The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1682 Who would know this?

Watanabe Kumaji feels a little unlucky recently.

As the younger brother of Ichiro Watanabe and the second-in-command of the Japanese Ronin Group, he went to Totomi City and almost lost his life there.

This time, he was ambushing in Huludao and wanted to take Zhao Chen's head back to atone for his sins. However, his plan was discovered and his efforts fell short. He could not imagine what kind of punishment he would suffer if he returned.

No, there are wolves in front of me and tigers in the back. It’s hard to say whether I can go back.

Watanabe Kumaji didn't dare to make any move, but out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to see a huge battleship heading in his direction.

What exactly the warships of the Tang Dynasty look like, Watanabe Kumaji has not seen yet.

But it is certain that it is definitely not a ship that the Japanese country can own. ??

Even if it was just a temporary warship put together by the Tang Dynasty, it was an existence that the Japanese country could not match.

On the bow of the Tang Dynasty warship, through the torch on the warship, Watanabe Xiongji still saw a man standing there with an expressionless face.

Only then did Watanabe Kumaji realize that Zhao Chen had indeed come to Huludao, but he had not landed on the island at all.

Instead, he has been sitting on the warship.


The sound of a gunshot made Watanabe Kumaji tremble all over.

The head of a guard beside him suddenly split into pieces like an exploding watermelon. He didn't make any sound, and just fell straight on the beach.

Such a sudden scene shocked them.

But before they could react, another Japanese ronin next to him had a bloody hole in his chest, his body was beaten into a sieve, and blood splashed on Watanabe Kumaji's face.

The warmth and blood made Watanabe Kumaji feel dizzy.

"What is this!"

"How come they have such powerful weapons!"

"How can we be their opponent?"

"We're dead, we're dead!"

The Japanese rogues lost all fighting spirit in an instant, their six gods had no master, and their hearts and minds were all frightened.

Where have they ever seen this?

Awesome weapon.

He didn't even have time to react, and his companions died tragically.

Not even a sound of pain was made.

I have never seen someone kill someone so suddenly. People die suddenly before they even know what happened.

All the Japanese rogues immediately wanted to escape from here.

But they had just made a move to escape when there was a deafening sound behind them.

Looking back, dozens more people fell to the ground in an instant.

The blood slowly seeped into the sand of the beach and slowly slid to their feet.

All the Japanese rogues were in despair.

In front was the Tang Dynasty army that was just preparing to fight them to the death, and behind them was the Tang Dynasty army armed with terrifying weapons.

They are dead!

"Spare my life..."

In an instant, some Japanese rogues put down their weapons, knelt on the ground, and begged for mercy from the Tang army.

When Watanabe Kumaji saw this, he knew that everything was hopeless and they were dead!

So his legs weakened and he knelt down on the beach.

It's not that they don't want to fight to the death with the Tang army, nor is it that they, the Japanese prodigals, are greedy for life and afraid of death.

The weapons of the Tang army behind them were really too terrifying.

This was the time when Kumaji Watanabe was most helpless. Faced with such a weapon, Kumaji Watanabe could only beg for mercy.

As for Ichiro Watanabe, Kumaji Watanabe has completely forgotten about it.

Watanabe Kumaji even knelt down and surrendered. How could the other Japanese ronin, who had long been without a master, dare to show any slightness.

They all fell to their knees and begged for their lives.

Seeing the surrender of the Japanese rogues, Han Chong and others breathed a long sigh of relief.

He just now

I thought I was dead today.

I originally thought of killing a few more Japanese rogues to save my capital, but I didn't expect that everything changed drastically in just an instant.

He, Han Chong, and all the officers and soldiers of the Qianzhou Army under his command did not have to die.

These Japanese rogues, who had been aggressive just now, were now begging for their forgiveness.

"Tie everyone up and hand them over to His Highness the King of Han!" Han Chong waved his hand.

Perhaps from Watanabe Kumaji, we can learn everything about Huludao. .??.??

Han Chong took Watanabe Xiong Er on board the Tang Dynasty warship, and the rest of the Japanese rogues were all tied up on the beach, waiting for Zhao Chen's fate.

Watanabe Kumaji came to the deck in fear, smelling of urine.

Li Ke and others were so smoked that they covered their noses.

"We meet again!" Zhao Chen's voice sounded faintly as he sat on a chair.

Watanabe Kumaji heard a familiar voice and looked up suddenly, only to see Zhao Chen's appearance appearing in front of him.

"You are really the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty!" Watanabe Xiongji was stunned.

That day outside Tofu Castle, although Zhao Chen claimed to be the King of Han, Watanabe Kumaji did not completely believe it.

Mainly because he didn't believe that a dignified King of Han would stop him single-handedly.

He, Watanabe Xiong Er, thought they were ordinary people who were blocking them and waiting for their pursuers. They pretended to be the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty just to delay their time.

When Kumaji Watanabe left, he was still complacent and thought he had not been cheated.

But I don’t know...

We should have known earlier that the man in front of us was the real King of Han of the Tang Dynasty. He, Watanabe Xiong Er, had no choice but to kill Zhao Chen on the spot.

Zhao Chen said: "What the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty, now we are the Ronins of the Tang Dynasty!"

Watanabe Kumaji: "???"

Li Ke: "???"

Han Chong: "???"


Looking at Zhao Chen's attire, he looked like a refugee from the Tang Dynasty in the past, and his clothes were in tatters.

Ronin of the Tang Dynasty?

What does he want to do?

"I am going to visit your Japanese country as a ronin of the Tang Dynasty. I wonder if you can help us lead the way!" Zhao Chen looked at Watanabe Kumaji in front of him with a smile.

The warm smile was like a ghost in Watanabe Kumaji's heart.

Watanabe Kumaji's whole heart clenched.

As a ronin of the Tang Dynasty, go to visit Japan?

Isn't that the same as when the Japanese wanderers came to visit the Tang Dynasty?


Robbery is real, right?

"His Royal Highness the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty, our country of Japan is too small to accommodate the great Buddha of His Highness the King of Han."

"Besides, since you are the King of Han of the Tang Dynasty, but you want to deal with the Japanese country as a ronin of the Tang Dynasty, aren't you afraid that the matter will be exposed?"

"Japan is a country of brothers from the Tang Dynasty. Your Highness, the King of Han, is not afraid of being criticized for his actions?" Watanabe Xiongji seemed to care about food and not fights.

At this point, I still thought that Zhao Chen was an ordinary corrupt scholar from the Tang Dynasty.

Zhao Chen laughed out loud when he heard this: "Are you criticized by others?"

"Who in the Tang Dynasty dares to discuss my affairs?"

"What else is worthy of being a country that is a brother to me, the Tang Dynasty, and a mere Japanese country?"

"As for what you said, the matter was exposed?" Zhao Chen walked up to Watanabe Xiongji and slowly raised the fire blunderbuss in his hand: "If I kill you all, who will know about this?"

"King of Han..."

"Bang -" a gunshot rang out, and before Watanabe Bear could finish his words, his mouth turned into a heartbreaking cry of pain.

Blood spurted out from his thigh instantly, veins popped out on his neck, and sweat poured down like rain.

"Tell me, where is your leader?"

"Which official in Quanzhou City is conspiring with you?"

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