After receiving the order from Watanabe Kumaji, someone quickly came over.

Fu Dashan looked at the Japanese ronin who was walking toward him with a knife in his hand, and the sneer on his face became stronger.

He knew that there was no way he could escape from the hands of these Japanese rogues alive.

Fu Dashan never thought that he would still be alive.

Otherwise, he would not know how he would face the families of those soldiers who died in the battle.

Now I can finally be freed.

And it won't be long before these damn Japanese prodigals will go to hell like themselves.

Watanabe Kumaji originally thought that Fu Dashan would be so frightened that he would beg for mercy again and again if he knew that he was going to kill him now.

He had seen many Tang officials like this.

At first he spoke righteously and was not afraid of anything, but when the knife was placed on his neck, he started to urinate.

But the Fu Dashan in front of me still looks like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water.

This made Watanabe Kumaji very dissatisfied.

"Aren't you afraid?" Watanabe Kumaji stared at Fu Dashan. Until now, he still felt that Fu Dashan was pretending to be calm in front of him.

Fu Dashan must be scared to death in his heart now.

Fu Dashan looked at Watanabe Xiongji and said with a sneer: "What am I afraid of? Aren't you guys accompanying me on this Huangquan Road!"

"The most I can do is take the first step, and you will catch up later!"

Tomitayama's ridicule made Watanabe Kumaji even more angry.

A weapon that escaped the hands of the Japanese Ronin next to him stabbed Fu Dashan hard in the heart.

Blood was sprinkled all over the floor, and Fu Dashan fell softly to the ground, with a strong sarcasm still on his face.

Watanabe Kumaji stabbed Fudaishan's body hard several times. When he calmed down, Fudaishan no longer had any breath.

Throwing the weapon aside, Watanabe Kumaji calmed down

God comes.

There were more and more Tang troops in the city, and many people from Yuanfu City began to secretly help the Tang troops point out the hiding places of the Japanese prodigals.

More and more Japanese rogues died under the sword of the Tang army.

What's more, when the Japanese rogues saw those Tang soldiers with strange weapons, they didn't even dare to look back and ran away.

Watanabe Kumaji knew that the situation was over, and if he didn't leave now, he might really lose his life here.

"Withdraw!" Watanabe Kumaji said only one word.

It shows how bad his mood is now.

When the remaining Japanese rogues heard the order to retreat, they immediately paid no attention to anything else, turned around and began to flee to another city gate.

Han Chong also discovered the escape of the Japanese rogues.

He knew very well that if he allowed the Japanese prodigies to escape in this battle, Zhao Chen would never let him go.

So he immediately issued an order: "Everyone, follow me immediately to pursue the Japanese rogues and kill them all, leaving no one behind!"

The Japanese rogues were defeated like a mountain, and now they are retreating without any plan.

A large number of Japanese rogues just fled forward, unable to effectively block the pursuing Tang army.

What's more, people from Yuanfu City appear in the city from time to time, stumbling upon them who are unprepared.

Before reaching another city gate, nearly a hundred Japanese rogues were lost.

Watanabe Kumaji felt even more angry when he saw that there were less than 300 Japanese ronin left around him.

He brought more than a thousand people to attack Yuanfu City. Now the city has not been completely captured, and the revenge against the Tang Dynasty has not been realized at all.


The people he brought with him actually lost nearly 800 people.

Thinking of the punishment he might face if he goes back, Watanabe Kumaji's hatred for the Tang Dynasty court intensifies.

But Watanabe Kumaji also knew that this was not the time for him to hate the Tang court.

If you don't leave, your life will be lost here!

Fortunately, the city gate in front is their escape route.

"Get out of the city! Watanabe Kumaji waved his hand and was the first to rush towards the city gate.

Outside the gate of Yuanfu City, Watanabe Kumaji had just left the city when he saw a young man standing in front.

This man was well-dressed and handsome.

Their Japanese country couldn't find such a charming person at all.

But Watanabe Kumaji can't control this. He has to leave here quickly. Anyone who wants to block their way will die!

"Kill him!" Watanabe Xiong Er winked at the Japanese ronin beside him.

The ronin next to him immediately shouted and drew his weapon to kill Zhao Chen in front.

"Dead, dead!" The Japanese rogues came to take his life, leaving no chance of survival for Zhao Chen.

But before he could get close to Zhao Chen, he was shot through by a short arrow in the face.

He fell heavily to the ground.

Watanabe Kumaji was shocked, but he didn't want to waste time here anymore. He had to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

If the guy in front of you dares to block your way, then send a few more people to kill him.

"You all come together!" Watanabe Kumaji gave another order to several people.

Several people rushed forward again, but before they could get through a few moves, they were all killed by the young man in front of them.

Watanabe Kumaji was shocked.

The strength of the man in front of him really frightened him.

Strong now

The enemy is chasing troops, and he, Watanabe Xiongji, cannot die here.

"Everyone, come together and kill them. Let's retreat quickly." Watanabe Kumaji once again urged the Japanese ronin beside him.

He didn't want to waste his time here.

Moreover, there is only one person in front of him. Even if this person can fight, he is still no match for hundreds of people.

As long as they kill this bastard who doesn't know how to block the road, they can escape.

Dozens of Japanese rogues rushed towards Zhao Chen, but they saw Zhao Chen take out a long black stick and then pointed it at those who rushed towards them.


After the loud noise, a column of white smoke rose.

Watanabe Kumaji clearly saw that the five or six people rushing to the front fell to the ground in an instant.

The rest of the people were instantly frightened and did not dare to move.

In front of them, their companion who had been rushing in front of them just now was lying on the ground without any movement at all.

All you can see is gurgling blood flowing out of these people's bodies.

And the faces of these people were completely turned into a pile of rotten flesh.

You can't tell who is who.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Watanabe Kumaji swallowed hard.

He thought that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty he had just seen in the city also used such weapons.

His own men were even chased and killed by those people.

But why, the person in front of me also has such a weapon?

Where does this weapon come from?

And what is the origin of this person in front of me?

Why would he block the path of himself and others?

"Who are you?" Watanabe Kumaji stared at Zhao Chen in front of him.

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