The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1672 It’s all forced by the Japanese rogues

"Who are you?" Watanabe Xiongji stared at Zhao Chen in front of him.

The rest of the Japanese rogues also looked at Zhao Chen with frightened expressions.

They never imagined that there would be such a powerful weapon in the world.

If this thing fell into their hands, wouldn't it be easy for them to rob Datang's property in the future?

While they were afraid, they were more thinking about getting the weapon in Zhao Chen's hand.

In the depths of his frightened eyes, only greed remained.

"I am the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Chen!" Zhao Chen finished loading again in front of the Japanese Ronin in front of him.

Zhao Chen had long expected that the Japanese rogues would escape from here when they were defeated, but there was no one around him to help.

If the Xuanjia Army is deployed, Han Chong and the others may have to fight fiercely in the city for a long time.

After thinking about it, only Zhao Chen himself appeared here, waiting for the appearance of Watanabe Xiong Er and others who had fled.

What Zhao Chen needs to do most right now is to deter these Japanese rogues.

Now it looks like the effect is good.

Watanabe Kuma and others were so frightened that they did not dare to make any move.

And when Watanabe Kumaji heard that the person in front of him was Zhao Chen, the King of Han Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, Watanabe Kumaji and others suddenly felt a wave of panic in their hearts.

He knew that in the sea encounter, the Japanese rogues lost their troops and generals because of this guy in front of them.

But now, the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty was standing in front of them alone, blocking the way.

Watanabe Kumaji looked at the fire gun in Zhao Chen's hand with some fear.

This was the first time he saw the power of this thing with his own eyes. Just a loud bang sent several of his companions away in an instant.

"Are you Zhao Chen?" Watanabe Xiongji couldn't believe that Zhao Chen, King of Han Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, dared to appear in front of him alone.

Still thinking about blocking your own way?

He doesn't care at all

Take it into consideration!

If he killed Zhao Chen, not to mention losing hundreds of Japanese ronin, even if they were all dead, there would still be no punishment if he went back.

On the contrary, you may get more rewards.

It's just that the weapon in Zhao Chen's hand is really scary.

If he dared to move, he might be beaten to death instantly like those people just now.

But I can't always be in a stalemate with Zhao Chen, right?

It won't take long for the Tang Dynasty army in the city to catch up, and then he really won't be able to leave.

"It's guaranteed to be replaced if it's fake!" Zhao Chen said lightly.

In fact, Zhao Chen is a little undecided now.

If he hadn't frightened these Japanese rogues now and they attacked him together, he really wouldn't have any confidence that he would be able to escape unscathed.

But if these people are allowed to leave, then the soldiers guarding the city and the people in the city will really die in vain!

Zhao Chen looked at Watanabe Kumaji in front of him expressionlessly: "If you tell me who is cooperating with you in Quanzhou City, I can let you live."


"You are alone now, and you dare to say let me live?"

"Even if you are the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty, I will still kill you if I should." Watanabe Xiongji is still very clever.

He knew that Zhao Chen was stalling for time.

If I and others don't leave quickly, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave again.

But Watanabe Kumaji did not dare to instruct his men to attack Zhao Chen again, if the weapon could keep attacking his own people.

Then when the time comes,

It's really just the old birthday girl who hanged himself, seeking death!

"You can give it a try." Zhao Chen remained calm and calm.

This made Watanabe Kumaji confused and did not dare to try easily.

But now he absolutely cannot waste time here.

Otherwise, he will definitely die!

Watanabe Kumaji glanced at Zhao Chen. If Zhao Chen didn't have a terrible weapon in his hand, he would definitely kill Zhao Chen today and take his head back to claim credit.

But he, Watanabe Kumaji, didn’t dare to gamble.

"Evacuate!" Watanabe Kumaji planned to bypass Zhao Chen and evacuate quickly with his people.

Three hundred people were actually forced to flee in panic by Zhao Chen alone.

Zhao Chen stood where he was and did not pursue the fleeing Watanabe Kumaji.

He alone could not stop these Japanese rogues.

Soon, Li Ke and Han Chong chased after them with their troops. When they saw the corpse of the Japanese rogue on the ground, they reacted instantly.

"Brother Emperor, are you okay?" Li Ke came over and asked with concern.

Zhao Chen shook his head and looked at Han Chong: "Have all the Japanese rogues in the city been dealt with?"

Han Chong bowed: "Everything has been solved, no one is left alive, and a traitor named Wang Jingwei has been captured."

"He has been working hard for the Japanese rogues,"

With that said, Wang Jingwei was brought over by Han Chong's soldiers.

Seeing Zhao Chen, Wang Jingwei knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Sir, have mercy on me, my lord, have mercy on me."

"It's all those Japanese rogues who forced me to do this. I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old son. I hope you will spare me."

"The little man is willing to follow the great man in this life!"

Wang Jingwei also didn't expect that Watanabe Kumaji and the others would leave him behind when they ran away.

this is not

Do you want your own life?

He helped the Japanese rogues to poison the people of the Tang Dynasty. Now that he was caught by the Tang army, his heart was trembling.

Zhao Chen looked at Wang Jingwei who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy with an indifferent expression.

Then he said slowly: "Tell me who in Quanzhou City is colluding with the Japanese rogues, and I will spare your life."

"If you can't tell, General Han, cut his body into five pieces and throw him into a mass grave."

"Yes!" Han Chong immediately accepted the order and stared at Wang Jingwei sternly.

The city was quickly tidied up, and the bodies of those Japanese rogues were gone on the streets.

When Fu Dashan was found, his body had already been parked at the county government office.

Along with him, there were the corpses of more than a hundred soldiers who defended the city.

All the officials of Yuanfu City, from the county magistrate to an ordinary government official, were killed in the battle without exception.

The widows of these fallen soldiers were everywhere crying.

Zhao Chen didn't show up, he didn't want to see the widows' tears.

Li Ke went there instead of Zhao Chen. When he came back, his eyes were red. It was obvious that the situation at the scene made Li Ke very uncomfortable.

"Brother Emperor, if I have a chance in this life, I will definitely kill all those Japanese rogues!" The first thing Li Ke said when he saw Zhao Chen was to kill all the Japanese rogues.

Zhao Chen did not answer.

He wanted to kill more than just these Japanese rogues.

Many people deserve to die!

"Brother Emperor, I want to write a note to my father, asking him to bury these officials and soldiers who died defending the city in a dignified manner."

"But I'm worried that my father won't agree, so I want to ask you, brother, to help me write a note." Li Ke handed a note to Zhao Chen.

The deaths of officials and soldiers guarding the city in Yuanfu City seemed to have greatly touched Li Ke.

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