The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1675 Why don’t you have enough food and salt?

Watanabe Ichiro stared at his biological brother.

He sent him with more than a thousand people to attack a small county town with only more than a hundred defenders.

This guy only came back with more than 200 remaining soldiers.

The losses amounted to more than 800 people.

If Kumaji Watanabe's relationship with him was even slightly estranged, Ichiro Watanabe's butcher knife would have been swung at the bastard's neck.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Watanabe Ichiro wanted to hear what the bastard in front of him could say.

Seeing that Ichiro Watanabe didn't speak, Kumaji Watanabe knew that he had temporarily saved his life.

Now it depends on whether this discovery of mine can be taken seriously by Ichiro Watanabe. .??.

"Brother, didn't the brothers who came back from the last naval battle say that the Tang army had long black weapons?"

"We were defeated this time by this weapon!"

"That weapon is so powerful that no one can stand within ten feet."

"It hit him on the body, and his whole face was rotten."

"Brother, this weapon is really terrifying!" Watanabe Kumaji said quickly.

Just thinking about the previous scene now, he still felt scared.

Watanabe Kumaji thought to himself, if he had been hit by that terrible weapon, would he still be able to come back alive?

Ichiro Watanabe stared at Kumaji Watanabe in front of him. He did not think that Kumaji Watanabe would deceive him about such a thing.

You can always find someone to ask whether this is true or not.

What's more, the subordinates who came back alive from the previous naval battle said the same thing.

Could it be that some powerful weapons really appeared in the Tang Dynasty?

Can someone's entire face be smashed from the front?

What kind of weapon is this?

Or, in fact, this weapon is not that powerful, just because this guy Watanabe Kumaji wants to evade responsibility.

Ichiro Watanabe didn't speak for a long time, and Kumaji Watanabe began to feel uneasy for no reason.

r\u003e He was worried that Ichiro Watanabe would feel that he was deceiving him.

"Brother, what I say is all true. If you don't believe it, you can ask other brothers."

"Some brothers were only scratched by the weapon, and half of their arms were lost." Watanabe Kumaji said quickly.

Ichiro Watanabe was silent.

Then he waved his hand expressionlessly.

Watanabe Kumaji was kicked out.

Only Ichiro Watanabe and the men who reported the news before were left in the room.

"Pass my order to ambush the island according to the previous plan. As soon as the Tang army lands on the island, attack them immediately." Ichiro Watanabe gave the order.


The waves are vast and there is no land in sight.

Zhao Chen personally led the army to the sea, and according to the statement of Zhang Ji, the governor of Quanzhou, he came overseas.

On the warship, Li Ke looked worried.

Zhao Chenming knew that this was probably an ambush, but he wanted to personally take risks like this.

Although Li Ke also knew that if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.

If Zhao Chen doesn't go to Huludao in person, the Japanese rogues will definitely not be fooled.

The leader of the Japanese rogues will not show up either.

This should be the best way to catch the leader of the Japanese rogues in a short period of time.

But it's just too dangerous.

If nothing unexpected happened, as early as when they set off from the port, the leader of the Japanese Ronin on the other side had already received the news.

The Japanese rogues would definitely ambush themselves and others on the island.

But no one knows what is going on on the island. If an accident happens, I really don’t know...

Li Ke looked at Zhao Chen who was standing on the deck, holding the side of the ship with both hands, looking into the distance.

To be honest, many times, he felt that his royal brother was a lunatic.

The crazier something is, the more he has to do it.

But Li Ke knew better that no matter how capable people like him were, Zhao Chen would not be like this.

I do everything myself, isn't it because my helpers are not strong enough?

"Brother Emperor, let's have a cup of tea." Li Ke brought a cup of herbal tea and handed it to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen took the tea, took a small sip, and then his eyes fell into the distance again.

That is the direction of Huludao.

They should be able to arrive at Huludao tonight.

"Li Ke, what do you think of Huludao?" Zhao Chen suddenly asked.

Li Ke was a little stunned for a while.

I don’t know what Zhao Chen means by this.

"When I came out of Huludao, I asked the servants in the Quanzhou Governor's Mansion. Many of them were locals, but they had never even heard of the name of this island."

"Brother Huang, you mean that Zhang Ji is lying to us?" Li Ke reacted instantly, anger welling up on his face.

Even the servants of the Dudu Mansion who have been living locally have never heard of Huludao.

How did Zhang Ji know?

This is clearly Zhang Ji’s conspiracy!

Could it be said that Zhang Ji, the governor of Quanzhou, was the culprit who colluded with the Japanese prodigals?

"Zhang Ji didn't lie to us. Huludao does exist, and it must be the lair of the Japanese wanderers."

"But if that foreign businessman managed to escape with his life when being chased by Japanese rogues, it's naturally a lie." Zhao Chen smiled slightly.

Li Ke was stunned.

Since Zhao Chen

Knowing that Zhang Ji was plotting against him, why did he still dive in without hesitation?

Isn't this something wrong with your brain?

In order to catch the traitor hiding in the city and destroy the Japanese rogues, did you completely disregard your own safety?

"Turn around, turn around now!" Li Ke was anxious.

It is necessary to let the warship change direction.

But he was caught by Zhao Chen: "You are here, we will wipe out the Japanese rogues before we talk about anything else."

"But it's too dangerous. How many of us do we have to go to sea?"

"If there is an ambush, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect the emperor's brother." Li Ke wanted to break away from Zhao Chen.

But how could he be Zhao Chen's opponent.

"Okay, why don't you get enough oil and salt?"

"We can't waste too much time in Quanzhou. It's been almost half a year since we left Chang'an."

"The Japanese rogues have been entrenched in Huludao for several years. If we don't take advantage of this opportunity to ambush us and destroy them, it will be even harder for us to find opportunities in the future."

"Moreover, the coastline near Quanzhou Port is too long, and they may land anywhere at any time."

"At the end of the day, the losses will be much greater."

"I rarely endanger myself because of other people, except for the Japanese Ronin."

"Japanese ronin, every one of them, I want them to die!" Zhao Chen said slowly.

When he finally said that he wanted the Japanese vagrants to die, there was even more unspeakable anger in his eyes.

Li Ke looked confused. Although he didn't know why Zhao Chen hated the Japanese ronin so much, after all, Zhao Chen had never had any conflict with the Japanese ronin before.

The only Japanese ronin Zhao Chen knew seemed to be the original Japanese princess Su Wo Qinghe.

Could it be that he hated the Japanese ronin so much because of the attack by the Japanese ronin in Yuanfu City?

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