The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1670 No one is allowed to escape

"If we don't capture the city today, all the Japanese rogues in the city will flee tonight."

"Far Rich City will inevitably become a ruin."

"Han Chong, when the time comes, your guilt will not be just a little bit!" Zhao Chen said slowly.

Han Chong obviously didn't believe what Zhao Chen said, and retorted: "How could Yuanfu City be in ruins?"

"The Japanese rogues have massacred villages before, but Yuanfu City is a city after all, with tens of thousands of people. Aren't they afraid of killing so many people?"

"Also, how dare they set fire to the city when it is in ruins."

"Aren't you afraid that Datang and I will become mortal enemies by then?"

Zhao Chen looked at Han Chong speechlessly.

He even wondered how Han Chong got to the position of general of the Qianzhou Army.

Will the Japanese rogues be worried about becoming mortal enemies with the Tang Dynasty?

So what did the Japanese rogues do in these years?

"General Han, I'm not explaining anything to you, you just need to follow my orders."

"If you can't capture the city before tonight's evening, General Han will stay behind the city!" Zhao Chen's tone was cold and stern, showing no mercy.

Han Chong also knew that Zhao Chen was really angry with him at this moment.

But there are indeed officials of the Tang Dynasty on the city tower. If the officials hold him accountable...

"You only need to attack the city, everything else is my business." Zhao Chen said again, and Han Chong relaxed.

He clasped his fists and saluted respectfully towards Zhao Chen: "General, I will obey your orders!"

"Brother Emperor, this Han Chong is far worse than Cheng Chumo and the others."

"If Cheng Chumo and the others heard your order from Brother Emperor, they wouldn't even ask and just get on board."

"Maybe we'll all enter the city now!" Han Chong left, and Li Ke complained on the side.

Li Ke is right.

If it were Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaiyu and the others, they would naturally not be so upset.


Let alone a mere county magistrate, even a governor of a state, if Zhao Chen asked them to kill him, they would do it without hesitation.

As for the guilt afterwards, that is not something they should consider.

"Not everyone can compare with you." Zhao Chen waved his hand and continued: "Let the Xuanjia Army also come forward to help. As soon as the city is broken, enter the city immediately and shoot the enemies on the opposite side with fire blunderbuss."

"I would rather kill them all than let any of them escape!"

"Okay!" Li Ke nodded quickly, turned around and left with the order.

The return of the Tang army made Watanabe Xiongji very angry.

He felt that his methods must be too light, otherwise how could these Tang troops dare to come in front of him.

Watanabe Kumaji grabbed the collar of the magistrate of Farfucheng and shouted to Han Chong outside the city: "He is the magistrate of Farfucheng. I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it."

"Then don't blame me!"

After saying that, Watanabe Kumaji raised his knife to the head of the magistrate of Tofu City and chopped it off.

His head fell off the tower and fell heavily into the dust. There was still blood on the wall.

Han Chong was shocked. The ruthlessness of the Japanese rogues was more terrifying than he imagined.

He thought that as long as he did not take action, the Japanese rogues would not take the initiative to take action against the officials of Yuanfu City.

Unexpectedly, I still underestimated how terrifying these Japanese rogues were.

"Charge!" Han Chong knew that he had no way out now.

Zhao Chen would never let him go unless he captured the city.

The only way now is to capture the city.

As for how many innocent people died during the siege, it was not something Han Cong could consider.

"Baga!" Watanabe Kumaji was furious when he saw that his method not only failed to scare the opponent, but actually allowed the opponent to attack the city.

In addition to being frightened, he hurriedly asked his subordinates to defend themselves.

But the defense was useless. Soon the Qianzhou Army attacked the city gate. The huge city gate fell to the ground soon after being bombarded by the siege vehicles.

A large number of Qianzhou troops rushed directly into the city.

Soon they met head-on with the Japanese rogues.

Most of the Japanese rogues had learned some kung fu, and their sword skills were very sharp.

Many Qianzhou troops were hacked by Japanese rogues and fell to the ground seriously injured.

"General, we can't continue like this. Brothers fighting alone are no match for these Japanese rogues."

"They are very strong!" The lieutenant beside Han Chong chopped down a Japanese rogue and shouted to Han Chong.

But there was nothing Han Chong could do.

After entering the city, these Japanese rogues did not fight directly with them at all.

Instead, they hid in various alleys and house corners, and unexpectedly attacked the advancing Qianzhou Army soldiers.

Fighting alone, the soldiers of the Qianzhou Army were hardly a match for these Japanese rogues who usually licked blood from their swords.

And in this terrain, the soldiers of the Qianzhou Army could not form a military formation.

Han Chong has no choice now.



A series of loud noises suddenly came from the distance, which stunned Han Chong.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw dozens of Xuanjia Army soldiers holding black firecrackers.

There were more than a dozen corpses of Japanese rogues in front of them.

The Xuanjia Army soldiers didn't even have any scars at all.

"What is that?" Han Chong pointed to the fire blunderbuss in the hands of the Xuanjia Army soldiers in the distance.

But the deputy general had never seen this thing before, and his face was blank.

's shook his head.

Han Chong was very curious. He just heard a loud noise, accompanied by repeated smoke.

Seeing that the Japanese ronin who rushed in front of the Xuanjia Army soldiers was blasted backwards and flew several meters away.

Han Chong didn't know whether the injury was serious or not.

He only saw that the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army did not even look at the Japanese ronin who was sent flying.

He turned around and went to kill the other Japanese rogues.

What is it?

Could it be another secret weapon of His Highness the King of Han?

The telescope Zhao Chen gave him when he went to sea last time made Han Chong excited for a long time.

Unexpectedly, I saw such a powerful and destructive weapon again today.

"General Han, the emperor asked me to tell you that every Japanese rogue should be eliminated without mercy. No one should be allowed to escape." Li Ke came to Han Chong at some point and conveyed Zhao Chen's order.

At this moment, the Japanese rogues were already frightened out of their wits.

They never imagined that what the person who got it back by luck at sea was telling the truth.

The Tang army actually had such powerful weapons.

Just one face-to-face meeting can send someone flying straight away.

The whole person's face was beaten into a sieve, and not a single bit of good meat could be seen.

Not to mention lives.

They had already been blasted to pieces together.

Watanabe Kumaji saw from a distance that the dozens of Black Armor soldiers were invincible, and his calves trembled with fear.

He knew that if he didn't leave now, he might very well have to leave his life here!

But before leaving, he, Watanabe Kumaji, had to deal with the officials from Totomi City in his hands.

For example, Fu Dashan, the magistrate of Yuanfucheng County, who kept laughing at him.

"Come here, kill him!" Watanabe Kumaji pointed at Fuda Mountain and gave the order to kill.

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