The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1692 Zhang Ji must be captured alive

More than a dozen warships were docked off the coast of Huludao, but there was not a single person on them.

This inevitably made Zhang Ji and others cautious.

It stands to reason that if a war breaks out at sea, it will at least leave some traces.

But now there is nothing, not even those warships.

It was as if everyone had disappeared out of thin air.

"Sir, there is something strange here." The Quanzhou Army general said to Zhang Ji in a low voice.

Zhang Ji nodded slowly, and he also saw the strangeness of coming here.

But no matter how strange it is, he still has to go to the island to retrieve his money.

Otherwise, without money, Zhang Ji would be a dead man. ??

"Find twenty people and ask them to explore the island." Zhang Ji turned around and said to the general of the Quanzhou Army.

The enemy's situation is unknown, so sending people to investigate is the best way.

The Quanzhou Army general waved his hand, and a team of twenty people slid into the sea along the rope, and then swam towards the beach.

When the team of twenty people arrived at the beach, they saw that there seemed to have been a battle here, and there was blood in the sand.

When I looked at the Tang warship behind me, except for the fiercely fluttering flags, there was still no one in sight.

Everyone walked further forward, but still found nothing.

After Zhang Ji couldn't see them on the boat, a long time passed and no one came back.

"Something happened!" Zhang Ji keenly sensed that something happened to those twenty people.

Otherwise, there is no way they could have gone so long without sending any news back.

"Sir, King Han's ship is here, but there is no one there. Could it be that they were all killed by the Japanese rogues from Huludao."

"Just now our people were captured by Japanese rogues." The Quanzhou Army general whispered his thoughts.

Zhang Ji didn't say anything, although he had cooperated with Ichiro Watanabe for a long time.

He also believed in Ichiro Watanabe, but he was still not sure about the situation in front of him.

The ambitious Japanese prodigal might have wanted to embezzle the money he had collected, so he arrested the people he sent to the island.

Of course, there is also a possibility.

That is, Huludao has been occupied by Zhao Chen's people, and Watanabe Ichiro and his Japanese ronin have all become corpses.

But Zhang Ji felt that this was unlikely.

He had already asked Ichiro Watanabe to ambush him on Huludao, and there were many Japanese rogues under Ichiro Watanabe.

Absolutely impossible to defeat.

So Zhang Ji still felt that it was Ichiro Watanabe who was coveting the money he left in Huludao.

"This dog, Ichiro Watanabe, has been raised for a long time, and now it doesn't even recognize its owner, and even wants to take a bite of the owner?" Zhang Ji cursed fiercely, staring at Huludao in front of him.

In fact, I still hope that one or two of the twenty people sent out just now will come back to report the news.

Zhang Ji didn't want anything to happen here again.

But apparently it backfired.

Another hour passed, and not a single person appeared on the beach.

The night had long since fallen, and no shadow could be seen on the sea, only the occasional waves churning out small white spots.

"Sir, would you like to send more people?" the Quanzhou Army general whispered.

It has now been confirmed that there is indeed something going on on Huludao.

Either Watanabe Ichiro and the others want to embezzle Mo Zhangji's money, or Zhao Chen, the king of Han on the island, is waiting for them with his troops.

No matter which one it was, Zhang Ji felt angry from the bottom of his heart.

His money, no one

Can't move.

"Tomorrow morning, everyone will board Huludao. No matter who is on the island, they will be killed without mercy!" Zhang Ji was indeed extremely angry at this moment.

He spent the whole day surrounded by all kinds of thunderous things.

After escaping from death several times, even the emperor couldn't do anything to him, and now he couldn't even deal with a Huludao.

Zhang Ji secretly swore in his heart that no matter who was ambushing him on the island, he would kill them all.

"Yes!" The Quanzhou Army general ordered to retreat.

Looking at the dark Huludao ahead, Zhang Ji only left a dangerous look in his eyes, and then slowly went back to rest.

"Your Highness, the arrested people have been interrogated." On Huludao, Han Chong and Zhao Chen reported the situation of the twenty people captured.

After catching Ichiro Watanabe that day, Zhao Chen already knew that the governor Zhang Ji in Quanzhou City, whom he had never suspected, was the bastard who colluded with the Japanese ronin.

Zhao Chen originally planned to kill all the Japanese ronin on the island, and then return to Quanzhou with the money on Huludao.

But before the matter here was settled, news came from the sea that a dozen merchant ships suddenly appeared offshore.

It looked like he was heading towards Huludao.

Zhao Chen got interested at that time and asked people to ambush on the island. Unexpectedly, the people on the other side were also alert and only sent some scouts.

"What to say!" Zhao Chen leaned on the stone chair.

"They are the Quanzhou Army. According to what they said, they almost intercepted and killed His Majesty..."


"How is your father?" Li Ke jumped up when he heard that the Quanzhou Army outside almost killed the emperor.

Zhao Chen also frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty is fine. Fortunately, the Xuanjia Army arrived in time. After that, Zhang Ji took his people out to sea and came directly here.

, As for why they came here, they didn’t know. "Han Chong hurriedly explained.

Li Ke felt relieved when he heard that the emperor was fine.

He quickly looked at Zhao Chen: "Brother Emperor, this collection should come to Huludao for the money."

"Since he has thrown himself into a trap, we cannot let him go."

"Of course." Zhao Chen nodded slightly, and then said: "I guess Zhang Ji will lead people to the island tomorrow. Li Ke, you lead people to ambush them."

"Be sure to capture Zhang Ji alive."


The next morning.

Suddenly strong winds rose on the sea near Huludao, and dark clouds covered the sun.

It seemed that an extremely powerful storm was about to sweep through.

The officers and soldiers of the Quanzhou Army stood on the merchant ship and looked at the rolling waves, inevitably feeling fear in their hearts.

Zhang Ji stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the still motionless Huludao beach, and could no longer hold back the anger in his heart.

"Kill!" Zhang Ji waved his hand forward.

The officers and soldiers of the Quanzhou Army on the merchant ship rushed towards Huludao Beach along the wooden bridge.

There was still no movement on the beach.

It seems like this is just an empty island.

The leading Quanzhou Army general stopped all the Quanzhou Army soldiers with a wave of his hand.

Then he squatted on the ground and looked at the marks on the ground, thinking about which direction the twenty people went yesterday.

After a while, the Quanzhou Army general stood up and waved his hand toward the northeast: "Charge!"

More than a thousand officers and soldiers of the Quanzhou Army charged on the beach of Huludao with great momentum. Unfortunately, when they came to a hillside of Huludao, they did not see anyone.

Just as the general of the Quanzhou Army was about to move forward, a loud voice suddenly came from behind: "Kill!"

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