The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1695 There’s nothing to say

The Qianzhou Army escorted the captured Quanzhou Army soldiers back to the city, and Zhang Ji's crimes were soon made public.

The emperor held the firecracker he snatched from Li Ke's hand and couldn't put it down. He played with it again and again in his yard.

The emperor wanted to know how Zhao Chen came up with such a powerful weapon.

Although the Sky-Hunting Cannon was very good in the past, it is now regarded as a treasure by him, Old Li Tou.

But compared with the fire gun in front of me, there is still some gap.

The sky-blasting cannon has a large damage range, but is difficult to carry. It can't be compared to this fire blunderbuss, as long as a soldier can use it easily.

Moreover, as long as this thing is used in groups, the enemies that rush over during the battle will be completely massacred.

If such powerful weapons could be fully equipped in the hands of all Tang soldiers, Old Li would never dare to imagine the combat effectiveness of the Tang army.

Holding the blunderbuss in his hand, the emperor carefully read every detail again. .??.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin walked into the courtyard, raised his hands to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, Zhang Ji has made arrangements and can interrogate at any time."

Cheng Yaojin felt a little confused.

Zhang Ji's problem could be interrogated by anyone, but the emperor actually said that he would do it himself.

The matter was obviously clear, but the emperor's sudden operation made Cheng Yaojin a little confused.

"I understand." The look on the emperor's face suddenly darkened, and then he carefully wrapped the gun in a yellow handkerchief. Just as he was about to interrogate Zhang Ji, he saw Zhao Chen slowly coming from outside.

"Why are you here?" Old Li Tou was a little confused when he saw Zhao Chen, and waved his hand to signal Cheng Yaojin to go ahead.

"Come here to discuss something with you." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

"What are we discussing?" The emperor couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

Zhao Chen would never talk to him like this in the past.

Discussing things?


The boy has never discussed this with himself before.

"I'm going to visit the Japanese country." Zhao Chen said, leaving the emperor stunned.

Zhao Chen went to Japan?

The emperor couldn't figure out the reason.

"Why are you going to Japan so well?" the emperor asked tentatively.

"The leader of the Japanese ronin, Watanabe Ichiro, told me that these ronin exiled by the Japanese country were actually arranged behind the Japanese country's back."

"Just to harass me, Tang Dynasty An Ning."

"Because of emotions and reasons, I thought I had to visit the Japanese country." Zhao Chen explained.

Watanabe Ichiro told Zhao Chen that it was unclear who the emperor was.

But it is obvious that Zhao Chen is preparing to go to Japan.

The emperor disagreed in his heart.

Regardless of whether the Japanese country secretly instructed these Japanese rogues to deal with the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Chen went to the Japanese country personally. After all, it was a foreign country. What should he do if anything happened?

If the Japanese state did not instruct the Japanese rogues to deal with the Tang Dynasty, the Japanese state would call itself its younger brother in front of the Tang Dynasty.

It is morally untenable to deal with the Japanese.

What's more serious, once the Japanese country really instructs the Japanese rogues to invade the Tang Dynasty, wouldn't it be very dangerous if Zhao Chen went to the Japanese country and exposed his intentions?

The emperor would rather Zhao Chen stay in Chang'an, farm various fields when he has nothing to do, and buy some powerful weapons for himself, rather than take risks in the Japanese country.

"I don't agree." The emperor immediately rejected Zhao Chen's idea.

Within the territory of the Tang Dynasty, as the emperor, he could more or less deter those with ulterior motives, but if he went to the Japanese country, it would be hard to say.

Have you ever seen the emperor so determined?

Jue, Zhao Chen also understood the emperor's worries in his heart.

But that Japanese country, Zhao Chen wanted to deal with him from the bottom of his heart.

"Boy Chen, I will never agree to this matter." The emperor emphasized his attitude again.

And his eyes were staring straight at Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen smiled bitterly and nodded. He knew that the emperor was a bastard eating weights, and he was determined not to let him go to the Japanese country.

However, if you want to clean up the Japanese country, you don't have to do it yourself.

"Forget it." Zhao Chen left two words, turned around and left.

When the emperor heard what Zhao Chen said, he was not dissatisfied. On the contrary, Zhao Chen gave up the idea of ​​going to Japan. The emperor was very happy and relieved.

Seeing Zhao Chen leaving, the emperor remembered that he was going to interrogate Zhang Ji, turned around and walked towards the Quanzhou Mansion Prison.

Zhang Ji has been locked up in Quanzhou Prefecture Prison for several days.

Although Zhang Ji had never been abused by the jailer, he knew that his life was only for a few days.

It's not that Zhang Ji never thought of committing suicide, but the guards in the prison were staring at him all the time.

Even if they go on a hunger strike, they will be forced into it by these jailers.

Zhang Ji wanted to bite his tongue, but the jailer knocked out all his teeth.

Today, Zhang Ji is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, and he no longer has the glory of the past.

"Zhang Ji, come out!" The jailer's voice brought Zhang Ji back to his senses. When he saw the jailer walking into the prison with shackles, Zhang Ji suddenly became nervous.

He knew why the emperor had not killed him until now.

It's nothing more than asking something from his own mouth.

I have been in Quanzhou for so many years, but Quanzhou has been invaded by Japanese rogues. It is inevitable that no Quanzhou people will go to Chang'an to complain.

Can grow

An Chaoting had never even heard of this matter.

Therefore, the emperor determined that Zhang Ji must be protected by someone in Chang'an.

Zhang Ji was put in shackles and pushed out of the prison. When he came to the torture room, he saw only the emperor sitting in front of him.

"Sit down." The emperor waved his hand and motioned for Zhang Ji to sit down.

At this point, Zhang Ji had nothing to worry about and sat down on the stool.

"You all get out, no one is allowed to come near." The emperor said to the jailer on the side.

The jailer surrendered and left, leaving only the emperor and Zhang Ji in the torture room.

"Zhang Ji, I'm here to interrogate you personally. You must know the reason in your heart. I don't want to waste time telling the people behind you. I can let you live." The emperor's voice sounded.

However, Zhang Ji was stunned.

Of course he would not doubt the emperor's promise, but the emperor underestimated himself a little.

Tell the person behind it?

Are you one of those waiting to turn your back on the Lord in order to survive?

"How could His Majesty the Emperor have such an idea? It was just a temporary obsession that led to such trouble."

"My crime is so heinous that I cannot escape the death penalty. There is nothing to say."

"As for the person behind what your Majesty said, I really don't know." Zhang Ji shook his head, looking completely unaware.

The emperor frowned, knowing that Zhang Ji was playing dumb with him.

But to be honest, he didn't have any clues about the person behind Zhang Ji.

"Zhang Ji, I am giving you a chance!" the emperor said coldly.

"His Majesty the Emperor is willing to give me a chance, I should be grateful, but how can I talk nonsense about something that I don't have."

"Is it possible that your Majesty also believes that the person behind the scenes is His Highness the King of Han?"

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