The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1691 I told you to let you go

"Your Majesty!" Captain Xuanjia quickly ran to the emperor and bowed.

Zhang Ji's face instantly turned ugly when he saw so many Xuanjia troops appearing.

His men had just boarded the ship when the Xuanjia Army appeared. If the emperor wouldn't let him leave now, how could he escape?

What's more, just now he had ridiculed the emperor and even asked the emperor to kill Cheng Yaojin.

And he even forced Magistrate He to death!

Now as long as the emperor gives an order, Zhang Ji is likely to die under the sword of the Xuanjia Army.

The hair on Zhang Ji's body stood up, and his eyes were fixed on the emperor in front of him.

"Your Majesty, do you want to capture Governor Zhang?" Lieutenant Xuanjia asked the emperor for orders.

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Zhang Ji and saw that Zhang Ji was staring at the emperor motionless. He hurriedly persuaded the emperor: "Your Majesty, Zhang Ji has committed a heinous crime and should be sentenced to death. I will lead people to kill him now..." ??

"You are not joking. Since I promised to let him go, I will not break my promise!" The emperor interrupted Cheng Yaojin and looked at Zhang Ji in front of him again.

Judging from the emperor's inner thoughts, of course he wanted to kill a bastard like Zhang Ji.

So many people in Quanzhou lost their lives because of Zhang Ji's selfish thoughts. The county magistrate He, hundreds of soldiers of the Xuanjia Army, and even Zhao Chen and others whose lives were uncertain now were all because of this bastard Zhang Ji.

But the emperor did not issue an order to arrest Zhang Ji.

No matter what, since he promised Zhang Ji, he would not send anyone to kill him.

"Zhang Ji, let's go." The emperor looked at Zhang Ji and said slowly.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty can't let him go!"

Cheng Yaojin and Lieutenant Xuanjia both opened their mouths to persuade.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Ji killed so many of our Xuanjia Army soldiers, forced He County Magistrate to death, and even the whereabouts of the King of Han are unknown.

, the culprit is Zhang Ji, the bastard. "

"If we let him go now, how will we account for the dead?"

"And if we let him go now, there will really be no way to catch him again in the future." Cheng Yaojin was absolutely unwilling to let Zhang Ji leave the Tang Dynasty just like that.

If the emperor hadn't been here, he, Cheng Yaojin, would have led the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army to rush forward and kill Zhang Ji, the bastard.

"The Emperor's words are true to his word, Zhang Ji admires him." Before the emperor could say anything, Zhang Ji bowed his hands to the emperor.

Obviously, this is a persona that has been established for the emperor in advance.

The emperor was unable to take back the promise he had just made to himself.

The emperor glanced at Cheng Yaojin helplessly, and then looked at Zhang Ji again with an expressionless face: "I said I would let you go, so I won't fight with you. You can go."

"From now on, if you dare to set foot on our land of the Tang Dynasty again, I will cut you into pieces."

After the emperor finished speaking, Cheng Yaojin looked dejected. Zhang Ji left. Don't try to catch him again in the future.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor." Zhang Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the emperor Li Shimin still cares about face. Otherwise, if it were another emperor, his men would kill so many of his people and make the emperor lose face. Even if he went to the end of the world, the emperor would not let him go.

Bowing to the emperor, Zhang Ji boarded the merchant ship under the angry eyes of Cheng Yaojin and a group of Xuanjia Army officers.

The merchant ship sailed out of the port, headed towards the distant sea, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Cheng Yaojin shook his head. He could not figure out why the emperor insisted on letting Zhang Ji and the others go.

"Can't figure it out?" The emperor turned around and looked at the emperor who was shaking his head and sighing.

Cheng Yaojin nodded, and then said: "I really can't understand. We were weak before. To ensure your majesty's safety, of course we can agree to Zhang Ji's conditions."

"But now that the Xuanjia Army has arrived to support us, why does Your Majesty still insist on letting Zhang Ji leave?"

"Zhang Ji has been doing evil for so many years, and the people of Quanzhou have suffered countless casualties. Don't you want to kill him?"

"Of course I want to kill him!" The emperor said firmly, and then his momentum suddenly weakened: "I want to kill him, but I can't kill him."

"Why?" Cheng Yaojin frowned and said, "Because your Majesty promised you a thousand pieces of gold?"

"This is one thing. On the other hand, this is a port. Businessmen from all over the world gather here. I personally led a large army to kill the governor of Quanzhou. This has spread to the ears of the monarchs of other countries. How do you think of us, the Tang Dynasty?"

"Once a war breaks out in Quanzhou Port, it will inevitably destroy Quanzhou Port. It will not take a year or several years to recover. This will be even more damaging to the lives of Quanzhou people."

"I also hate this Zhang Ji, but he has more than a thousand Quanzhou troops taking orders from him. I really don't want this place to become a river of blood." The emperor said slowly, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Cheng Yaojin said nothing. When the emperor said this, he could naturally understand. ??

The emperor suppressed the anger in his heart and also wanted to keep the Quanzhou port. He naturally admired this broad-mindedness and overall situation.

Is it just this collection, is it really possible to escape like this?

"Sir, further ahead is Huludao!" The Quanzhou Army general pointed in the direction ahead and said to Zhang Ji who was smiling.

It has been two hours since we escaped from Quanzhou Port.

In order to prevent the emperor from sending people to chase

, Zhang Ji deliberately let people wander around the sea for a long time, but he didn't expect that the emperor didn't send anyone over.

Although he found it strange, Zhang Ji didn't take it to heart.

Now that he has left Quanzhou, he has so many Quanzhou Army soldiers under his command.

Huludao even has countless gold and silver treasures.

With these, no matter where he goes, he is still a powerful person.

Now Zhang Ji wants to get the money he left with Ichiro Watanabe as soon as possible, and then leave the Tang Dynasty completely and go to the Japanese country to enjoy the rest of his life.

"Continue to move towards Huludao and tell the soldiers that when they arrive in Japan, I will buy each of them a big house and a beautiful Japanese woman." Zhang Ji turned around and shouted to the officers and soldiers of the Quanzhou Army behind him.

They followed him and abandoned their homes and careers. If there were not enough benefits, Zhang Ji was worried that problems would arise.

"Sir, are we really not going back in the future?"

"But my mother is still here..."

"Brothers, I also want to go back, but we have killed so many Tang Xuanjia troops, and there is only a dead end if we go back."

"As for your relatives, you don't have to worry. I have already sent people to arrange for them, and they will never be found."

"When we settle down, I will send someone to pick them up to reunite with you." Zhang Ji answered the soldiers' questions with a smile.

With Zhang Ji's assurance, the Quanzhou Army soldiers who were still a little worried slowly lost their worries.

Soon the merchant ship slowly saw Huludao ahead.

We also discovered the former Tang Dynasty warship docked outside Huludao.

"Sir, it seems to be the ship of Han Wang Zhao Chen and his companions." The general of the Quanzhou Army frowned and looked ahead with great vigilance.

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