The moonlight shines on the Huludao beach like a layer of silver gauze.

The war at night is destined to be a terrifying challenge.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty marched silently and vigilantly, their armors making a faint scraping sound, and every breath they took became particularly heavy.

They relied on their night vision to identify the outline ahead and moved forward cautiously, always ready to face the enemy's attack.

They all received orders that Japanese rogues might ambush them ahead at any time.

In the darkness, only weak arrows burned with incendiary agents, and the blazing flames cast beams of twisted light.

These glimmers of light track the night sky, searching for the location of enemy troops.

However, they were also the very exposure of the soldiers' presence, providing targets for the enemy to target.

The sound of war drums had gradually ceased, replaced by whispers and soft footsteps.

Every warrior is alert and ready to fight.

The night wind blew on their faces, bringing with it a hint of coolness and a premonition of battle.

Watanabe Kumaji led the Japanese ronin to hide in the darkness, passing whispering instructions to each other.

They tried to approach quietly, hiding in the night, waiting for the best opportunity.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle pierced the night sky, and the battlefield instantly became commotion.

Torches were lit from all directions, illuminating the entire battlefield and driving away the darkness.

Screams resounded through the sky, and the fighting soldiers fought fiercely like wild beasts.

Sword blades and weapons intertwined, cold light flickering.

The arrows roared towards him, and the rain of arrows was dense and fierce.

In the night, blood splattered, and the soldiers wrote a tragic battle with their lives and courage.

The agile assassin appeared quietly and took the enemy's life instantly.

Silent death is like a ghost in the night, dealing a fatal blow to the enemy.

The war situation was twisted and chaotic, and the soldiers and commanders who fought hard

Fight with all your might.

They remain vigilant at all times in the face of enemy counterattacks.

"Jijigi!" Watanabe Xiongji waved his weapon and directed the Japanese ronin to attack the Tang soldiers.

Han Chong and others were shocked when they saw this, but they only calmed down in an instant.

I sighed in my heart that the Japanese wanderers on Huludao were also so patient and had been ambushing them here.

While giving combat orders to his Tang soldiers: "Everyone, follow me and charge!"

For a moment, the two sides collided hard again.

Ichiro Watanabe, who was resting, soon received the news.

Ichiro Watanabe hurriedly brought people to support, but he never expected that the Tang army would suddenly attack today.

But fortunately, he was prepared.

Watanabe Kumaji and his men have been asked to ambush here.

Now he can still take the initiative.

It's just that Ichiro Watanabe obviously underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Tang army.

Han Chong led his Qianzhou Army and rushed towards the position of the Japanese Ronin without any hesitation.

Watanabe Kumaji and his Japanese ronin were in a stalemate with the Tang army.

An arrow flew from a distance and hit a Japanese ronin in front of Ichiro Watanabe, which made Ichiro Watanabe feel nervous.

Then there was even more intense anger.

These Tang troops really don't want to give themselves any way to survive!

"Everyone, support, no one of the Tang army on the island will be left behind!" Ichiro Watanabe gave the order.

All the Japanese rogues behind them immediately rushed towards the Tang army as if they had been given blood.

Han Chong's hand

The people below are far inferior to the Japanese rogues on the island.

After a while, Han Chong and others were defeated by the Japanese rogues.

Watanabe Kumaji looked surprised when he saw this, and quickly directed his Japanese ronin to approach the beach.

After a while, the Tang army was forced to the beach.

Han Chong was shocked. He never thought that one day he would die in this hellish place.

And those who killed him were these bastard Japanese ronin.

"Made, fight them!" Han Chong knew that he had no way out, so he could only grit his teeth and lead the people to continue rushing forward.

There was another charge, although many Japanese rogues were killed and injured.

But the remaining Japanese rogues still rushed towards them like a tide.

Seeing that the distance behind him was getting smaller and smaller, and more and more Japanese ronin were surrounding him in front of him, Han Chong tightly held the weapon in his hand, his heart was crossed, and he was ready to die with the Japanese ronin on the opposite side.

Watanabe Kumaji felt proud.

He did not expect that these Tang troops were so vulnerable.

Although there are many people, they cannot exert much combat effectiveness under their own ambush.

Now as long as I give an order, these people will all die here.

But Watanabe Kumaji didn't want to kill all the Tang soldiers in front of him so quickly.

He wanted to know who among the people in front of him was Zhao Chen, the Han King of the Tang Dynasty.

He wanted to catch that Zhao Chen and then chop him alive with one knife to vent his hatred.

"Where is that Zhao Chen?" Watanabe Kumaji stared at Han Chong in front of him.

Han Chong was slightly startled.

In fact, he didn't see Zhao Chen where he was after the war started.

He clearly remembered that Zhao Chen and Li Ke got off the warship with them, but he didn't see any trace of them on the battlefield.


Did he run away?

Han Chong thought to himself, but also felt lucky.

If Zhao Chen and Li Ke were also surrounded here, they would definitely die without burial.

If the two of them died, the emperor would definitely implicate the entire Han Chong clan.

Now that he is dead, he might still be a loyal hero.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han did not come here at all, so you are disappointed!" Han Chong laughed.

Watanabe Kumaji didn't believe Han Chong's words. The news coming from Quanzhou City was that Zhao Chen personally led an army to Huludao.

Now the leading Tang general actually said he didn't come.

Are you deceiving yourself as a three-year-old child?

"Baga." Watanabe Kumaji shouted, and then waved his hand and ordered: "Kill them all!"

"jijigi!" the captain of the Japanese Ronin team screamed and rushed forward.

But suddenly there was a deafening explosion behind him.



A series of sounds sounded, accompanied by a burst of wails from Japanese rogues.

When Watanabe Kumaji heard this voice, his whole body became excited.

He was very familiar with this voice.

Isn't this the explosion sound made by those long black sticks in Yuanfu City that day!

Those long black sticks almost made him die there!

"Bagayalu, we've been tricked!" Watanabe Kumaji shouted loudly.

But it was too late.

In the rear were the fire rifle soldiers led by Li Ke, and in front were Han Chong's troops who were forced to a dead end.

In just an instant, Watanabe Kumaji changed his offensive and defensive positions. Facing a flanking attack from both sides, the Japanese ronin was instantly defeated and fled in all directions.

But Huludao is surrounded by the sea, where can they escape?

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