revenge.

"Go down and tell us that we will retreat tonight. Before retreating, we will burn Yuanfu City on fire."

"The things were burned together, leaving an empty shell for the Tang army to let them know how powerful we are!" Watanabe Kumaji turned around and said to the Japanese ronin beside him.

Fu Dashan didn't understand what Kumaji Watanabe said, but he knew that Kumaji Watanabe must have bad intentions.

It's just that he can't do anything as he is now.

"Your Highness, the King of Han, the Japanese prodigal on the city tower threatened the lives of the officials in the city, saying that if his subordinates continued to attack the city, he would kill the officials of the Tang Dynasty."

Han Chong returned to the camp without any confidence.

Zhao Chen stared at Han Chong with a deep gaze, which made Han Chong's heart tremble.

Li Ke stood aside, frowning.

Obviously Zhao Chen had already said before that he would attack the city directly regardless of anyone.

Han Chong did as he was told at first, but what happened later?

The people in the city can be left alone, but a captured magistrate of Yuanfucheng can stop Han Chong from moving forward?

He almost died under the secret arrows of Japanese rogues.

"Is it because my previous order was not conveyed accurately enough?" Zhao Chen asked Han Chong with a cold face.

Han Chong suddenly felt a chill on his back.

"My subordinates are worried..."

"What are you worried about?" Zhao Chen interrupted Han Chong expressionlessly.

Han Chong did not dare to speak again.

Although the Zhao Chen in front of him was young, Han Chong did not dare to contradict him in any way.

On the contrary, his life and death are in Zhao Chen's hands at any time.

He had seen Zhao Chen's methods and knew that he had made a big mistake today.

But there was nothing he could do. He, Han Chong, could not be the murderer who killed Datang officials.

Otherwise, if something happens to Han Chong in the future, others will treat him the same way they do today.

Zhao Chen stared at Han Chong. What he couldn't understand was that Han Chong could not hesitate regardless of the life and death of the people.

But when faced with the life and death of a mere county magistrate, Han Chong did not dare to act.

Could it be that this is the so-called protection between officials?

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