The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1685 Your Majesty, please investigate carefully

"Captain Zhang, if the people of Quanzhou knew that you were the dog officer of Quanzhou who colluded with the Japanese robbers, I'm afraid they would never treat you as a friend again." The emperor's voice sounded again.

But it was like a heavy hammer, hitting Zhang Ji's heart hard.

Zhang Ji was suddenly confused.

Well, why did the emperor suddenly say this to himself?

"Your Majesty, I have never colluded with the Japanese rogues. Someone must have framed me around Your Majesty." .??.

"Your Majesty, please take a closer look!" Zhang Ji knelt on the ground and said to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, how could Governor Zhang collude with the Japanese rogues? This is absolutely impossible."

"Yes, Your Majesty, Governor Zhang has been working diligently in Quanzhou for more than ten years and regards the people of Quanzhou as his own family. How could he collude with the Japanese rogues?"

"Your Majesty, please take a closer look."

Before the emperor could speak, other Quanzhou officials, large and small, spoke up to defend Zhang Ji.

Regardless of whether these people had any interests involved with Zhang Ji, at least Zhang Ji still held great weight in the hearts of Quanzhou officials.

But what Zhang Ji did, he knew best.

"Zhang Ji, if you admit it now, I can still be lenient with you. If you continue to quibble, I will not be lenient." The emperor spoke again, staring coldly at Zhang Ji in front of him.

Many Quanzhou officials felt that the emperor must have been deceived by someone, otherwise how could he think that the governor Zhang Ji, who was least likely to collude with the Japanese rogues, was considered a spy.

However, the emperor believed that Zhang Ji was a spy who colluded with the Japanese rogues, which made all Quanzhou officials feel frightened.

They had no idea how the emperor believed those rumors.

No, there are no such rumors spread in Quanzhou City at all.

In the entire Quanzhou City, every citizen and official is not saying that Zhang Ji, the governor, is the real father-in-law of their Quanzhou City.


How come...

"It seems that Zhang Ji, you really didn't shed tears when you saw the coffin."

"I gave you a chance!" The emperor said two more words, which made Zhang Ji start to panic.

The emperor was so sure that he was colluding with the Japanese rogues.

Could it be that Zhao Chen, who went to sea, won and captured Ichiro Watanabe?

But in an instant, Zhang Ji shook his head gently to get rid of this thought in his head.

There is no such possibility.

Zhao Chencai brought many people to Huludao, and Ichiro Watanabe had already ambushed Huludao.

How could Zhao Chen catch Ichiro Watanabe.

It is very possible that the emperor heard some rumors and thought that Zhang Ji was really colluding with the Japanese rogues.

"Your Majesty, I am really innocent. If anyone tells your Majesty that I have colluded with Japanese rogues, it must be a frame-up for me. Your Majesty, please investigate strictly." Zhang Ji once again expressed his thoughts to the emperor.

Everyone looked at the emperor with doubts on their faces. No one knew why the emperor suddenly said that Zhang Ji, the governor of Quanzhou, was colluding with the Japanese rogues.

How is it possible that Zhang Ji colluded with the Japanese rogues?

The emperor glanced at Zhang Ji, then shook his head gently, and then looked at Cheng Yaojin aside.

Cheng Yaojin nodded slightly and waved towards the screen on the side.

Everyone saw a person coming out from behind the screen.

"Magistrate He!"

"What County Magistrate?"

Seeing Magistrate He come out, everyone's faces showed disbelief.

When Zhang Ji saw Magistrate He, a flash of panic and viciousness flashed across his face, but it quickly disappeared.

not see.

"County Magistrate He, tell everyone again what you told me yesterday." The emperor's voice sounded.

Everyone's eyes turned to Zhang Ji, and then fell on Magistrate He.

Everyone knows that Magistrate He was promoted by Zhang Ji.

Having sat in the position of Quanzhou County Government for more than ten years, he can be said to be the person Zhang Ji trusts the most.

Magistrate He came out to testify against Zhang Ji, saying that Zhang Ji had colluded with the Japanese rogues. This was a scene that no one expected. .??.

Magistrate He saluted the emperor, then walked to the middle of the hall, looked at Zhang Ji who was kneeling in front of him, and said slowly:

"During the Wude period, I was ordered by the King of Qin to serve in Quanzhou."

"In the first year of Zhenguan, he was appointed as the county magistrate of Quanzhou and returned to the governor Zhang Ji for transfer."

"On the seventh day of March in the second year of Zhenguan, Ichiro Watanabe occupied Huludao. Governor Zhang personally led a large army to conquer and was defeated. Watanabe Ichiro and Governor Zhang kept a secret letter."

"Captain Zhang is willing to allow some of the people to be plundered by Japanese rogues in exchange for Watanabe Ichiro and other Japanese rogues not to launch a large-scale attack."

"As a result, the people outside Quanzhou City had their families broken up and their families separated from their children."

"On June 11, the fifth year of Zhenguan, Ichiro Watanabe sent people to raid Niujia Village outside the city. Governor Zhang Ji got the news and strictly ordered the troops inside the city to go to war. As a result, Niujia Village was destroyed. There were more than 370 people in the village, ranging from the elderly to the weak. , no one, including women and children, was spared..."

"You're talking nonsense!"

"Your Majesty, he is talking nonsense!" Zhang Ji heard this and immediately scolded Magistrate He.

Magistrate He continued to talk about Zhang Ji's crimes as if he hadn't heard anything.

"On May 21, the sixth year of Zhenguan, Zhang Heng, a local general in Quanzhou, led two thousand Quanzhou troops to attack the Japanese rogues. It was originally an ambush, but he didn't want the secret to be leaked. Zhang Heng and 1,533 others people

Die in battle. "

"Zhang Ji believed that I was completely loyal to him, so he joked about it with me over wine a month later."

"On November 29, the ninth year of Zhenguan, Zhang Ji asked Ichiro Watanabe to send one million guan of money overseas and pay Ichiro Watanabe 200,000 guan in benefits."

"On July 10, the 11th year of Zhenguan, the King of Han led his army to sea. The news about Huludao was deliberately leaked to His Highness the King of Han by Governor Zhang. Thousands of Japanese rogues had already been ambushed on Huludao."

"Your Majesty, everything I said is true. The correspondence between Ichiro Watanabe and Governor Zhang is in Governor Zhang's secret room. I have seen it with my own eyes." As Magistrate He finished his last sentence, Zhang Ji stood up at this moment. My back was soaked with cold sweat.

He never expected that the subordinate he had trusted for more than ten years was actually the former King of Qin, the emperor who was now sitting in front of him.

I believe in him so much.

Even in the entire Quanzhou City, he was the last person he would doubt.

When Zhao Chen came to Quanzhou, he was the one who opposed Zhao Chen most fiercely.

Unexpectedly, this person has been pretending all along.

It's over, everything is over!

Zhang Ji was complaining in his heart, but he would not admit that what County Magistrate He just said was true.

He still has a chance!

"Your Majesty, I am wronged. I really did not do these things!"

"This is all his frame-up."

"I have been working conscientiously in Quanzhou, and the people under my rule are all talking about it. How could I collude with the Japanese rogues?"

"Although I have no abilities, I still know how to serve the country and the people."

"This guy is clearly wronging me."

"Your Majesty, please make the decision for me!" Zhang Ji knelt on the ground and begged the emperor.

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