The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1694 Get me some more of these things

"A lot of things have happened recently, including gunpowder in Guizhou and Japanese pirates in Quanzhou..."

"I always feel like there is someone behind the scenes..."

Cheng Yaojin didn't dare to accept the emperor's words randomly.

Gunpowder in Guizhou and Japanese pirates in Quanzhou are clearly unrelated things. Why did the emperor say that there was someone behind it?

Did the emperor make any discoveries before?

"came back!"

"came back!"

"Your Majesty, you are back!"

The sky was just getting bright and the emperor had just laid down when he heard someone outside shouting back.

The emperor immediately stood up, opened the door, and saw that Cheng Yaojin had already held down the person who came to report the news.

"But the King of Han is back?" The emperor asked Cheng Yaojin anxiously, waving his hand to let go of the messenger.

"Yes, His Highness the King of Han is back!" The messenger nodded quickly and looked at Cheng Yaojin with some fear.

"Where are the people?"

"Where is he?" When the emperor heard that Zhao Chen was back, his face immediately showed joy, and his sleepiness disappeared instantly.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han is at the port, and they seem to have captured Zhang Ji and the others!" the messenger said excitedly.

"Caught Zhang Ji?"

The emperor and Cheng Yaojin were both stunned together.

They didn't expect that Zhao Chen could catch Zhang Ji. Even if Zhang Ji also went to Huludao, and the Japanese rogues were included, it would be difficult for Zhao Chen to deal with him.

How could he come back so soon and capture Zhang Ji?

"That's right, Your Majesty." The messenger nodded.

"Let's go and have a look!" the emperor said immediately.

Originally, the emperor wanted to wait for Zhao Chen to return to the city before paying homage to him.

But at this moment the emperor himself could not sit still.

He was curious how Zhao Chen caught Zhang Ji so easily.

You know, Zhang Ji has many soldiers and horses under his command.

Even if there is a fight, it won't be so fast.


br\u003e There must be something I haven’t discovered.

"Brother Imperial, someone just came to report that my father has come to Quanzhou."

"And Zhang Ji once held his father hostage when he escaped yesterday." Li Ke ran to Zhao Chen and told Zhao Chen about the news he had just received.

Zhao Chen was slightly stunned, and instantly understood why Zhang Ji kept trying to find ways to die on the way back.

It turned out that he kidnapped the emperor when he left Quanzhou City.

No wonder!

He dared to kidnap the emperor, and now that he is back, the emperor will not be able to cut him into pieces!

Zhao Chen was also curious as to why the emperor came to Quanzhou at this time. He had not received any news before.

"Take Zhang Ji with you." Zhao Chen and Li Ke said.

"Okay." Li Ke nodded.

The two of them didn't walk long before they saw the Xuanjia Army walking towards the emperor surrounded by them.

"Father!" When Li Ke saw the emperor, he hurriedly greeted him and saluted.

The emperor nodded slightly and walked quickly to Zhao Chen: "Good boy, I haven't seen him for such a long time, and he hasn't changed at all."

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Chen held hands with the emperor.

"I heard that you captured Zhang Ji, where is he?" The emperor couldn't wait.

When Zhang Ji escaped yesterday, the emperor was still thinking that he would never be able to take revenge in this life.

I didn't expect to meet again so soon.

Zhao Chen nodded and waved to bring Zhang Ji up.

Zhang Ji was now shackled, and he seemed to be much older.

Seeing the emperor again, Zhang Ji's pupils shrank slightly, and then lowered his eyes, not looking at the emperor.

The emperor stared at Zhang Ji and didn't say a word to Zhang Ji. Instead, he looked at Zhao Chen and said, "Bring Zhang Ji

Leave it to me, I have to vent my anger. "

Although Zhao Chen felt that the emperor's excuse was a bit strange, he didn't take it to heart.

He really didn't want to examine Zhang Ji's matter.

Since the emperor wants to mention someone himself, it saves him the trouble.

"Take good care of the man and don't let him die, otherwise I will not spare him lightly." The emperor turned to Cheng Yaojin and said.

Cheng Yaojin's heart skipped a beat when he said this.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin carrying the man away, the emperor's face showed a smile again.

The emperor himself didn't need to think too much. He also knew that since Zhao Chen could return safely from Huludao, it was obvious that all the Japanese rogues had been wiped out by him.

Seeing that the warships behind were full of prisoners, the smile on the emperor's face grew stronger.

However, he was still curious, facing so many enemies, how could Zhao Chen win so quickly and easily?


"Boy Chen, there are nearly two thousand of them. How did you win?" The emperor pointed at the Quanzhou Army prisoners and looked at Zhao Chen curiously.

"Father, I don't know, but my brother has invented a weapon called the Fire Gun, which can kill the enemy with just one look."

"No matter how good this person is, whether he wears armor or not, he will die instantly!" Li Ke said quickly.

By the way, he took a fire gun from the hands of the Xuanjia Army soldiers.

"Firegun?" The emperor looked confused.

He hadn't seen anything so strange.

"Brother, can I show it to my father?" Li Ke asked Zhao Chen for his opinion.

Li Ke is now like a peacock with its tail spread out, insisting on showing off his tail to the emperor.

"It's up to you." Zhao Chen waved his hand and sat on a chair nearby to rest.

The emperor looked at the fire gun in Li Ke's hand with curiosity.

I doubt the power of this thing.

What do you mean, it doesn't matter how good the person is, whether he wears armor or not.


A powerful weapon, isn't it as powerful as the sky-blasting cannon?

"Father, please watch." Li Ke pointed the barrel of the gun at an unoccupied place.

Aim at a circle-sized bluestone slab in front of you.


A streak of green smoke was accompanied by a loud sound, and the emperor was startled in his heart.

The blue smoke dissipated, and the intact bluestone slab in front of the emperor had now been broken into dozens of small stones.

Some of them even broke into stone foam.

Such power?

Isn't this much more powerful than the crossbow vehicle developed by Zhao Chen?

And this thing smells like gunpowder.

Isn't this something like a sky-blasting cannon?

It can also be made like this, looking like a stick.

And it’s so powerful.

If this weapon were to be equipped on the Tang army, it would only require 10,000 people, no, 3,000 people.

Three thousand people are enough.

Facing the enemy on the opposite side round after round, what army can withstand it?

Even the bluestone has been beaten into powder, what kind of armor can withstand it?


So cool!

Damn it, you have to get this thing in your hands quickly!

Little bastard, good things are hidden so deep.

I thought that the sky-blasting cannon was already the limit for this kid.

I didn’t expect that.

Without saying a word, I got a more powerful one.

"Good boy!"

"Good boy!"

"I really saw the right person!" The emperor's face was filled with joy, and he snatched the blunderbuss from Li Ke's hand into his own hand.

Then he walked to Zhao Chen, patted Zhao Chen on the shoulder, and said expectantly: "Boy Chen, please get me some more of these things."

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