The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1677 What do they want to do?

The night gradually fell.

In the distance from the warships of the Tang Dynasty, as far as the eye can see, is the Huludao mentioned by Zhang Ji.

Huludao is not big, so it is named because it looks like a gourd.

I didn't see anything strange on Huludao.

The island is densely covered with mountains and forests, and the seaside is full of rocks. You can vaguely see a fishing boat resting on the coastline.

"Your Highness, this should be the Huludao that Governor Zhang mentioned." Han Chong walked to Zhao Chen's side and looked at the Huludao in front of him.

"Why is there no movement on this island?"

"It seems that there is no one on this island." Li Ke whispered.

In fact, this was also what he was thinking.

He hoped that Huludao was not the lair of Japanese rogues, and that there were no Japanese rogues here.

Huludao was not the place where the Japanese rogues ambush them.

In this way, I don't have to worry about Zhao Chen's safety.

"Let all the warships light their torches!" Zhao Chen suddenly said.


Li Ke and Han Chong both looked at Zhao Chen in surprise.

They didn't understand the meaning of actively revealing their location in this way.

Let the Japanese prodigals know and come to destroy them?

Isn't this causing trouble for yourself?

"Brother Emperor, why is this?"

"Your Highness, this is too dangerous. The Japanese will know we are coming right away!"

Li Ke and Han Chong persuaded Zhao Chen at the same time.

They really couldn't understand what Zhao Chen was thinking at the moment.

"Do as I say." Zhao Chen did not explain to the two of them, but directly asked them to follow his orders.

Although the two of them were confused, they could not change Zhao Chen's decision.

Soon all the Tang Dynasty warships raised their torches.

The nearby sea surface is also clearly illuminated.

People who were equally incomprehensible as Li Ke and Han Chong were Watanabe Ichiro and other Japanese rondos who had already ambushed Huludao.

They live in Huludao all year round, and the Tang Dynasty warship just approached, even if it was dark, they discovered it immediately.

Ichiro Watanabe led his people to ambush in various dangerous places on Huludao.

They just waited for the Tang warship to approach the shallow water before they rushed out.

The Tang troops in front of them were caught off guard.

According to normal people's thinking, since they are here to destroy themselves, they should be sneaky and cautious when landing.

But Ichiro Watanabe couldn't guess what the thinking of the leader of Datang on the opposite side was.

He actually lit a torch openly.

He led his men to hide on Huludao, and could see all the Tang troops in front at a glance.

"Is there something wrong with the leader of the Tang army?"

"He actually asked people to light all the torches. Is this because he was afraid that we wouldn't know they were coming?" A Japanese ronin looked puzzled and even a little angry.

He felt that the Tang army must have looked down upon them, so he lit the torch indifferently.

Notify yourself of the arrival of the Tang army.

Watanabe Ichiro also frowned.

He has never encountered such an opponent.

The action was simply unorganized.

But Ichiro Watanabe was just surprised. No matter what, it was best for the warships of the Tang army not to dock.

Otherwise, when they reach the shore, they will be destroyed.

"Go ahead and follow the original plan. As soon as Datang's warships dock, attack them immediately."

"But before that, no one can have

Any revealing move! "Ichiro Watanabe turned around and said to Kumaji Watanabe next to him.

Watanabe Kumaji nodded quickly.

He knew that Zhao Chen, who almost killed him, was just ahead, and he was waiting to seek revenge from Zhao Chen.

What's more, his eldest brother Watanabe Ichiro is here, how dare he, Watanabe Kumaji, have any ideas of his own.

It is strange to say that the Tang Dynasty warships lit torches, illuminating the nearby sea area.

There was no movement at all on Huludao.

It seemed like it was really an uninhabited island.

Han Chong felt a little relieved at this moment.

Their whereabouts have been exposed, but there is no movement at all on Huludao. Maybe there really are no Japanese ronin in Huludao.

"Your Highness, do you want to anchor on the shore now?" Han Chong asked Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen looked back at Han Chong, then at Li Ke, and then said, "Wait a minute."

This wait lasted most of the night.

While Li Ke and Han Chong were waiting, they started fighting before their eyes. Ichiro Watanabe and his Japanese rogues who were ambushing on Huludao almost fell asleep to death.

"Brother, what exactly is Zhao Chen going to do? Will they land on the island?" Watanabe Kumaji had no idea what the other person was thinking.

If he were the leader of the Tang Dynasty, he would definitely sneak into Huludao at night.

This can also catch the island off guard.

But now?

Zhao Chen on the opposite side not only raised the torch, but he also had no intention of landing on the island.

What on earth does he want to do?

Not to mention Watanabe Kumaji, even Watanabe Ichiro himself was confused at the moment.

The exhaustion of fighting with his eyelids made him very irritable.

I took another look at the torch-lit Tang Dynasty War in front of me.

Boat, Ichiro Watanabe felt that the rumored King of Han of the Tang Dynasty was actually not that scary.

First he exposed him in front of him, and now he didn't attack under the cover of night.

How is this the performance of a qualified general?

"If he doesn't attack, we shouldn't move."

"You lead people to guard here, I will go back to rest first, remember, keep an eye on the opposite side!" Ichiro Watanabe really didn't know when the Tang Dynasty warship on the opposite side would take action.

You can't sleep across from me and scream while you are soaked in dew.

He planned to go back and take a good rest.

I asked Watanabe Kumaji to take charge of guarding here.

Of course, Watanabe Kumaji didn't dare to disobey Ichiro Watanabe's order, and immediately nodded in agreement: "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely keep an eye on them."

"As soon as they land, I will report to my elder brother immediately."

Ichiro Watanabe was very satisfied with Kumaji Watanabe’s attitude.

Slowly walked towards the camp behind.

Watanabe Kumaji looked at the Tang Dynasty warship in the sea in the distance again, and saw that it was still lighting the torch and staying there motionless, and suddenly felt bored.

Feeling more and more tired.

But before he could close his eyes and take a rest, he suddenly saw several Tang Dynasty warships weighing anchor in front of him and slowly approaching the coastline.

"Attention everyone, the Tang Dynasty warship has moved!" Watanabe Xiongji suddenly woke up.

Just when he thought that the Tang Dynasty warships would land at this time, he could immediately attack the Tang Dynasty army.

Unexpectedly, the Tang Dynasty warship only advanced a dozen meters, and then suddenly anchored again.

This Tang Dynasty warship is not leaving!

"Baga, what on earth do they want to do?" Watanabe Kuma had already pulled out the knife in his hands.

However, he suddenly saw that the Tang Dynasty warship had no movement.

This made him very angry.

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