The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1676: Your Majesty, I am not guilty

Li Ke was puzzled.

During the battle at Yuanfucheng, he also hated the Japanese rogues, but that was also at that time.

Now that he thought about it, as long as he no longer remembered the scene, it didn't matter to him.

But Zhao Chen...

"Want to know why I hate Japanese ronin so much?" Zhao Chen seemed to see through Li Ke's thoughts.

Li Ke nodded.

But Zhao Chen just smiled: "Some people are born unable to coexist, such as me and the Japanese country!"

"Japanese country?" Li Ke was completely stunned.

Didn’t we just talk about Japanese ronin? Why did he suddenly become Japanese again?

"Emperor..." Li Kegang wanted to ask clearly, but saw Zhao Chen turn around and walk towards the cabin.


Was it because he and the Japanese country couldn't coexist when he didn't accept Su Wo Qinghe?

But where have they had any conflicts before?

Li Ke didn't understand and could only look into the distance with doubt on his face.

The outline of Huludao seemed to appear in the distance.

Inside Quanzhou City.

Zhang Ji was about to ask the left and right to retreat when he suddenly heard an extremely shocked voice coming from outside.

"Lord Governor, Your Majesty is here!"

"Ah?" Zhang Ji was stunned. He suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

"What did you say?" Zhang Ji asked again.

"Your Majesty is here."

"We are almost outside the city. Zuo Wuwei General Cheng Yaojin sent someone to ask the Governor to bring Quanzhou officials, big and small, out of the city to pick him up."

"We have to inform His Highness the King of Han and His Highness the King of Shu to come together." The servant said quickly.

The brush in Zhang Ji's hand fell on the table.

It took a while to calm down.

The emperor has arrived.

The emperor came to Quanzhou from Chang'an, thousands of miles away.

Was it because of the serious banditry in Quanzhou, or because the emperor was worried about the safety of the kings of Han and Shu?

But those two people had already gone to sea, how could I inform them?

Zhang Ji's heart trembled.

He felt that he had done something wrong.

He felt that the emperor came to Quanzhou not because of the bandits in Quanzhou, but because of the two princes.

No, it's because of the King of Han.

"Notify everyone immediately to leave the city to greet His Majesty." Zhang Ji quickly issued the order.

The servant ran to deliver the order.

Zhang Ji was in a hurry.

He did not expect that the emperor would come to Quanzhou.

Now Zhao Chen and Li Ke are going to sea with their armies. If they can't come back, won't Zhang Ji not even have the chance to find reasons for delaying?

No chance to escape?

Zhang Ji looked dazed and dressed in the official palace under the service of his servants, and hurriedly ran out of the Governor's Mansion to greet the emperor.

Thirty miles outside Quanzhou City.

The emperor rested here.

As an emperor, ostentation is inevitable when traveling.

This time the emperor brought all the remaining Xuanjia troops, and was personally escorted by Zuowuwei General Cheng Yaojin.

Hundreds of camps were on both sides of the road, and officers and soldiers of the Xuanjia Army were all on alert along the way.

"Old man, if I come to Quanzhou suddenly, Mr. Chen will definitely be shocked." The emperor said to Cheng Yaojin with a smile.

The emperor was really bored staying in Chang'an.

Nowadays, there is no war on the border of Datang. On the contrary, their army of Datang has entered the territory of other vassal states of Datang.

For example, Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu are now earning military exploits in Silla and Baekje.

This year is another bumper harvest for food in Datang.

The salt tax has also increased a lot compared to last year, and people's lives have gradually become richer.

In the imperial court, Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling and others were in charge of the work.

As an emperor, he spent most of his life in retirement.


The extremely bored emperor thought about it and wanted to come to Quanzhou to see the results of Zhao Chen's victory over the Japanese rogues here.

A month ago, the emperor set out from Chang'an.

Today we finally arrived outside Quanzhou City.

"What your Majesty said is that the King of Han will definitely be shocked when the time comes, but I feel that the King of Han may not be happy."

"Why is he not happy? I left the court affairs and came to see him, but he is still not happy?" The emperor was dissatisfied.

Cheng Yaojin smiled bitterly.

If it were anyone else who could get a visit from the emperor, it would be like smoke rising from the ancestral grave.

Not to mention that the emperor came from thousands of miles away. This was a treat that only the ancestral tombs exploded.

But this is the King of Han.

The emperor seemed to be just like that in front of the King of Han.

Cheng Yaojin didn't want to think about the bloody scenes when the emperor scolded Zhao Chen.

I even heard that the emperor was chased and beaten by Zhao Chen once.

I don’t know if it’s true or false.

If the emperor suddenly comes to Quanzhou, Zhao Chen will definitely not be willing to do so.

Who would want someone to take care of themselves suddenly in their head?

Even in name only?

"Your Majesty, the Governor of Quanzhou and the officials of Quanzhou are coming to pick him up. However, the Governor of Quanzhou said that the King of Han and His Royal Highness the King of Shu have gone to sea today with their armies, preparing to destroy the nests of the Japanese prodigals." The soldiers of the Xuanjia Army came back to convey the news. Standing outside the camp, he said to the emperor.

When he heard that Zhao Chen and Li Ke had gone to sea, the emperor's smile instantly froze.

He knew that Zhao Chen was very capable, but Zhao Chen had never commanded a naval battle.

How could Zhao Chen, who had never even been out to sea, be a match for the Japanese rondos who were active at sea all year round?

What's more, the Tang Dynasty didn't have any naval forces.

I'm afraid this battle will be difficult.

"It must have been that kid who made his own decisions again, didn't listen to anyone's advice, and just went his own way. He was simply acting recklessly.


"Does he think naval battles are fun?"

"What should I do if something goes wrong?"

"Nonsense!" the emperor shouted angrily.

Cheng Yaojin didn't dare to challenge him.

He didn't know what exactly happened, but now it had.

What we should do now is to figure out how to remedy it.

If the warship has not gone far, we must get them back quickly.

"Send the Governor of Quanzhou over immediately. I want to ask him why he didn't stop the King of Han from going to sea!" the emperor said outside.

Zhang Ji was panicked.

When he saw the emperor, the emperor had a gloomy face and stared at him.

Zhang Ji stared at him and his heart went crazy.

But the emperor didn't ask questions, so how could Zhang Ji dare to speak.

Zhang Ji knelt on the ground, and all the officials in Quanzhou behind him also knelt down.

No one knew why the emperor was so angry.

Only Zhang Ji knew in his heart that the emperor might be angry because he thought he had not stopped the King of Han from going to sea.

If the emperor knew the news he told the King of Han about Huludao, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

Fortunately, no one knows about this.

People who know will not tell anyone about it.

Otherwise, once something happens to the King of Han, it will affect the whole body, and everyone who does not stop him will die.

"Where is the King of Han?" The emperor looked at Zhang Ji who was kneeling on the ground expressionlessly.

"The King of Han...The King of Han has gone to sea!"

"Come here, kill him!" As soon as Zhang Ji finished speaking, the emperor immediately waved his hand and gave the order.

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

"Your Majesty, I stopped His Highness the King of Han, but His Highness the King of Han did not listen to me!"

"Your Majesty, I am not guilty!" Zhang Ji was stunned.

The emperor will kill himself when he sees him.

Is this possible?

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