The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1684 I’m afraid that’s not the case

"Half of the property was distributed to the soldiers who went to sea, and the other half was transported back to Quanzhou."

Li Ke didn't quite understand Zhao Chen's arrangement.

The soldiers have been suffering on the warship since they went to sea. It is normal to give them part of the money.

It can also win people's hearts.

But if half of the money is shipped back to Quanzhou, what will it do?

It’s not like you want to hand over the money to Quanzhou officials and let them distribute it to the people of Quanzhou, right?

Although Li Ke is also a prince, he has been in Shu for a long time. .??.

I know that although the officials of the Tang Dynasty are not completely in the dark, if the money comes into their hands and then goes to the people, there will always be a layer of skin peeled off in the middle.

In the end, Zhao Chen could only get a name at most, with no actual benefits at all.

The people of Quanzhou are most grateful to local officials.

It's not worth it.

"Brother Emperor, it's not appropriate to transport half of the property to Quanzhou. Why don't we have it transported directly back to Chang'an and let Sister-in-law Ruoshuang arrange the place to go." Li Ke suggested Zhao Chen in a low voice.

When Zhao Chen heard what Li Ke said, of course he knew that he would be wrong about what he meant.

"This money is not going to be distributed to the people of Quanzhou. I am going to build a few large ships in Quanzhou. Didn't you have the idea of ​​going to sea before? Our current ships cannot go to sea." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

How could he return the money he seized from the Japanese rogues to the people of Quanzhou?

The Japanese rogues have been rampant in Quanzhou for so many years, and most of the people in Quanzhou who lost their property are no longer there.

Handing over this money will only bulge the pockets of Quanzhou officials.

Zhao Chen plans to build seagoing ships in Quanzhou, which will also create employment for the people of Quanzhou.

Once he heard that Zhao Chen was planning to build ships in Quanzhou, Li Ke realized that he had been wrong about what Zhao Chen meant.

A smile immediately appeared on his face.

Thinking about the first time I saw him

When he was a shark, even now, Li Ke is still full of curiosity about the sea.

What's more, Zhao Chen said at the beginning that on the other side of the distant sea, there were many vast territories that were no less than those of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Ke dreamed that one day he would be able to expand territory for the Tang Dynasty, just like Zhao Chen and his predecessors at the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

Ichiro Watanabe knew that he had no choice.

At present, he could only tell Watanabe Kumaji everything he knew.

The wound on Watanabe Xiong Er's leg was simply bandaged. At this moment, he dragged his injured leg to Zhao Chen with a pale face: "To report to His Highness the King of Han, the eldest brother said that among Quanzhou officials, he has contacts with Quanzhou Governor Zhang Ji." Closely, the eldest brother asked Zhang Ji to pass the news on Huludao to the King of Han..."

"Sir, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Ji suddenly began to feel panicked in Quanzhou Dudu Mansion.

The Quanzhou official beside him quickly asked.

Zhang Ji waved his hand, but he couldn't explain why he was suddenly so frightened.

Something terrible seems to have happened.

But he really couldn't think of what it was.

"It's okay, maybe I didn't get a good rest last night." Zhang Ji sat down slowly, already thinking about Huludao.

It has been seven days since Zhao Chen and the others went to sea.

After such a long time, the water and food carried by the warship were almost exhausted.

According to common sense, Zhao Chen and the others should be back in the next two days.

But Zhang Ji also believed that Ichiro Watanabe and the others were ambushing in Huludao and would definitely be able to kill Zhao Chen and the others by surprise.

There is an 80% chance that Zhao Chen and the others

Can't come back either.

But since Zhao Chen couldn't come back, why did he suddenly feel flustered again?

Is it because of the emperor?

"What have your Majesty been doing these past two days?" Zhang Ji asked about the emperor's whereabouts these past two days.

"Your Majesty has been wandering around the city for the past two days and has not noticed anything." Quanzhou officials said quickly.

These words made Zhang Ji frown.

The emperor is silent, and there won't be any big problems on Huludao.

Then why was he suddenly so flustered?

Did you really not get a good rest last night?

"Sir, do you need to call the doctor here for you?" The Quanzhou official asked again when he saw Zhang Ji's gloomy face again.

Zhang Ji waved his hand, but before he could answer, a soldier from the Xuanjia Army came running out: "Captain Zhang, your Majesty has a decree for you to go see the commander as soon as possible."

Zhang Ji's expression changed slightly.

If the emperor asked him to go over to see the emperor, he could have asked his own servants from the Governor's Mansion to report the matter.

Why were soldiers from the Xuanjia Army sent instead?

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Zhang Ji nodded, but did not take action immediately.

"Old He, please hurry up and tell General Hou Ming, and ask him to lead his people to wait at Sanming Street outside the Governor's Mansion as he told him before. If I haven't come out by noon, he will immediately lead his people to rush into the Governor's Mansion." Zhang Ji whispered. Standing next to Quanzhou officials to explain.

The faces of Quanzhou officials changed drastically.

Hou Ming is the general of the Quanzhou City Defense Army. Zhang Ji asked him to take people to wait outside the Governor's Mansion. Could it be that the emperor just said he wanted to summon him, but in fact...

"Your Majesty, Zhang Ji, pays homage to your Majesty." In the Governor's Mansion, Zhang Ji half-bowed his body and saluted the emperor.

The emperor raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Ji.

The emperor is in Chang'an

At that time, I saw the evaluation of Zhang Ji by the officials of the Ministry of Rites in the Ministry of Personnel.

It is said that this person is gentle and elegant, and has the style of everyone.

He loves the people like his own son and wins the hearts of the people.

But Cheng Yaojin came to report today, saying that Zhang Ji, the governor of Quanzhou, was suspected of colluding with the Japanese rogues to murder the people of Quanzhou.

This was something the emperor did not expect.

The emperor even asked Cheng Yaojin twice if he had made a mistake.

Until Cheng Yaojin came up with definite evidence.

"Captain Zhang is an official in Quanzhou who has been in Wude for three years." The emperor spoke slowly, with a calm expression on his face and a gentle tone, as if he was just chatting about family matters.

"Your Majesty, in September of the third year of Wude, I was appointed magistrate of Quanzhou County. It has been twelve or thirteen years ago." Zhang Ji said with a smile, but in his heart he was thinking about what the emperor wanted to do.

"I have also seen the officials' evaluation of your administration in Quanzhou in the Ministry of Civil Affairs. They are always the same every year. In the past two years, the Ministry of Civil Affairs wanted you to move to Chang'an. You said that the people of Quanzhou needed you, so you did not go. , right." The emperor still said slowly.

"It is indeed true." Zhang Ji smiled and cupped his hands, and continued: "I have been in Quanzhou for many years, and I know the people of Quanzhou well. The people of Quanzhou regard me as a friend, and I also treat them as friends. Although Chang'an is good, I am still I don’t want to leave Quanzhou.”

"That's why I keep rejecting the recommendation from the Ministry of Civil Affairs."

"Your Majesty, please atone for your sins!"

"I'm afraid that's not the case!" The emperor's sudden words instantly turned the smile on Zhang Ji's face into shock.

Zhang Ji looked at the emperor blankly, but the fists hidden in his sleeves slowly clenched.

"Captain Zhang, if the people of Quanzhou knew that you were the dog officer of Quanzhou who colluded with the Japanese rogues, I'm afraid they would never treat you as a friend again." The emperor's voice sounded again.

But it was like a heavy hammer, hitting Zhang Ji's heart hard.

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