The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1673 The Lair of the Japanese Ronin

A small island in the sea outside Quanzhou City.

Watanabe Ichiro led thousands of Japanese waves and hid here. This was also their stronghold.

At this time, Ichiro Watanabe received the latest news that a Tang Dynasty warship had landed near Quanzhou Port, which meant that the ship that had fought with them at sea had returned to Quanzhou City.

But Ichiro Watanabe did not get any information about where Zhao Chen was at the moment.

According to the clues provided by the secret line in Quanzhou City, the ship belongs to Zhao Chen. Although it is very large, it is not hopeless.

As long as Zhao Chen gets off the boat, it will be easy to kill people.

"Bring Zhao Chen's head back, otherwise we will never have peace." Ichiro Watanabe said viciously: "Zhao Chen, you must die!" ??

"grown ups!"

At this time, a Japanese wanderer came back and said: "Everything on the island has been prepared. In addition, we have arranged for another two thousand people to go to Master Xiong Er. They will definitely defeat the Tang Dynasty defenders in Yuanfu City without the ability to fight back. That Han King of the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Chen, should be heading to Yuanfu City now."

When he learned that Zhao Chen had gone to Yuanfu City, Ichiro Watanabe did not show any concern.

He knew how many troops there were in Yuanfu City, and it was impossible to hold on until reinforcements from the Tang Dynasty arrived.

Watanabe Kumaji can easily capture Totomi Castle.

But what Watanabe Kumaji really wanted was to kill His Highness the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty.

Otherwise, sooner or later, he will be wiped out by the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty.

Rather than being wiped out by others in the future, it is better to take the initiative on your own.

Ichiro Watanabe said coldly: "Find a way to lure Zhao Chen here. As long as he dares to land on this island, he will definitely die!"

"Ha Yi!" The Japanese Ronin nodded repeatedly.

Ichiro Watanabe thought for a while and said: "In addition, a group of people should be arranged on the island. It doesn't need to be too many, just a few hundred."

That's enough. Create a momentum of thousands of people so that Zhao Chen can be attracted in. Let's get to work! "

After telling all these arrangements, Ichiro Watanabe would not stay on the island, but would leave directly by boat.

The hundreds of people arranged were equivalent to cannon fodder and were destined to die on the island.

As long as Zhao Chen can be killed, even if hundreds more people die, it will still be worth it to them!

He just wanted to use this place as the cemetery where Zhao Chen, King of Han Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, was buried.

And the men he left behind were also buried with Zhao Chen.

Yuanfu City.

It has been half a day since the Qianzhou Army entered the city.

The people in the city watched bitterly as the army entered the city, and they finally felt relieved that they had been worrying about for a long time.

The corpses of the Japanese rogues were all burned up in a fire.

In the entire Yuanfu City, there are not even one official, big or small.

It has also become difficult to preside over county government affairs on a daily basis.

But Zhao Chen had no good solution at the moment and could only wait for the officials to send someone over.

Asking Han Chong to leave two hundred soldiers to guard this place, Zhao Chen led the army back to Quanzhou City.

In Quanzhou City, everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces when they heard that Zhao Chen led his army to win consecutive battles and severely defeated the Japanese ronin twice.

You know, their Quanzhou government has been fighting against the Japanese prodigals.

But he was always played by the Japanese rogues.

He was led everywhere by Japanese rogues, but nothing was caught. On the contrary, he was trapped and exhausted.

But now Zhao Chen has only been in Quanzhou City for a long time, and he even defeated the Japanese waves.


If this continues, the Japanese prodigals will no longer dare to covet the people of the Tang Dynasty.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han is indeed a veteran in the army. This ability is really not just for bragging!"

"I just say that Your Highness, the King of Han, is a mere prodigal from Japan. What a big deal!"

"If His Highness the King of Han had come to our city of Quanzhou a few years ago, and if something had happened to the Japanese prodigals, he would have killed them in their lair."

"It's great, it's really great!"

In the Quanzhou government office, all the officials, big and small, looked happy.

They were tortured by Japanese rogues for a long time.

What's more serious is that the Japanese rogues have been doing evil outside Quanzhou City, but they have nothing to do.

This will not only make the people feel that they are incompetent, but also make the court feel that they are in the same group as the Japanese rogues.

That's why it has been impossible to clear out the Japanese rogues.

It must be true that some people conspired with the Japanese ronin, but not everyone did this.

Some officials still hate the Japanese rogues deeply.

"Sir, His Highness the King of Han is back!" As everyone was talking, someone suddenly ran in and said that Zhao Chen had returned.

All the officials, big and small, stood up immediately and watched Zhao Chen walk into the hall from the outside.

"Greetings to His Highness the King of Han." Everyone bowed and saluted, shouting to greet him.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Zhao Chen waved his hand and motioned for everyone to sit down.

After everyone sat down, Zhao Chen looked around at everyone and slowly said: "The Japanese prodigals have been doing evil near Quanzhou City for a long time. Although they suffered heavy setbacks these two times, their vitality was not damaged."

“Now only by finding their lair and carrying out precise strikes against them can we completely eradicate the Japanese bandits.

Suffer. "

"But until now, I don't seem to have heard about the location of the Japanese Ronin's lair."

"Have any of you heard of this?"

"The lair of the Japanese rogues?"

"It is rumored that these Japanese wanderers have no fixed abode and wander on the sea at any time. It will be difficult to find their lair."

"It must be difficult. At least I haven't heard of where their lair is until now."

"In the vast sea, it is probably more difficult to find the nest of the Japanese Ronin than to reach the sky."

Everyone is shaking their heads.

It seems that no one knows where the Japanese Ronin's lair is.

"Is it true that no one knows?" Zhao Chen asked again.

Everyone shook their heads, but Governor Zhang Ji slowly spoke: "Your Highness, I have received a piece of news before, saying that the lair of the Japanese rogues is on Huludao Island, one hundred miles northeast of Quanzhou City."

"Oh?" Zhao Chen looked at Zhang Ji: "Can Governor Zhang elaborate?"

Others also looked at Zhang Ji.

Zhang Ji nodded, seemed to organize his thoughts, and then said slowly: "There was a foreign businessman who passed by Huludao before and saw many small boats parked near Huludao from a distance. They were the boats of the Japanese vagrants. That kind of boat.”

"At that time, the foreign businessman was also discovered by the Japanese rogues, who pursued him in a boat, but fortunately the foreign businessman brought many good hands and he managed to escape."

"After arriving in Quanzhou, he asked his subordinate to send troops to exterminate the Japanese rogues on Huludao. But His Highness knew that it would be good if the soldiers of Quanzhou City could only defend Quanzhou City and destroy the Japanese rogues. If something happened, the official would really not know how to follow up. The court will explain."

Zhang Ji said that he knew the origin of the news, and the others listened and nodded.

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